 "Новый альбом Jethro Tull - это настоящий рок-остров в море безликой коммерческой музыки". Примерно так (цитирую по памяти) писали в каком-то советском перестроечном журнале, посвящённом року. Тогда в памяти юного металлиста была поставлена отметочка, но прошло ещё несколько лет, прежде чем он вообще въехал в творчество Jethro Tull, и ещё несколько - прежде чем был приобретён этот альбом на CD и заслушан до дыр.
Любим он и сегодня. По-прежнему свежо воспринимаются эти дуэли флейты Яна Андерсона и гитары Мартина Барра в "Kissing Willie". Как будто не рок слушаешь, а барокко, где причудливо переплетаются разные голоса инструментов. При этом вкус у песни отчётливо хардовый. Как и у следующей, и ещё у целого ряда.
Тут уместно вспомнить получение группой "Грэмми" в 1989 году за предыдущий, куда более мягко звучащий альбом "Crest of a Knave", в категории "Лучшее хард-рок/метал исполнение", ставшее предметом шуток и пересудов. Шутки шутками, а "Rock Island" куда более достоин этой премии и по соответствию жанру (не метал, конечно, но тяжелячком пахнет), и по общей яркости материала, в нём представленного.
Вот и "The Rattlesnake Trail" имеет отчётливый хардовый рифф, обыгранный флейтой. Конечно, гитара немного "задвинута", но драйва в песне и так предостаточно. Вокал Андерсона - ещё один инструмент, поддающий жару.
Следующая вешь, "Ears of Tin", начинается как фолк-пастораль, отсылающая к альбому "Stormwatch", но затем трансформируется в тяжёлый блюз, ускоряется... Просто класс!
"Undressed to Kill" - немного расслаблена, но пение Андерсона в ней просто бесподобно.
Центральная композиция в альбоме, давшая ему название - сложная, прогрессивная вещь, характерная для альбомов 70-х. Музыка то усиливается, то вновь стихает, пока Ян рассказывает свою историю. А затем идёт восхитительная дуэль флейты и гитары, и клавиши мягко переводят песню в более спокойное русло, но это обманчиво. Нерв песни пульсирует до самого конца, после которого приходит лекарство в лице следующей вещи.
"Heavy Water "- лёгкая, игривая, с попсовым "О-o-o" в припеве и классным проигрышем сразу после него - наверное, самая запоминающаяся. "Pouring heavy water on me", - поёт в припеве Андерсон, полемизируя очевидно с Def Leppard, намозоливших всем глаза своим "Pour Some Sugar on Me", мега-хитом 1987 года.
Волшебная Рождественская сказка ожидает нас в "Another Christmas Song", одной из самых красивых баллад, когда-либо написанных Андерсоном.
Песня про китобоев "The Whaler's Dues" вновь соединяет в одно целое фолк-балладу и блюз, она драматична и "прогрессивна", но запоминается в ней скорее не песенная, а инструментальная часть.
"Big Riff and Mando" начинается с короткого "большого" риффа, а затем вступает нежное тремоло мандолины. В текстах Яна Андерсона не так просто разобраться, но здесь речь идёт, как кажется, о молодом музыканте, начинавшем со старенькой мандолины, а затем взявшем в руки гитару и начавшем играть "по-взрослому". Соответственно, настроение в песне меняется несколько раз, от мечтательного фолка до харда и обратно.
Следует сказать, что басист группы Dave Pegg и приглашённый клавишник Martin Allcock оба состояли тогда в легенде британского фолк-рока, группе Fairport Convention, причём Dave играл на два фронта. Но вот фолковая составляющая Tull в этом конкретном альбоме менее выражена, чем хардовая и прогрессивная.
Завершающая песня "Strange Avenues" начинается с клавишных и беспокойной флейты, она немного психоделична, а в конце переходит в спокойное песенное окончание. Ещё один привет семидесятым и лучшим альбомам группы.
