« From Genesis to Revelation »
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1 | Where The Sour Turns To Sweet 3:13
 | 2 | In The Beginning 3:46
 | 3 | Fireside Song 4:18
 | 4 | The Serpent 4:38
 | 5 | Am I Very Wrong? 3:31
 | 6 | In The Wilderness 3:29
 | 7 | The Conqueror 3:40
 | 8 | In Hiding 2:37
 | 9 | One Day 3:21
 | 10 | Window 3:33
 | 11 | In Limbo 3:30
 | 12 | Silent Sun 2:13
 | 13 | A Place To Call My Own 1:58 |
   Tony Banks: piano, backing vocals
Peter Gabriel: vocals, flute
Anthony Phillips: guitar, backing vocals
Mike Rutherford: bass, guitars, backing vocal
John Silver: drums, backing vocal
David Thomas backing vocal |
Producer Jonathan King
Engineers Brian Roberts & Tom Allom
String Arrangements Arthur Greenslade
Recorded at Regent Studio B, London, August 1968 |
 | The Silent Sun
The silent sun that never shines
She is the warmth of my lonely heart
The motion of a turning wheel
Can't you stop it and look around?
Baby you feel so close
I wish you could see my love,
Baby you've changed my life
I'm trying to show you.....
A tiny stone that hid |
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 Дебютный альбом Genesis имеет мало общего с классическими работами коллектива. Прогрессива здесь практически нет: песни (за исключением одной) не превышают трех минут, да и все они очень просты в композиторском плане. Гэбриэл поет совершенно иначе, чем на классических альбомах, так что его можно не узнать. Но такой вокал очень подходит альбому. Тем не менее музыка легка и красива, содержит много интересных мелодий. Во многих вещах используется оркестр или что-то, его заменяющее, что придает ему дополнительную романтичность. Эта пластинка отлично подойдет как для прослушивания фоном, так и для снятия напряжения. Конечно, это не шедевр, но для дебюта - очень приличная работа, интерес к которой подогревает то, что ничего похожего в дискографии группы больше нет.
P.S. Не понимаю то, как многие рассуждают: если песни не идут по 10-20 минут и в них нет длинных проигрышей, то их сразу причисляют к поп-музыке. Как-то не слишком рассудительно.
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Я бы не сказал, что этот альбом плох. И не согласен с первым рецензентом, что здесь мало сильных вещей. На мой взгляд, альбом даже изобилует красивыми вещами, впрочем несильно друг от друга отличающимися. Здесь особенно с критикой обрушиваться не приходится. В конце концов, 1969 год и альбом этот очень хорошо вписывается в то, что принято называть психоделический рок. Собственно, никакого арта или прогрессива ожидать пока не приходится — рановато. У диска один недостаток — уж очень нехорошее качество саунда, хотя по тем временам оно, наверное, было вполне удовлетворительным. Я бы даже сказал, что данный альбом составит хорошую конкуренцию многим блюз-рок- и психодел-группам того времени, например Cream, которая исполняла музыку, близкую в некоторой степени той, что представлена здесь. Никакой попсы я здесь не вижу — мелодии просто очень красиво обработаны, сами музыкальные темы очень хороши и привлекательны. Поэтому, предлагаю отвлечься от того, что принято считать подлинным Genesis, и просто ограничиться только этим альбомом. По-моему, весьма перспективно... А насчёт длины композиций — длинные композиции здесь хорошо восполняет большой набор коротких. |
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Вообще, очень интересно иногда посмотреть, с чего начиналась та или иная великая группа, ведь у любой великой группы когда-то случался дебют. У кого-то этот дебют такой же великий, как и сама группа (например, у King Crimson или Led Zeppelin); у кого-то - комковатый блин (Rush или Gong). Но первый альбом Дженезис (а Дженезис - это великая группа, и споры здесь неуместны) занимает особый статус, и сейчас я попытаюсь объяснить, какой и почему.
