 Пожалуй, самый известный альбом Queen, поскольку даже те, кто не слушал этой группы, фильм «Горец» скорее всего видели (кстати, саундтрэк к нему так и не был выпущен). После экспериментов с диско и фанком группа постепенно возвращалась к старому доброму харду. Разнообразия теперь, конечно, не так много, как когда-то в 70-х, но зато хард добротный и вокал на высоте. 1) «One Vision» – мощный хард-хит, вошедший в фильм «Железный орел», о желании быть единым со всеми, с впечатляющими звуковыми эффектами – например, многоголосым эхом в конце. 2) «A Kind of Magic» – прекрасная заглавная вещь, на которую был снят впечатляющий клип, где Фредди предстал в виде мага и чародея. 3) «One Year of Love» – проникновенная баллада, вышедшая из-под пера Дикона и напоминающая некоторые старые вещи Синатры с закосом в рок: «Лучше один год любви, чем одиночество на всю жизнь»; особенно стоит отметить редко обретающийся в музыке Queen саксофон. 4) «Pain Is So Close to Pleasure» продолжает предыдущую в текстовом плане, но ближе к поп-музыке; к счастью, это не диско, а скорее что-то в духе новой волны, однако в середине и в конце звучит отличное гитарное соло. 5) «Friends Will Be Friends» – добрая песня о том, что настоящие друзья никогда не оставляют друг друга в беде. 6) «Who Wants to Live Forever» – шедевр на все времена, всю глубину и силу которого понимаешь, когда сам почувствовал любовь; красивая песня, полная любви, тревоги и веры; проникновенное пение, сначала спокойное под оркестр Майкла Камена, потом все более эмоциональное, особенно когда вступает тревожная гитара, а следом и ударные: «Мы можем любить вечно, вечностью для нас будет сегодняшний день»; тема словно не хочет заканчиваться, льется тревожная музыка, и даже раздается более оптимистический клавишный проигрыш, однако его снова сменяет тревожный лейтмотив, тем самым завершая эту прекрасную песню. 7) «Gimme the Prize (Kurgan’s Theme)» – самая жесткая тема на альбоме, гитара просто рвется ввысь и во все стороны, где-то даже слышится индастриал, раздаются фразы из фильма, произносимые злодеем Курганом (например, «Может остаться только один»). 8) «Don’t Lose Your Head» – нечто в духе Duran Duran, с клавишными и гитарными соло (Тейлор опять нестандартно мыслит); фраза «Не теряй головы» звучит довольно двусмысленно, учитывая, что текст ее совсем не подразумевает никакого противостояния бессмертных с непременным отрубанием головы мечом. 9) «Princes of the Universe» – еще одна известнейшая песня с этого альбома, которую услышать мог, вероятно, каждый «благодаря» поднадоевшему сериалу «Горец», в котором она звучала в конце каждой серии (правда, в урезанном виде); отличная тяжелая гитара, отличный вокал, отличные переходы темпа. В качестве бонуса к этому альбому часто идут «Forever» – инструментальная версия «Who Wants to Live Forever», целиком построенная на фортепьяно и клавишных, из-за чего выглядит грустнее, но без гитары и вокала впечатления от нее не такие сильные – и расширенная версия «One Vision» (разница лишь в длине инструментального проигрыша в середине). |
No blood, no stain
All we need is one world wide vision
One flesh, one bone
One true religion
One voice, one hope
One real decision
I had a dream when I was young
A dream of sweet illusion
A glimpse of hope and unity
And visions of one sweet union
But a cold wind blows
And a dark rain falls
And in my heart it shows
Look what they've done to my dream
One vision
So give me your hands
Give me your hearts, I'm ready
There's only one direction,
One world, one nation, one vision
No hate, no fight
Just excitation
All through the night
It's a celebration
One flesh, one bone
One true religion
One voice, one hope
One real decision
Gimme one light
Gimme one hope
Just gimme one man, one man
One bar, one night, one day
Just gimme gimme gimme gimme fried chicken
A kind of magic
It's a kind of magic
It's a kind of magic
A kind of magic
One dream, one soul, one prize
One goal, one golden glance of what should be
One shaft of light that shows the way
No mortal man can win this day
The bell that rings inside your mind
It's challenging the doors of time
The waiting seems eternity
The day will dawn of sanity
It this a kind of magic?
