 Queensryche как классика прогрессива – явление весьма достойное на рок сцене. Queensryche же, как современный представитель прогрессивной музыки – явление весьма спорное, а для многих даже и разочаровывающее. Та музыка, которую группа стала исполнять на своём позднем этапе творчества, как-то совершенно не вяжется с материалом восьмидесятых годов, носившем легендарный и культовый характер. Вторая «операция против разума» должна была поднять статус команды в глазах её былых поклонников и очевидно стать ещё одним громким прорывом. Что ж, музыканты меня удивили, но свою задачу так и не выполнили. Действительно музыка на альбоме – это классический прогрессив метал в духе восьмидесятых годов, с частым влиянием хард рока и хеви метала, но с альбомом 1988 года данное творение не то что не сравнится, а даже близко не встанет! Однако, нужно отдать должное музыкантам – они вернулись к корням, заиграли действительно серьёзную музыку, Джефф Тейт снова запел сильно и мощно. Но стоило ли это всё того чтобы создать альбом, на котором и песен-то цепляющих нет? Конечно, не каждый способен на сочинение хитов, но в нашем случае ребята не придумали даже мало-мальски запоминающихся песенок. Участие в альбоме Ронни Джеймса Дио, несомненно, похвально, но своих плодов не дало: вещь, где он засветился (композиция "The Chase") - настолько блекла, что даже не стоит внимания легендарного изобретателя металической «козы». Из положительных моментов отмечу отменное качество записи, парочку приятных проходов в духе Iron Maiden и Led Zeppelin, а также ни с чем не сравнимый собственный стиль банды. И вот надо же: в самом конце пластинки находится замечательная, сродни старой классике, композиция «Fear City Slide» - впервые за столько лет Queensryche создали настоящий шедевр! В итоге, я остаюсь глубоко разочарованным от новой работы американцев, но всё же не жалею о прослушивании этой качественной, однако всё-таки слабой работы… |
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Что же, мальчики и девочки, у меня нет для вас приятных вестей - вторая часть «Операция: преступление против разума» некогда славной команды Queensryche представляет собой полнейший провал.
Эмоции - штука хорошая. Но крайне субъективная. Поэтому постараюсь все-таки придерживаться объективной точки зрения. Чем «Операция-2» отличается от «Операции-1»? Тем, что здесь нет той энергии, тех заводных, искрящихся мелодий, бодрых риффов и соло, черт подери! Здесь какое-то сонное царство. Болото... фиг с ним, с креативом, с самого начала было ясно, что себя они вряд ли переплюнут, ну так может хоть грамотно, с воодушевлением переиграют классику, чтобы за свои былые заслуги обидно не было. Эх, Крис деГармо, на кого ты нас покинул?!
Потом, хотя это и совсем не самое главное, это никакой не метал. Это на «Оп-1» был метал, очень такой из себя заводной, интересный, навороченный, если не сказать новаторский, с привлечением оркестра, вокалов, и учитывая концептуальную лирику, его вполне законно нарекли прогрессивным. А тут - хард-рок. С некоторым, мало-мальским прогрессивным душком. И был бы это не самый хреновый, возможно, прог-хард с претензией на нечто большее, если бы не сами знаете что. А именно, если бы не первая часть мощного «Оп-1», который, как писал рок-энциклопедист Меньшиков, был самым важным в проге и прог-метале событием 1988-го года - на одной полке с «Them» от King Diamond.
И вот я шел по льду, фигея, грустя, а в наушниках все булькало, шипело, шкворчало и кричало, как вдруг раздался сильный прекрасный голос и пошел драйв! Что же это такое? А, это запел приглашенный Дио и всем дал в пятак! Порадовал, дядя! Останься! Нет, Ронни Джэймс, покоритель эльфов, волков, и драконов исчез, и Тэйт продолжил пилить мне мозги... хотя нет, уж лучше бы он действительно пилил, а то вылилась на меня бочка с дегтем, и мои мозги стали пухнуть круче прежнего. Затем пошли какие-то женские сопли и Тэйт совсем увял, и стал петь про любовь-морковь. То есть, он и раньше про нее пел, но теперь, когда Никки подыхает и всех прощает, некогда великолепный Джефф взял да и запорол все оставшиеся тлеющие надежды на то, что пластиночку еще как то вытянут.