Диск записывался, в основном, в 1968-69 г.г., когда самому старшему из Genesis было 18 лет. Группа ничего особенного собой не представляла, исполняя незамысловатые баллады под аккомпанимент акустической гитары и пианино с редким подключением электрических инструментов. По сути, Дженезис играли обычный городской фолк, который был популярен и в нашей стране примерно в то же время. Среди музыкантов группы, вполне обычных подростоков, каких сотни тысяч в Лондоне, выделялся достаточно харизматичный юноша немного армянского вида с весьма необычным, почти негритянским, голосом. Примерно так пел в то время Роджер Чампмен из Family. Группа искала себе пристанище среди фирм звукозаписи, но безуспешно (среди отказавших была и Decca, давшая в свое время от ворот поворот Битлам), пока ими не заинтересовался молодой и амбициозный Джонатан Кинг, начинающий продюсер, которого, по его собственному признанию, очень впечатлила манера пения юноши. Именно Кинг и предложил Genesis записать альбом, на котором бы музыканты, и в особенности Питер, смогли бы продемонстрировать свои таланты. Но кроме голоса Питера, да и то еще не конца сформировавшегося, группе, по большому счету, нечего было предъявить. На альбоме ни Филлипс, ни Бэнкс не проявили своих исполнительских качеств, которые, учитывая возраст музыкантов на момент записи, наверное, еще и не сформировались должным образом. Поэтому в помощь ребяткам был предложен симфонический оркестр, дабы придать их простецкой музыке немного торжественности. Но этим Кинг оказал, скорее, медвежью услугу: вместо торжественности получилась приторность, да еще какая! В результате вместо фолка на этом альбоме зазвучала большей частью либо поп-музыка, либо фолковые баллады с опять же явным привкусом попсы. Ритм-секция почти отсутсвует, Резерфорд здесь чаще играет на акустической гитаре, чем на басу. Редкие ударные звучат очень вяло, так мог бы сыграть и дилетант (неопытность Кинга-продюсера здесь также сыграла не последнюю роль). И только "The Serpent", самая зрелая в композиторском плане композиция на альбоме, и, видимо, записанная уже в 1969-м году, выглядит уже как заготовка к будущему "Trespass" (1970). Здесь вокал Питера звучит уже максимально артистично и узнаваемо, да и общее групповое звучание уже чисто рОковое. Хотя и без приставки "арт". К сожалению, помимо не самой лучшей выделки композиций, альбом явил еще и явный недостаток сильных мелодий. В этом плане более или менее прилично выглядят лишь "Fireside Song" и "Am I Very Wrong?", слегка напоминающие Moody Blues или ранних Barclay James Harvest.
Таким образом, дебют Дженезис - это не то, чтобы "первый блин комом". Это, скорее, скелет в шкафу, который желательно скрыть от посторонних глаз, да и самим чтоб не видно было. Не скажу, что этот диск - позорище и пятно на репутации группы. Нет, ни в коем случае. Пятен группа еще нахватается в восьмидесятые, да так, что никакими Рэями Уилсонами и переизданиями архивных материалов эпохи Гэбриэла их не вывести (факт: Genesis больше известна как поп-трио, а не как легенда прогрессивного рока). Просто "From Genesis To Revelation" - это своего рода халтурка Джонатана Кинга, решившего сделать себе карьеру на раскрутке имени юного дарования Гэбриэла. Самих музыкантов винить не в чем: сочинили и сыграли, как смогли.
Тем не менее, альбом не лишен определенного шарма, особенно, если на него смотреть в ретроспективе, зная чем станет группа впоследствии. Да и на некоторых композициях, особенно на "The Serpent" уже проявляются очертания того, что прославит группу впоследсвии. Однако, альбом представляет интерес, прежде всего, для "комплетистов", а также интересующихся историей прогрессивной музыки. |
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просмотров: 20739 |
Can't you see that I'm just outside?
A mountain stream that chills the sea
Can't you feel in your useless pride?
