 Мода на пауэр, судя по всему, не думает сдавать обороты, так как группы подобной направленности множатся, как дрожжи в теплый день. Несмотря на то, что Forgotten Tales родом аж из Канады, играют они так называемый «европауэр», то есть мелодично-скоростное его ответвление. Причем играют, надо отметить, весьма недурно: хорошо поставленный сильный женский вокал, симпатичные мелодии, неплохая игра музыкантов. Ближайшим аналогом Forgotten Tales являются, пожалуй, Dark Moor в старом составе (с Элизой Мартин на вокале), с той лишь разницей, что вокал Сони Пино гораздо сильнее и глубже. Главной же проблемой диска я бы назвала его абсолютную вторичность. Эта группа принадлежит к числу тех, кого можно с удовольствием послушать, но уже через несколько часов совершенно забыть. Хорошие середнячки, не хватающие звезд с неба, но и не занимающиеся откровенным копированием. Мировой славы с таким материалом им, конечно же, не снискать, но свою аудиторию ребята, безусловно, найдут. (Диск предоставлен компанией Musica Productions) |
Ground is shaking all around
All creatures fleeing away
Are they here to capture or kill me?
I must find a place i won't be found
Oh no...
Find a place...
I won't be found
What do they want from me?
Is there a price on my head?
How did i become so harmful?
Why not just let me be?
I am just the Lady of the forest
Healing all the wounds of men
Consider this as my quest
I am just the lady...
I'm the lady of the forest
Now i can hear them, they are near
There's no escape, I'm in fear
I can see them through the dust
And i realize, realise I am lost
The chase has now begun
I feel like a fox on the run
Dear mother nature please protect me
I will give my life for thee...for thee...
I will give...my life for you
I am just... Of the forest...
The lady...
Lady of the forest
3. All The Sinners
Surrender, you sinners
We'll purify you hearts
So demons will return
Where corrupted souls burn
Around the castle, dogs are out
Villagers hiding in terror
Every door and window is blocked
The witchunt has begun
Verifying each and everyone
For traces of evil
No magic allowed, said the queen
Or burn at the stake you will
Surrender, you sinners
We'll purify your hearts
Around the castle, dogs are out
Innocent people are in danger
Soothsayer, illusionist, healer
Whoever you are, don't resist
Wherever you go they'll find you
Even if you're hiding away
What ever you say or do,
No sinner will last
Surrender, you sinners
We'll purify your hearts
So demons will return
Where corrupted souls burn
Surrender all you sinners
Who's hearts are in despair
Wizards and witches will burn
And all the sinners will have learned
Now time has gone by
No sinner left around here
Did they kill all of them? Oh no
Surrender, you sinners...
Surrender, sinners
So demons will return
Where corrupted souls burn
Surrender all you sinners
Wizards and witches will burn
And all the sinners will have learned
4. Wind Oh Wind
I see darkness everywhere
In these icy wall of stone
All i can do is sit and stare
I could not feel more alone
I'm your prisoner but beware
You can laugh there from your throne
As long as i will breathe the air
I'm a danger for what you own
My brothers far from here
When they will hear my call
You will all shiver with fear
And you'll see your kingdom fall
Wind Oh Wind,
Carry my words away
To the lands where druids and i belong
Wind Oh Wind,
I implore you today
Make my brothers of the earth hear my song
No walls can break my will
No darkness, no fear, no pain
For freedom I would kill
But there is more to gain
My brothers far from here
When they will hear my call
You will all shiver with fear
And you'll see your kingdom fall
Wind Oh Wind...
5. The Message
6. March For Freedom
Words have come to us with the morning breeze
We can feel the fuss of the wind of the seas
Mother earth in anger, lightning in the skies
Mighty force of thunder, open your eyes
Our sister cried a thousand tears
Against the wind and tides, forget our fears
We must cross the land with the forces of nature
And by our hands, let's forge our future
It's a march for freedom
In a world rules by jealousy
Let's walk through her kingdom
And set them all free
It's a march for freedom
Where magic has no place
And this march for freedom
Will change the nature of the human race
Closer to the castle, we still hear her song
Enchanting the battle, our powers growing strong
On the shaking ground, castles walls are falling
No soldiers around, brothers spread your wings
Our sister cried a thousand tears
Against the wind and tides, forget our fears
We must cross the land with the forces of nature
And by our hands, let's forge our future
It's a march...