Должен заметить, что Тэйт - просто жуть. Чем он занимался все эти годы? Кристал-метамфетамин курил? Чего у него с голосом? Да, все стареют, а ты пойди, послушай, как Дио поет! Это ж просто сказка!
Про лирику пишу в конце. Потому что музыке - важнее. Но на концепт-альбоме лирика - тоже не самое последнее дело. Так вот и здесь ребята не на ту лошадку сели. Главный герой всей истории, Ники, отсидел свой срок в тюрьме за то, что работал на террористическую организацию (что отражено в событиях «Операции-1»), и теперь возвращается, чтобы отомстить Доктору Экс, который толкал его на преступления, а сам отсиживался в тени. Помимо всего прочего, по идее Никки должен был убить свою подружку Мэри, так как она слишком много знала о его действиях, и каким-то образом, но видно без пособничества Никки, Мэри все же погибает. Это тоже нужно было доктору припомнить. Поэтому когда голос Мэри (спетый, по-видимому, другой певицей) появляется там и сям, по мере прослушивания, выпадаешь в осадок. Откуда? Каким образом? И как погибает Никки? Сам себя от недостатка сил? Конечно, тот факт, что над текстами пластинки задумываешься, есть хороший показатель. Но это далеко не всегда суть позитив, если по прочтении истории остаешься в недоумении, и остается лишь додумывать. Может, на то и расчет был? Возможно. Но уж слишком много сумятицы, никуда не ведущей энергии, и невозможно отделаться от мысли, что блефуют, сознавая, что некуда, ровным счетом некуда им идти, и придумывают материал походя.
До меня тут написали, что вот хорошо, что Queensryche вернулись к своим прог-рок корням, а я спрошу: на какого черта лысого нужно вот такое возвращение?! Это просто свинство - может их теперь называть Свинзрайк?!
P.S. Попытался дать альбому еще один шанс и послушать его в новом качестве – на «Mindcrime at the Moore», где ребята устроили нечто. А именно – сыграли первую и вторую части одну за другой. Это, конечно, достижение, заслуживающее уважения, хотя бы как факт высокого профессионализма. Но изменить мнение о второй «Операции» к лучшему - не удалось, из-за немедленного сравнения с первой. Видно, так тому и быть. |
San Quentin to the edge of the Big Town.
I'm a man of the people,
in the home of the brave, and I'm no man's slave.
Because I'm free,
I deserve everything I can get.
I'm American.
I'm American.
If you voted for the man you're wasting time.
He's got his fingers dipped in everyone's pie.
The news can't wait to promote
all the bullshit this government is selling.
I've got this plan in motion, countdown.
Assassinate, terminate, smack down.
There's a war in my head and it needs to be said.
If they think they can take me they're dead.
Because I'm free,
I deserve everything I can get.
And I'll get everything I can get.
I'm American.
I'm American.
What do you believe in?
What are you living for?
Do you want what they're selling you,
another television war?
I can't stop! I feel I gotta have more!
That's right, more!
I want more!
Because I'm free,
I deserve everything I can get.
I'm American.
I'm American.
Because I'm free,
And I'll get everything I can get.
I'm American.
I'm American.
Are you free?
You deserve everything you can get.
I'm American.
I'm American.
Yeah I'm free,
I deserve everything I can get.
I'm American.
I'm American.
One Foot In Hell
Back streets... oh hell, back where I started from
there's not a thing... but you.
When they took you, when they took you from me and left you bleeding on that concrete floor.
One man's obsession is another man's trash,
and Mary was more than a whore.
And every day I breathe I remember more.
I've become something you wouldn't believe!
I've got this number burned in my brain,
a walking nightmare, only slightly insane.
They tried to take my fight, almost took my life.
They took my truth from me.
But when they left me, they didn't know me, 'cause I'm like a lion that's about to roar.
Mistakes you make, you take to your grave.
And now I'm gonna even the score.
And every day I live I remember more.
I ain't got nothing to sell,
but it's time to pay attention,
I'm back with one foot in hell.
I'm back.