В итоге можно сказать, что с этим альбомом группа завершила эксперименты середины восьмидесятых и вернулась в свою самую удачную "форму", соединяющую хард-рок, прогрессив и фолк, получила хорошую прессу и 18-ое место в британском чарте, что по тем временам для группы-ветерана было совсем неплохо. И, хотя были в истории Jethro Tull шедевры пошедевристей, но "Rock Island" среди них не затерялся. |
Well, she's a nice girl but her bad girl's better
I can read it in her cheating eyes and know that in a while
Well, she'll be kissing Willie
My best friend, Willie
Willie stands and Willie falls
Willie hangs his head behind grey factory walls
Well, she's a nice girl but her bad girl's better
Me and Willie just can't help come when she calls
Now she's kissing Willie
My best friend, Willie
The rattlesnake trail
I wear a hair shirt 'round my shoulder
Got a cold stew in my spoon
And I'm falling on my head, lifting feet of lead
Now it's got me baying at the moon
There's a race on for tomorrow
I'm stretching out for what might have been
Gonna come out from the night, got my second sight
Play rough, you know what I mean
I'm going for the kill
I'm going tooth and nail
Up that dusty hill
On the rattlesnake trail
The rattlesnake trail
The rattlesnake trail
Got the law laid down to the left of me
Got the real world to the right
Heading up through the middle with my cat and my fiddle
Yeah, looking for a fight
I'm gonna ride hard in bandit country
On the blind side of the bends
Keep my nose to the wind while the rabbit's skinned
Bed down at the journey's end
Be a rattlesnake!
I'm going for the kill
I'm going tooth and nail
Up that dusty hill
The rattlesnake trail
I'm going on the rattlesnake trail!
The rattlesnake trail
The rattlesnake trail
Gonna be with wolves in winter
Run in angry packs by day
But when you give a dog a bone, he has to be alone
Growl, keep the other dogs away
See that thin moon on the mountain?
See that cold star in the sky?
Gonna bring them down, shake them to the ground
Put that apple in the pie
Be a rattlesnake!
I'm going for the kill
I'm going tooth and nail
Up that dusty hill
On the rattlesnake trail
The rattlesnake trail
The rattlesnake trail
The rattlesnake trail
The rattlesnake trail
Ears of tin
In the last hours of a sunset rendezvous
Chill breeze against tide that carries me from you
Got a job in a southern city, got some lead free in my tank
Now I must whisper goodbye, I'm bound for the mainland
Island in the city
Cut by a cold sea
People moving on an ocean
Groundswell of humanity
Now the sun breaks through rain as I climb Glen Shiel
On the trail of those old cattlemen who drove their bargain south again
And in the eyes of those five, five sisters of Kintail
There's a wink of seduction from the mainland
Island in the city
Cut by a cold sea
People moving on an ocean
Groundswell of humanity
Storm lashed on the high rise
Their words are spray to the wind
Blown like silent laughter
Falling on ears of tin
Take my heart and take my brawn
Take by stealth or take by storm, set my brain to cruise
I can see the glow of the suburb lights
I'm fresh from the out world, singing the mainland blues
Oh, the mainland blues
There was a girl where I came from
Seems a long time, long time gone by
Wears the west wind in her hair
She calls from the hill, yeah, she calls in my mainland blues
Got the mainland blues
There's a coast road that winds to heaven's door
Where a fat ferry floats on muted diesel roar
And there's a light on the hillside and there's a flame in her eyes
But how cold the lights burn on the mainland!
Island in the city
Cut by a cold sea
People moving on an ocean
Groundswell of humanity
Storm lashed on the high rise
Their words are spray to the wind
Blown like silent laughter
Falling on ears of tin
In my mainland blues
Undressed to kill
Working on the late shift
First drink of the day
Pull a chair up to the table
Have to look the other way
What kind of place am I in?
And who's this over here?
Shaking through the silver bubbles
Climbing through my beer
Won't let it move me
But I can't sit still
Could you meet the eyes of a working girl?