There can be only one
This rage that lasts a thousand years
Will soon be gone
This flame that burns inside of me
I'm hearing secret harmonies
The bell that rings inside your mind
Is challenging the doors of time
It's a kind of magic
It's a kind of magic
This rage that lasts a thousand years
Will soon be, will soon be, will soon be gone
This is a kind of magic
Tere can only be one
This rage that lasts a thousand years
Will soon be gone, gone
Magic - it's a kind of magic
It's a kind of magic
Magic, magic, magic, magic
Magic - it's magic
It's a kind of magic
One year of love
Just one year of love
Is better a lifetime alone
One sentimental moment in your arms
Is like a shooting star right through my heart
It's always a rainy day without you
I'm a prisoner of love inside you
I'm falling apart all around you
My heart cries out to your heart
I'm lonely but you can save me
My hand reaches out for your hand
I'm cold but you light the fire in me
My lips search for your lips
I'm hungry for your touch
There's so much left unspoken
And all I can do is surrender to the moment, just surrender
And no one ever told me that love would hurt so much
Ooh yes, it hurts and pain is so close to pleasure
And all I can do is surrender to your love
Just surrender to your love
Just one year of love
Is better a lifetime alone
One sentimental moment in your arms
Is like a shooting star right through my heart
It's always a rainy day without you
I'm a prisoner of love inside you
I'm falling apart all around you
And all I can do is surrender
Pain is so close to pleasure
Pain is so close to pleasure
Sunshine and rainy weather go hand in hand together all your life
Pain is so close to pleasure, everbody knows
One day we love each other then we're fighting one another all the time
When I was young and just getting started
And people talked to me, they sounded broken hearted
Then I grew up and got my imagination
And all I wanted was to start a new releation
So in love but love had a bad reaction
I was looking for some good old satisfaction
But pain is all I got
When all I needed was some love and affection
Pain is so close to pleasure
Sunshine and rainy weather go hand in hand together all your life
Pain and pleasure
Pain and pleasure
When your plans go wrong and you turn out the light
But inside of your mind you've put up a fight
Where are the answers that we're all searching for?
There's nothing in this world to be sure of anymore
Some days you're feeling good, some days you're feeling bad
But if you're feeling happy someone else is always sad
Let the sweetness on love wipe the tears from your face
For better, for worse, so let's make the best of the rest of our years
Pain is so close to pleasure, I told you so
Sunshine and rainy weather
Go hand in hand together all your life
Pain and pleasure
Pain is so close to pleasure
Sunshine and rainy weather
Go hand in hand together all your life
All your life
Pain - pleasure
Pain - pleasure
Pain - pleasure
Pain - pleasure
Friends will be friends
Another red letter day
So the pound has dropped and the children are creating
The other half ran away
Taking all the cash and leaving you with the lumber
Got a pain in the chest
Doctors on strike, what you need is a rest
It's not easy love but you've got friends you can trust
Friends will be friends
When you're in need of love they give you care and attention
Friends will be friends
When you're through with life and all hope is lost
Hold out your hand 'cause
Friends will be friends right 'till the end
Now it's a beautiful day
The postman delivered a letter from your lover
Only a phone call away
You tried to track him down but somebody stole his number
As a matter of fact
You're getting used to life without him in your way
It's so easy now 'cause you got friends you can trust
Friends will be friends
When you're in need of love they give you care and attention
Friends will be friends
When you're through with life and all hope is lost
Hold out your hand 'cause
Friends will be friends right 'till the end
It's so easy now 'cause you got friends you can trust
Friends will be friends
When you're in need of love they give you care and attention
Friends will be friends
When you're through with life and all hope is lost
Hold out your hand
Friends will be friends right 'till the end
Friends will be friends
When you're in need of love they give you care and attention
Friends will be friends
When you're through with life and all hope is lost
Hold out your hand 'cause right 'till the end
Friends will be friends
Who wants to live forever
There's no time for us
There's no place for us
What is this thing that builds our dreams?