Words have come to us
With the morning breeze
And this march for freedom
Gave us a kingdom
Our march for freedom, oh
7. Three Wishes
The end of a dream has come now
I know I am alone in this world
My life was changed, let me tell you how
I feel I've been caught in a swirl
I was passing through the forest
On that nice summer day
Everything was at its best
When i first saw him far away
A mocking smile on his face
A voice that froze my blood
Floating in the air with grace
Could not do a thing but nod
I knew he had a plan
But i was caught in his snare
The offer was so grand
Why haven't I been aware
He gave me...
Three wishes for a life of wealth and power
Three wishes to rule and reign all over
Three wishes to win the heart of a lover
Three wishes that destroyed my life forever
First, I wished to be rich
To be covered with gold
The have all the treasures on earth
Never miss anything
Why was I so foolish?
Money just left me cold
There is no treasure that is worth
More than friends that life could bring
Then i wished to reign on a kingdom
With my court and servants around
Own hundreds of horses
And decide who lives or dies
Why did I steal their freedom?
Only loneliness I found
They tried with all their forces
To make me live such lies
I finally wished to be loved
By each and everyone
To choose the one and only
Who could fulfill my desires
When i see that from above
I cannot carry on
No heart deserves to be
Controlled by the hand of a liar
A lot, he promised me
But little I received
I thought that he was my saviour
It was only an illusion
I've lost everything
Because i wanted it all
I can hear them laughing
I know this is my fall
Because of
Three wishes...
8. Fairytales
Innocents are all the children
Rubbing their lamps, planting their beans
Hoping that one day, miracles will happen
Never knowing what it means, what it means
When the sun goes down, mysteries begin
The fullmoon brings monsters around
Vampires and werewolves could now come in
And all the shelters could be found
Pride in their heart when heroes win
Sadness comes when they fail
Eyes wide open, hope within
Victory's like wind in the sail
Where have gone those wonderful stories
They made us fear, laugh and cry
We want our dreams and fantasies
Give us back our fairytales, our fairytales
Tales of hope, tales of misery
Tell us now, tell us the moral
Is there really one in every story?
No matters if it's good or evil
Pride in their heart when heroes win
Sadness comes when they fail
Eyes wide open, hope within
Victory's like wind in the sail
Where have gone those wonderful stories
They made us fear, laugh and cry
We want our dreams and fantasies
Give us back our fairytales, our fairytales
9. My Soul
Many countries I have crossed
And many rumors I've heard
All about me, they were talking
Was that truth or stupid lies
It appears that i am heartless
Hidden in my evil beauty
They say i have no feelings
But a coldness in my eyes
Beyond the seas, when my name is heard
Valorous warriors tremble in fear
No one would dare to defy me
Cause I was part of all the wars
In every path that I followed
Everyone avoid and fear my name
But since our glances crossed
Our destinies are linked forever
But you're still unaware
I sell my soul to have you by my side
To fill the emptiness of a lonely life
I sell my soul 'cause no more i want to hide
In the darkness of this eternal night
Just to kill all that darkness
The abyss where i was born
I chose you among the mortals
Cause you had the courage to face me
For you I'd be ready to learn
How to trust and how to love
For years I lived like an animal
No one to take care of me
For a long time I've waited this day
My spell has worked so well
I'll lose powers but you'll be mine
Together we will reach the light
But you're still unaware
I sell my soul...
10. Magic Fountain
Far, far away I traveled
On mountains, skies and seas I searched
Fountain of youth you are my quest
My reason to live
To find you, many men have died
They abandoned all they had
I must reach the sacred island
To find the forbidden paradise
Among the magic trees you hide
In the gardens of the gods
To find you, many men have died
Don't think that they were mad
Magic fountain blessed by the gods
I will find you by all odds
Tell me where, give me a clue
Magic fountain I need you
It is just a matter of time
Magic fountain, you'll be mine
Oceans and skies are furious
They are trying to stop my quest
Now that I have reached the place
The guardian I must fight
To find you, many men have died
But not a chance they had
So near, I will not surrender
Even if the gods themselves appear
I will drink you magic blood
Now death will always fail
To find you, I'm ready to die
It won't happen don't be sad
Magic fountain...