Baby you feel so close
I wish you could see my love,
Baby you've changed my life
I'm trying to show you.....
When night reveals a star-filled shy
I want to hold it in my hands
When snowflakes heal the ugly ground
Your beauty hides the joy I've found
Baby you feel so close
I wish you could see my love,
Baby you've changed my life
I'm trying to show you.....
That's Me
Every morning when the people are out
And I'm free move around on my own
I look into the sun and I see a reflection
Of a sad and lonely shriveled man
That's me, that's me
And I know it's how I'm always going to be
Nothing to do
Nothing to say
Nothing to hope
And nothing to pray
I can't see
I can't feel
I've forgotten what I'm meant to be
Won't come back
Not if I try
They told me things about me
That I didn't know
But I could tell they've told me lies
And it really goes to show
That everyone was wrong and
They don't understand my ways
But it's not me that's going wrong
It's them
I can't see
I can't feel
I've forgotten what I'm meant to be
Won't come back
Not if I try
They told me things about me
That I didn't know
But I could tell they've told me lies
And it really goes to show
That everyone was wrong and
They don't understand my ways
But it's not me that's going wrong
It's them
Every morning when the people are out
And I'm free move around my own
I look into the sun and I see a reflection
Of a sad and lonely shriveled man
That's me, that's me
And I know it's how I'm always going to be
That's me, that's me
And I know it's how I'm always going to be
Shriveled old man
Who hides from words
He's never seen the light
That can set him free
His ???? life
Is such a pain
I want to find out who's to blame
That's me, that's me, that's me
Set me free
Where The Sour Turns To Sweet
We're waiting for you
Come and join us now
We need you with us
Come and join us now
Look inside your mind
See the darkness creeping out
I can see the softness there
Where the sunshine is gliding in
Fill your mind with love
Find the world of future glory
You can meet yourself
Where the sour turns to sweet
Leave your ugly selfish shell
To melt in the glowing flames
Can you sense the change
See your eyes, now listen
We're waiting for you
Come and join us now
We want you with us
Come and join us now
Paint your face all white
To show the peace inside
Drift away while the saffron burns
To the land where the rainbow ends
Can you sense the change?
See your eyes in focus
We're waiting for you
Come and join us now
We need you with us
Come and join us now
We're waiting for you
Come and join us now
We need you with us
Come and join us now
We want you with us
Come and join us now
We need you with us
Come and join us now
In The Beginning
Ocean of motion
Squirming around and up and down
Pushing together
Scattering mountains all around you
That is the sound of a new born world
And the light from a curious sky
It has begun
You're in the hands of destiny
Thrashing with violence
Hurling its lava up and down
Furnace of frenzy
Burning with power uncontrolled
That is the sound of a new born world
And the light from a curious sky
It has begun
You're in the hands of destiny
Is that the chariot with stallions gold?
Is that a prince of heaven on the ground?
Is that the roar of a thunderflash?
This is my world and it's waiting to be crowned
Father, son, looks down with happiness
Life is on its way
Ocean of motion
Squirming around and up and down
Pushing together
Scattering mountains all around you
That is the sound of a new born world
And the light from a curious sky
It has begun
You're in the hands of destiny
Is that the chariot with stallions gold?
Is that a prince of heaven on the ground?
Is that the roar of a thunderflash?