Yet slips away from us
Who wants to live forever?
Who wants to live forever?
There's no chance for us
It's all decided for us
This world has only one sweet moment
Set aside for us
Who wants to live forever?
Who wants to live forever?
Who dares to love forever when love must die?
But touch my tears with your lips
Touch my world with your fingertips
And we can have forever
And we can love forever
Forever is our today
Who wants to live forever?
Who wants to live forever?
Forever is our today
Who waits forever anyway?
Gimme the prize
"....in the garage with water from the sprinklers
He'd also left a man's decapitated body
Lying on the floor next to his own severed head
A head which at this time has no name"
"I know his name"
Here I am, I'm the master of your destiny
I am the one, the only one
I am the god of kingdom come
Gimme the prize, just gimme the prize
Give me your kings, let me squeeze them in my hands
Your puny princes, your so called leaders of your land
I'll eat them whole before I'm done
The battle's fought and the game is won
I am the one, the only one
I am the god of kingdom come
Gimme the prize, just gimme the prize
"Now you die!"
"I have something to say
It's better to burn out than to fade away"
"There can be only one"
Move over, I said move over
Hey, hey, hey! Clear the way
There's no escape from my authority, I tell you
I am the one, the only one
I am the god of kingdom come
Gimme the prize, just gimme the prize
I am the one, the only one
I am the god of kingdom come
Gimme the prize
"There can be only one"
Don't lose your head
Don't lose your head
Don't lose your head
Don't lose your head
Don't lose your head
No, don't lose your head
Don't lose your head
Hear what I say
Don't lose your way
Remember - love's stronger
Remember - love walks tall
Don't lose your heart
Don't lose your heart
No, don't lose your heart
Don't lose your heart
Hear what I say
Don't lose your way
Remember - love's stronger
Remember - love walks through walls
Don't drink and drive my car
Don't get breathalised, don't lose your head
If you make it to the top
And you wanna stay alive don't lose your head
Don't lose your head
Don't lose your head
Don't lose your head
No, don't lose your head
Don't lose your head
Hear what I say
Hey, don't lose your way
Remember - love's stronger
Remember - love conquers all
Don't lose your head
Don't lose your head
Don't lose your head
Don't lose your head
Don't lose your head
Don't lose your head
Don't lose your head
Don't lose your head
Princes of the universe
Here we are, born to be kings
We're the princes of the universe
Here we belong, fighting to survive
In a world with the darkest powers
And here we are
We're the princes of the universe
Here we belong, fighting for survival
We've come to be the rules of your world
I am immortal
I have inside me blood of kings
I have no rival, no man can be my equal
Take me to the future of your world
Born to be kings, princes of the universe
Fighting and free, got your world in my hand
I'm here for your love and I'll make my stand
We were born to be princes of the universe
No man could understand, my power is in my own hand
People talk about you, people say you've had your day
I'm a man that will go far
Fly the moon and reach for the stars
With my sword and head held high
Got to pass the test first time
I know that people talk about me, I hear it every day
But I can prove you worng 'cause I'm right first time
Alright, let's go, let's go!
Watch this man fly!
Bring on the girls!
Here we are, born to be kings
We're the princes of the universe
Here we belong
Born to be kings, princes of the universe
Fighting and free, got the world in my hands
I'm here for your love and I'll make my stand
We were born to be princes of the universe