Shadows Fall
« The War Within »
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01 | The Light That Blinds
 | 02 | Enlightened by the Cold
 | 03 | Act of Contrition
 | 04 | What Drives the Weak
 | 05 | Stillness
 | 06 | Inspiration on Demand
 | 07 | The Power of I And I
 | 08 | Ghosts of Past Failure
 | 09 | Eternity is Within
 | 10 | Those Who Can Not Speak |
   Brian Fair - vocals
Matthew Bachand - guitars
Jonathan Donais - guitars
Paul Rpmanko - bass
Jasen Bittner - drums |
Engineered/Mixed/Produced by Zeuss at Planet Z in Hadley, MA
Mastered by: Alan Douchess at West West Side Music in Tenaffy, NJ
Backing vocals Admiral Anger & The Gang Bang BBQ Crew
Cover art, art direction, design & layout by Tom Bejgrowicz
All photography and digital manipulation by Justin Borucki
“SF” logo by Don Naylor for EVR
Themes & concepts Brian Fair & Justin Borucki
All music written by Shadows Fall
All lyrics by Brian Fair |
 | 1. The Light That Blinds
A crack forms in the foundation
Fault line through your defenses
Illuminating the essence
Once clouded by a myth
Store bought conformity
Force-fed duality, I warp reality
The comfort that you will find,
As you remain hidden.
The light betrays,
casting your tr |
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 Этот альбом Shadows Fall был продан тиражом более 200 тысяч копий в Америке за год, что, несомненно, можно расценить как огромный успех и удачу. Успешные продажи еще не делают интересным сам диск, да и вкус у заокеанской публике совсем не похож на предпочтения европейцев, но в случае с “The War Within” успех был и на европейском рынке. Продолжая тенденцию смешения мелодик дэта, трэша и ню метала, на новом диске Shadows Fall сумели продвинуться вперед и отточить свое мастерство: песни приобрели большую осмысленность, пару вещей и вовсе можно назвать хитами. Мелодии в целом неплохие и единственное, что не хватает группе, так это большего разнообразия – по-прежнему большинство номеров диска похожи друг на друга и теряются на протяжении альбома. Добавив чуть больше агрессивности и мелодичности в свои вещи, следующий альбом этих американцев имеет все шансы стать еще большим хитом и меня нисколько не удивит такое развитие событий, а пока советовать его всем поклонникам модного мелодик дэт/трэша я бы не рискнул – все таки “The War Within” не так идеален, как хотелось бы и имеет ряд недостатков. Диск содержит мультимедиа секцию, содержащую wallpapers, фотографии группы и небольшую информацию об истории команды. Так же если постараться, то можно приобрести диск в виде лимитированного издания, содержащего помимо альбома еще и бонусный двд с концертом и нескольким клипами, по традиции оформленный не так, как регулярное издание. (Диск предоставлен компанией Фоно) |
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просмотров: 9683 |
They remain blinded.
As Vanity possesses me
I am further away
Gripped by a belief in empty words
Driven by a need to prove
The shell may wither
But the fire burns eternal
You hide behind
The light that blinds
Will never find
What burns inside
You remain blind
Behind the light
2. Enlightened By The Cold
When you never know
Is when it's always there,
It seemed so clear...
The slightest touch
To catch the breath,
It turns it all around
Single path that I can see,
Emptiness devours me
Enlightened by the cold.
It overcomes the torment.
(What if I could bring you back?)
Enlightened by the cold
Enough to burn through walls
Built on anguish
Can I be revived?
Let it hit with force
Strong enough to blind.
The numbness heals.
My worth is only defined
By the next disaster
3. Act Of Contrition
Feel the cold hands upon me
Recollection of my betrayal
My betrayal!
It is not the pain inside yourself
That tears the deepest wounds
I drift along suspended in shadows
Cold memories escape the haze
With sobriety comes recollection
It is not the pain inside yourself
That tears the deepest wounds
It is the pain that you create
That consumes your very soul
A specter of despair
Built on good intentions
It is not the pain inside yourself
That tears the deepest wounds
It is the pain that you create
That shreds your very soul
4. What Drives The Weak
This time released security
Controlled dose of tranquility
Forgetfulness washes over me
Put to rest the voices of insanity
Only the sinners remain
As another night
Becomes a yesterday
Come on! Anesthetize the panic
It is what drives the weak
You're gone! Anesthetize the panic
Putting all uncertainties to sleep
Not an altered state of mind
But a safer place in an unsafe world
Within the nearness of death
Rapture in the skip of a heartbeat
5. Stillness
Impermanence is always swift
Treasures of this world are fleeting
Our eyes blinded from the gift
Within the way there lies the meaning
All natures are pure
All appearances are empty
Shrouded in sensation and delusion
Consumed within unknowns
Shrouded in sensation and delusion
All will collapse and fall
All wisdom is treasured
All wealth is a shadow
Inexpressible in words
Embrace the stillness
Enless source, Eternal bliss
Absence of the mind is liberation
6. Inspiration On Demand
Where has it all gone?
Have all of the words escaped?
Inspiration on demand
Emotions all displaced
'And I will wander endlessly
Seeking all the answers that I let slip
through my fingers.
I will wander endlessly
Seeking all the answers that
I let slip and fall away.'
Turn it all around
It melts into sound
(unfolding... ever growing)
Torn from my rest
Though I still fight to stay.
The images dissolve
As the day invades
A second to react
The mind too slow to act
(unfolding... ever growing)
Drown the voices of restraint
Make them choke to silence
Incinerate the ropes
And embrace the hope
(unfolding... ever growing)
Splintering the doors
Free the mind to soar
(unfolding... ever growing)
Turn it all around
It melts into sound
7. The Power Of I And I
We are given the gift of creation!
We are given
All of the light
And purity of the universe
We are the ones
Who will create
The snarling beasts of human nature
The world withing myself
The power of I and I
True piece of mind
Is not bestowed
Upon us by the heavens.
The evils of man
Are spawned within
The confusion of our own mind.
Hiding the purity that flows
From the root of which we rose
8. Ghosts Of Past Failures
The ghosts of past failures
Facing the reality
Of our own imperfections
The waves crash without warning
Overwhelmed and short of breath
Never able to escape
The bloodstains upon your hands
I AM! Still bleeding you
From wounds you've never known
I AM! Still bleeding you
From wounds you've never known
The core of our being
Torn out and cast aside
I never looked this far away
Never saw what lies ahead
In the midst of false comfort
The scars were hidden but never healed
9. Eternity Is Within
Man has programmed himself to die
A death wish has been ingrained
Almost with our first breath
We are taught to expect our last
Science has done its best to choke off
The true instincts of mankind
Death is impatient and thoughtless
Mortality is a disease of the mind
Embrace the gifts before you
Paradise is underfoot
Eternity is within
Lost site of the bounty before us
Boundless resource of pleasure and plenty
Living for an intangible
In a future clouded with doubt
One step forward is one step
deeper into the grave
Breathe... breath of life
10. Those Who Cannot Speak
Scream out against the glass
The sound reflected unable to escape
Desperate to connect
Lashing out at words that fail to appear
Bound In Silence
The Failure Of Sound (never learned)
Instinct urges on
As the mind creates its own obstacles
Waging internal war
Between the objects and the abstract
Eloquence of the inner voice
The poetry of the condemned
A stream of consciousness
Never to be understood