There's nothing left but memories here
of something that I didn't begin with.
You wanted to believe in something
until the end.
Yeah I'm like a ghost back from the dead.
I need revenge. Gonna have his head.
I'm gonna finish this and X marks the spot.
I'm gonna find him give him all that I got.
And every day I breathe I remember more.
I ain't coming at you with something to sell,
but you better believe,
I'm back with one foot in hell.
I'm back.
Culture hostage.
I'm writhing in the cold grasp of justice,
as she turns away.
Blind is she supposed to be but,
someone took a razor to her mask.
Rusted now the scales you hold,
the balance tipped by the weight of gold.
When will it end?
When will it ever end?
The judgment man holds my fate,
as I beg forgiveness with the
plastic smile of a candidate.
They take for granted that I'm out of my mind and they're wasting their time to care.
So all my reasons are damned before they're heard.
I'm held hostage by their words.
What will lead us to tolerance
if we don't question our prejudice?
Courage is such a lonely word,
patience, in time these truths will be known.
Please, don't keep looking away.
You see fortunes are on line, reputations at risk, and there's fear in the hearts of all of you
that believe that you're right,
and that's your right.
But are you... right?
The judgment man holds my fate,
as I gaze around the room,
their eyes are like knives, could decapitate.
They take for granted that I'm out of my mind and I'm wasting their time, don't show, don't show me
my fate.
Reasons are damned, can't understand.
If I fall to pieces they'll know...
he's out of his mind and he's wasting our time, we know. As I sense my fate...
His reasons be damned, can't understand him.
... and now all my reasons are damned before they're heard. I'm held hostage by their words.
I'm a hostage.
The Hands
When I'm lost... I find a way.
I hear voices. I feel them surround me,
pull me from the edge.
I close my eyes and....
my luck keeps holding strong,
even when the boot comes down.
Waiting for the revolution but there's no one around except the... hands out of nowhere, saving me
There's always something there watching out for me,
if I'm suffocating, it gives me air.
Finally now I remember,
but where I'm going now, I'm not sure.
Only one thing matters much to me anymore.
I'm looking for you.
Can you imagine? You can't think.
You won't find a way this time to frighten me.
You're running scared, now, always looking
over your shoulder for a place where
you don't see my face.
But my luck keeps holding so strong,
even with the state I'm in.
I'm like a revolution of one, even when I stumble I win.
Because there's hands out of nowhere, saving me again.
There's always something there, watching out for me.
When I'm suffocating, it gives me air.
I'm like a cat with only a few lives left
and I'm crawling through the shadows.
Watching my back waiting for the attack that I know is
coming... I feel it's near.
Speed Of Light
Wonder where'd the time go?
There it was, gone in the blink of an eye.
See how much life is left
staring back in my face?
But I know it now as clear as,
clear as a window.
Never thought this day would come,
I never thought I'd see.
half my life is gone.
Thought I'd never live to see...
Never thought this day would come...
I never thought I'd see half my life is gone
Thought I'd never live to be... much of anything.
Everything moves faster now.
We're living at the speed of light.
I stand here fascinated,
watching as it all goes by.
Maybe I should live what's left... like it was my last.
Never thought this day would come...
I never thought I'd see half my life is gone.
I'd never live to see...
Never thought this day would come...
I never thought I'd see half my life is gone
I'd never live to be... much of anything.
Everything moves faster now.
Where are you now?
Feeling small.
Can't live without it?
You call this your best?
I made my life a mess.
And everyone but you sees it.
What a fool.
What are you gonna do,
make more excuses?
"Don't worry,
I'll kill the bastard!"
Signs Say Go
Imagine if you will, what it means...
this worthless life.
Tried my best to the scratch the surface
got bloody broken fingernails.
Convincing stories of achievement, lies.
All expectations smashed, never could comply.
Generations come and go.
And what will I be, the failure they see here?
Now, I can't remember!
All the signs say...go!
Would I surrender?
To try to save your soul?
I can't remember!
All the signs say...go!
I'll never surrender!
Time for heads to roll!
Do you think I've got to have
some good reason?
The question stands,
how does he keep getting into my head?
I know I'll never see.
I've got to get free.