Undressed to kill
Staring through the smoke haze
Plaid shirts in the night
Well, I'm making sure that everything
Is zipped up tight
Who's that jumping on the table?
Putting tonic in my gin?
Brushing silken dollars
On her cold white skin
Won't let it move me
But I can't sit still
Could you meet the eyes of a working girl?
Undressed to kill
She could have been sweet seventeen
There again, well, so could I
There was a tear drop sparkle
On the inside of her thigh
Going to fetch myself a cold beer
I've got to get a grip
Find some place to touch down
Find a landing strip
Won't let it move me
But I can't sit still
Can you meet the eyes of a working girl?
All undressed to kill
Who's that jumping on the table?
Putting tonic in my gin?
Brushing silken dollars
On her cold white skin
Won't let it move me
But I can't sit still
Could you meet the eyes of a working girl?
Undressed to kill
Last one out is a cold duck
Paddling down the road
I wait outside, my motor running
Got a warm dream to unload
Can I face her in the sunshine?
In the harsh real light of day
She walks out with recognition
In her eyes I look away
Won't let it move me
But I can't sit still
Couldn't meet the eyes of a working girl
Undressed to kill
Rock island
Savage night on a misty island
Lights wink out in the canyon walls
Two old boys in a stolen racer
Black rubber contrails in the unwashed halls
And all roads out of here
Seem to lead right back to the rock island
Rock island
I've gone from here to Paris, London
And even riding on a jumbo to Bombay
The long haul back holds faint attraction
But the people here know they're OK
See the girl following the red balloon
Walking all alone on her rock island
Rock island
Doesn't everyone have their own rock island?
Their own little patch of sand
Where the slow waves crawl and your angels fall
And you find you can hardly stand
And just as you're drowning, well, the tide goes down
And you're back on your rock island
Rock island
Hey, there! Girlie with the torn dress, shaking
Who was it touched you? Who was it ruined your day?
Whose footprint calling card?
And what they want, stepping on your beach anyway?
I'll be your life raft out of here
But you'd only drift right back to your rock island
Rock island
Hey! Boy with the personal stereo
Nothing 'tween the ears but that hard rock sound
Playing to your empty room, empty guitar tune
No use waiting for that C.B.S. to come around
'Cause all roads out of here
Seem to lead right back to your rock island
Rock island
Doesn't everyone have their own rock island?
Their own little patch of sand
Where the slow waves crawl and your angels fall
And you find you can hardly stand
And just as you're drowning, well, the tide goes down
And you're back on your rock island
Rock island
Rock island
Rock island
Rock island
Heavy water
I walked out in the city night
A burning in my eyes like it was broad daylight
And it was hot, down there in the crowd
The stars went out behind a thunder cloud
Chatter in the air like a telegraph line
Big drops hissing on the neon sign
Thumping in my heart and it's hurting me to see
Smokestack blowing, now they're pouring heavy water on me
Pouring heavy water on me
Heavy water
She was a southern girl, we stared man to man
I move like a stranger in this strange land
She was a round hole, I was a square peg
I watched the little black specks running down her leg
Didn't seem to mind that dirty rain coming down
Shirt hanging open, she was wet and brown
Thumping in my heart and it's hurting me to see
Smokestack blowing, now they're pouring heavy water on me
Pouring heavy water on me
Pouring heavy water
Pouring heavy water on me
Pouring heavy water on me
What goes up has to fall back down
It's no night to be out dancing in a party town
When it runs hot and it runs so wide
Running in the street like a thin black tide
Chatter in the air like a telegraph line
Big drops hissing on the neon sign
Thumping in my heart and it's hurting me to see
Smokestack blowing, now they're pouring heavy water on me
Pouring heavy water on me
Pouring heavy water on me
Pouring heavy water on me
Pouring heavy water on me
Another Christmas song
Hope everybody's ringing
On their own bell this fine morning
Hope everyone's connected
To that long distance phone
Old man, he's a mountain
Old man, he's an island
Old man, he's a waking says:
I'm gonna call, call all my children home
Hope everybody's dancing
To their own drum this fine morning
The beat of distant Africa
Or a polish factory town
Old man, he's calling for his supper
He's calling for his whiskey
Calling for his sons and daughters
Calling, calling all his children 'round
Sharp ears are tuned in
To the drones and chanters warming
Mist blowing 'round some headland
Somewhere in your memory
Everyone is from somewhere
Even if you've never been there
So take a minute to remember
The part of you that might be the old man calling me
How many wars you're fighting out there
This winter's morning?