This is my world and it's waiting to be crowned
Father, son, looks down with happiness
Life is on its way
Fireside Song
As daybreak breaks the mist upon the earth
It came to pass that beauty settled there forever more
And as the steam clings close to things to come
It came to pass that solid rock did part for humble life
Once upon a time there was confusion
Disappointment, fear and disillusion
Now there's hope reborn with every morning
See the future clearly at its dawning
Forever drifting slowly towards a hazy emptiness
Whilst water slips into the sea
The father's sad to see it free
As shadows creep towards their master night
It came to pass that trees defied the wind who shook their leaves
And as the peace descended all around
It came to pass that nature's creatures came to face the world
Once upon a time there was confusion
Disappointment, fear and disillusion
Now there's hope reborn with every morning
See the future clearly at its dawning
Forever drifting slowly towards a hazy emptiness
Whilst water slips into the sea
The father's sad to see it free
Once upon a time there was confusion
Disappointment, fear and disillusion
Now there's hope reborn with every morning
See the future clearly at its dawning
Once upon a time there was confusion
Disappointment, fear and disillusion
The Serpent
Dark nights the planets are set
Creator prepares for the dawn of man
You're waking up, the day of incarnation
Said you're waking up to life
Images he made to love
Images of gods in flesh
Man is wonderful, very wonderful
Look at him
Beware the future
Here is my world and it's waiting for me
Paradise before my eyes
I am alive in a new born world
This heaven will always be mine
I'm waking up, the day of man has come
I'm waking up, the day of man has come
And god created man from dust
With a soul inside his mould
And god created womankind
The vessel of satan's hold
Creator made the serpent wise
Evil in his tempting eyes
Man is wonderful, very wonderful
Look at him
Beware the future
Here is my world and it's waiting for me
Paradise before my eyes
I am alive in a new born world
This heaven will always be mine
I'm waking up, the day of man has come
I'm waking up, the day of man has come
Dark nights the planets are set
Creator prepares for the dawn of man
You're waking up, the day of incarnation
Said you're waking up to life
Here I stand a child in a lonely world
Watch the serpent tempting me to evil
The guiding hand will help me on
Guiding hand will help me on
The guiding hand will help me on
Guiding hand will help me on
Am I Very Wrong?
Am I very wrong
To hide behind the glare of an open minded stare?
Am I very wrong
To wander in the fear of a never ending lie
Am I very wrong
To try to close my ears to the sound they play so loud?
Am I very wrong
The happiness machine is trying hard to sing my song
Today's your birthday friend
Everything all right
Let us our greetings to you send
Happy friend
Everything all right
We hope your life will never end
Am I very wrong
To want to steal a pin then I'll check that I have skin?
Am I very wrong
To want to leave my friends and the curse of the happiness machine?
Today's your birthday friend
Everything all right
Let us our greetings to you send
Happy friend
Everything all right
We hope your life will never end
In The Wilderness
Leaving all the world to play
They disappear
And the leaves have gathered dust to run like deer
Tearing pieces from our lives to feed the dawn
Mist surrounds the seagulls
Christened by the storm
Music, all I hear is music .... guaranteed to please
And I look for something else
Rain drops pouring down the rooftops
Flowing in the drains
As the people run their lives
And their lives are run by time
Fighting enemies with weapons made to kill
Death is easy as a substitute for pride
Victors join together, happy in their bed
Leaving cold outside the children of the dead
Music, all I hear is music .... guaranteed to please
And I look for something else
Rain drops pouring down the rooftops
Flowing in the drains
As the people run their lives
And their lives are run by time
Music, all I hear is music .... guaranteed to please
And I look for something else
Rain drops pouring down the rooftops
Flowing in the drains
As the people run their lives
And their lives are run by time
Music, all I hear is music .... guaranteed to please
And I look for something else
Rain drops pouring down the rooftops
Flowing in the drains
As the people run their lives
And their lives are run by time
The Conqueror
He climbs inside the looking glass
And points at anything he hates
He calls to you "Hey look out son
That's a gun they're pointing at your pretty face"
And the heads they are a rolling
Cause the conqueror is on his way
And the justice day is coming
For the conqueror is on his way
Five hundred little women are calling
At their hero's door
Yes, their hero is working overtime
He's squirming on an empty floor
And the heads they are a rolling
Cause the conqueror is on his way
And the justice day is coming
For the conqueror is on his way
He's bought the castle on the hill
He's bought it just to knock it down
The local power shout him down
They say he's just an empty-headed clown
And the heads they are a rolling
Cause the conqueror is on his way
And the justice day is coming
For the conqueror is on his way
He's busy building monuments
To hide inside his empty grave
You there, can you find some souls?