No matter what's said,
I'd rather see him dead!
You might be wondering why...
I can't take any more?
I can't take any more.
I'll tear him down! I'm gonna tear him down!
I've been called so many things
Now what do you see?
A failure dares to dream?
Now, I can't remember!
All the signs say...go!
Would I surrender?
To try to save your soul?
I can't remember!
All the signs say...go!
I'll never surrender!
Time for heads to roll!
Re-Arrange You
Last time, missed my chance but never again.
The further away you slip, the more I'll dig in.
All things come around again
and this time I'll be ready and waiting.
You can't imagine dedication
that I now possess.
There's no one left to save you.
Where you run I will follow.
I'll step by step re-arrange you.
There's nowhere to hide.
You'll never see me coming but
you'll feel the fear from my shadow.
With intensity, yeah, you'll bleed.
Before it's over you'll age ten years older.
Time flows like a river... deep.
I'm going to take you down.
There's no one left to save you.
Where you run I will follow.
I'll step by step re-arrange you.
There's nowhere to hide.
They say let the world change you
and you can change the world.
They'll bit by bit re-arrange you.
I can't change the world.
It's taken me years to get to this place.
I found you hiding inside a persona
you built from my pain.
Fortune has finally come and
vengeance is mine I've won.
I'll take the world now by storm.
Do I let the world change me?
Do I lead or follow?
They'll step by step re-arrange me.
Let them all try!
If I let the world change me,
step by step re-arrange me.
If I focus on tomorrow,
maybe I could change the world!
The Chase
You think you're smart, inventive
because you've figured out my game?
Pride is a handy substitute,
when you've got only yourself to blame.
All my dreams I've realized while you... were indisposed.
While you've spent eighteen years watching TV,
I've watched my fortune grow.
Here I am-I'm finally on the outside and
You're nowhere near where I've been!
I've got you where I want you... at last.
You've got no idea who I am!
We circle around each other waiting for reaction
We circle around each other waiting for reaction
wanting satisfaction for the past.
I want nothing... from the past.
Always been so easy you're like a puppet on my string,
throwing down hollow threats, unsure of what to think.
Why should I care?
You wouldn't dare!
You're nothing but worthless... I swear.
From where I stand I've got you where I want you.
You'll never take me! Never take me down!
I've seen all I need to put you in the ground
Revenge is normal, a typical reaction
I've seen your cynical reaction...
if you're standing outside of in.
always on the outside of in.
Here we are at last facing oblivion...
And this is where finally it ends.
You don't belong here.
holding fast to each of our sins.
With hope by my side, I'll survive to see the dawn.
Believe me or not... you owe me.
I owe you nothing!
I gave your life a purpose!
I owe you nothing but your death!
Without me you wouldn't have learned a thing!
A Murderer?
Lost my faith in humanity
and I don't trust in society
I'm numb, cold, ready.
No one else dies today...
What did you do?
I don't remember...
They say I'm a murderer!
God must be dead because I'm still free.
No religion holds me... am I the killer?
No one else dies today...
What did you do?
I'm the revenger,
No! I'm the revenger!
No I'm the... black hand of death!
Sixty-five hundred days...
I'm feeling good for the first time in years.
Your miserable life is in my hands.
What would you do?
Kill him!
Does this signal an ending or another dream just beginning? Are his actions worth forgiving?
No more pain! Revenge!
Haven't you enough?
The dog is on his knees!
Does this signal an ending or another dream just beginning?
Is revenge worth any price?
Tell me what's right?
He wants more life!
You want more life?
Is this my victory?
Am I?
Stay down on your knees
and explain it to me one more time.
What gives you the right?
You took away my life...!
and left me with nothing, nothing.
This is like what I dreamed...
it seems like a good day to die.
And so it ends. And now what?
I walk around in circles, up all night.
I wish there was something in my life that turned out right.
I'm waiting here for reasons that used to be clear.
What I thought I needed so bad was always here...
If I Could Change It All
She said, "Baby, where you been?
Why'd you have to leave me?
I'm on the other side... just looking in."
I've been so high; I climbed to the mountaintop,
looked at myself and...
I'd tell you anything you want to hear.