Maybe it's always time
For another Christmas song?
Old man, he's asleep now
He's got appointments to keep now
Dreaming of his sons and daughters
And proving, proving that the blood is strong
The whaler's dues
Money speaks
Soft hearts lose
The truth only whispers
It's the whaler's dues
I've been running on diesel
Been running on coal
Running on borrowed time
If truth's to be told
Two whales in the ocean
Cruising the night
Search for each other
Before we turn out their light
Been accused of deep murder
On the North Atlantic swell
But I have three hungry children
And a young wife as well
And behind stand generations
Of hard hunting men
Who raised a glass to the living
And went killing again
Are you with me?
Are you with me?
Money speaks
Soft hearts lose
The truth only whispers
Now pay the whaler's dues
Can you forgive me?
Money speaks
Soft hearts lose
The truth only whispers
Now pay the whaler's dues
Now I'm old and I sit land locked
In a back country jail
To reflect on all of my sins
And the death of the whale
Send me back down the ages
Put me to sea once again
When the oceans were full
Yes, and men would be men
Can you forgive me?
Can you forgive me?
Big Riff and mando
Marty loved the sound of the stolen mandolin
Somebody took it on a dare in the night time
Run up to the radio, calling out to the wind
Now bring it, bring it back at least an hour before flight time
It was a souvenir but it was a right arm missing
Swap a woodwork rhythm for a humbucking top line
Big Riff, rough boy, wants to be a singer in a band
A little slow in the brain box but he had a quick right hand
Run left, run right, everywhere he look
Nobody watching, no, but that was all he took last night
Running on the power of a stolen mandolin
Steal a little inspiration, steal a little muscle
Will he wake in the morning? Wondering was it really worth it?
So make a little deal, yeah, make a little hustle
Ringing on the radio, got a proposition for those english boys
I'll make the sing song, you can make the background noise
One, two, three, four! One bar and in
Give you back the mando if you'll let this singer sing tonight
Running on the power of a stolen mandolin
Steal a little inspiration, steal a little muscle
Will he wake in the morning? Wondering was it really worth it?
So come on! Make a little deal, yeah, make a little hustle
Marty loved the sound of the stolen mandolin
Big Riff took it on a dare in the night time
Now it's four o'clock and we're waiting at the soundcheck
Looking for a face staring in from the sunshine
We got two strong lawmen from the sheriff's office
They're going to lift Big Riff before he plays the first line
Big Riff, rough boy, wants to be a singer in a band
Yeah, help him on the stage now, put that microphone in his hand
Think hard, think right, nothing in his mind
So Riff did a runner but he left the mandolin behind
Yeah, Marty loved the sound of his mandolin
Running on the power of a stolen mandolin
Steal a little inspiration, steal a little muscle
So make a little deal, yeah, make a little hustle
Strange avenues
Strange avenues where you lose all sense of direction
And everywhere is Main Street in the winter sun
The wino sleeps, cold coat lined with the money section
Looking like a record cover from 1971
And here am I, warm feet and a limo waiting
Shall I make us both feel good? And would a dollar do?
But in your streets, I have no credit rating
And it might not take a lot to be alone just like you
Heading up and out now from your rock island
Really good to have had you here with me
And somewhere in the crowd I think I hear a young girl whisper:
Are you ever lonely just like me?