He's looking for some people to save
And the heads they are a rolling
Cause the conqueror is on his way
And the justice day is coming
For the conqueror is on his way
And the words of love are killing him
And the conqueror is on his way
And the words of love were lying on an empty floor
Just in the place where the conqueror lay
In Hiding
Pick me up
Put me down
Push me in
Turn me round
Switch me on
Let me go
I have a mind of my own
In hiding
Far from the city of night
And the factories of truth
I stand upon the mountain
A million miles from my home
And the faces of fear
I have freedom to think
In hiding
I may take off my clothes
That I wear on my face
I float upon a river
A million miles from the plains
That are piercing the clouds
I am lost in the beauty
In hiding
Pick me up
Put me down
Push me in
Turn me round
Switch me on
Let me go
I have a mind of my own
In hiding
I lie silent at last
I am free from my past
I walk among the tall trees
This is beauty I know
I am in love with it all
I have the freedom to love
In hiding
Pick me up
Put me down
Push me in
Turn me round
Switch me on
Let me go
I have a mind of my own
In hiding
I may take off my clothes
That I wear on my face
I float upon a river
A million miles from the plains
That are piercing the clouds
I am lost in the beauty
In hiding
One Day
Don't get me wrong
I think I'm in love
But the feeling in the word is more
Than your crystal eyes
Will ever see in me
Don't get me wrong
Open your eyes
Although I cannot show my heart
I'll watch and hope
While you are near to me
One day I'll capture you
and call you to my side
One day I'll take you from
The boredom of our lives
One day we'll fly away
To the kingdom of my dreams
One day I'll find myself
And wrap it in my love for you
Birds of the sky
May I borrow your wings?
Very soon I'll ask my love
To travel with me to the world outside
Cherry trees, may I borrow your bloom?
Very soon I'll ask my love
To come inside the nest I'll build alone
Animal friends
Help me decide
When should I ask my love to leave?
I'll beg of you that she'll say yes to me
Breathe in deep
Now is the time
She looks at me and gently smiles
As if she knew
I'd ask her all the time
One day I'll capture you
And call you to my side
One day I'll take you from
The boredom of our lives
One day we'll fly away
To the kingdom of my dreams
One day I'll find myself
And wrap it in my love for you
Crossing the mountains of truth see them
Shadows of night disappear
Rise from the slough of despond
Find the pathway
Guiding us forward through pastures of dream day
Days to enjoy, peace I knew once before me
Dawning to dusk on the hills until morning
Come see me take my hand
Come see me in my land
Flying invisibly high, watch me
All on a beautiful day, I'll be
Clear and serene in the love I've discovered
Long search is over, the soul is uncovered
Resting on joy that abounds without ceasing
Bidding farewell to the fears now decreasing
Come see me take my hand
Come see me in my land
High on a golden crested wave she sits
The little nymphs dance in her hair
The trees all beckon to the sky to bless their empty lives
Horizons come to sip wine there
The veiled mist reveals the wandering ship upon the reef
The albatross flies to the stern
And only jack frost saw the kiss you gave him in return
Crossing the mountains of truth see them
Shadows of night disappear
Rise from the slough of despond
Find the pathway
Guiding us forward through pastures of dream day
Days to enjoy, peace I knew once before me
Dawning to dusk on the hills until morning
In Limbo
Please take me away
Far from this place
Leaving me here
Take me away
To the furthest star in the sky
Take me away
To the deepest cave of the night
Take me away
Voices of love, here am I
In the sad sad world of fear
Take me away
From the power of my ambition
And I'll be happy
I-I've conquered time
Where will I go?
Am I still mine?
Take me away
Peace-floating in limbo
Limbo-leading me nowhere
Peace, now without motion
I cry, when will I die?
God-where is my soul now?
My world, please set me free
Peace, now without motion
I cry, when will I die?