And I'd desert you when I'm through.
I'd say anything because true love
don't mean a thing to a man, who's not a man, but a fool.
Look at me!
You're a model of efficiency.
I'm always doing what he tells me.
How can you change it now?
I'm always looking for it down deep inside,
I thought that this would change my life.
Have you found out?
I remember more...
Can you change?
I can change.
For years he must have cried a river of tears.
In his dreams he saw himself... a dying man
drawing figures, arrows in the sand.
Mmm, I don't think he understands.
Never thought that it would last forever.
One glance back... there's nothing much to say.
He watched as it all began spinning further and further from the truth.
And nothing really matters, when your heart doesn't lead the way.
An Intentional Confrontation
Where are you now?
Feeling small.
Can't live without it?
You call this your best?
I made my life a mess.
And everyone but you sees it.
What a fool.
What are you gonna do,
make more excuses?
Why don't you tie it off?
Hang myself?
End your pathetic little life!
What is your life worth now?
Is this what you pictured for yourself?
Do you understand anything?
You're not there yet.
You're not anywhere yet.
Am I closer?
Go back to your mountain.
A Junkie's Blues
I still have questions with no answers.
I'm alive... but I'm not living.
I don't have much time left... I just know this:
I've lived a violent life.
I might as well be dead.
I just want to sleep... forever
and forget...
It's more than physical, love unconditional.
Everything else is like a Band-Aid.
Everything will be alright.
So you cover your bleeding wounds,
so the dogs won't smell you coming.
There may be time... and
... everything will work out fine.
But what if it never changes?
And what if I wasn't to blame?
And what if it never gets any better... than this?
Everything will be alright.
What if I wasn't to blame?
And what if I could change?
Yeah, what if I could change?
Everything will work out fine.
What if you're only...?
What if I'm only insane?
Fear City Slide
I feel like I'm rising,
as everything falls away.
I feel old like the cold wind
blowing outside today.
Got my finger on the trigger and no one cares.
When they find me face down in the river
will they just leave me there?
Hang on, don't let go!
Just hang on! Don't let go!
Come on, come on
gotta take a ride,
Fear City slide.
Last chance @ suicide.
Come on, come on
leave your head outside,
you've built a lie.
Last chance @ suicide.
Come on, come on
let's take a ride!
Last chance @ suicide.
Will anyone remember?
Will they learn from my mistakes?
Sometimes it takes a lifetime of pain to change.
I'm closing on the edge here and you've heard it all before...
but what good did any of my life bring?
What was it really for?
Hang on don't let go!
Just hang on and don't let go!
Come on, come on
gotta take a ride,
Fear City slide.
Last chance @ suicide.
Come on, come on
leave your head outside,
you've lived a lie.
Last chance @ suicide.
Come on, come on
let's take a ride!
Last chance @ suicide.
Take me to the top of the sky... and
let me look down...
the long mile down.
When will the darkness end?
Hang on, don't let go!
Just hang on and don't let go!
Come on, come on
gotta take a ride,
Fear City slide.
Last chance @ suicide.
Come on, come on
leave your head outside,
you've lived a lie.
Last chance @ suicide.
Come on, come on
let's take a ride!
Last chance @ suicide.
All The Promises
Is there some other way out of here?
Somewhere I could find myself?
Can't sleep enough, can't stay high.
All the promises... just another lie.
I've always been afraid except...
in the moments that I loved you.
The only time I felt strong
was when you stood next to me.
I could make a stand if...
I could hold your hand again...
The road I've traveled is the hard way down,
always playing another man's fool.
They offered a way inside
with the promise of forgiveness. It's a lie.
Could you forgive what I've done?
We had it all, but couldn't see anything,
the blind leading the blind
through the darkest night.
When you said you loved me
it made me feel alive.
When you said you loved me it made me feel...
like I could fly.
I've always lived afraid except...
in the moments that I loved you.
The only time I felt strong was when you stood next to me.
I could make a stand if...
I could hold your hand again.
We had it all, but couldn't see anything,
the blind leading the blind through
the darkest of nights.
When you said you loved me it made me feel alive.
When you said you loved me
it made me feel... like I could fly.
I've always been afraid except in the moments