 Sinister, выпустив в 1992 году неплохой для ортодоксального (на тот момент) death metal "Cross the Styx", не мудрствуя лукаво, решили закрепить успех выходом не менее ортодоксального в плане жесткости и скорости "Diabolical Summoning". Голландцы под руководством главных идеологов в лице вокалиста Мастригта и бессменного участника, барабанщика Клоостерваарда, преподносят слушателю все тот же ультраскоростной забой, изредка перемежающийся среднетемповыми вкраплениями, давая, так сказать, возможность передохнуть от нагромождений непрекращающейся долбежки. В самом деле, вся эта т.н. "трушность" имиджа, эта звуковая бескомпромиссность и нежелание хоть как-то отойти от канонов, обозначенных на дебютниках американцев Deicide и Cannibal Corpse, настолько радикальна, что, по большому счету, перестает что-либо значить. На техническом уровне альбом записан и сведен безукоризненно для подобной музыки. На самую интересную вещь с альбома, "Leviathan", был снят единственный у Sinister клип, очень похожий по замыслу на "Kingdom Gone" от At the Gates (недостаток средств, сразу видно...). К сожалению, нельзя сказать, что музыканты отличаются особой виртуозностью исполнения, а уж за что расхваливают Клоостерваарда, говоря, что он "один из лучших в стиле", и вовсе непонятно. Вообще нигде не упоминающийся Марко Фоддис из Pestilence, на мой взгляд, не только нисколько не уступает, а то и превосходит его по техничности, а если вспомнить об уж совсем заоблачных по технике игры фигурах вроде Сандовала из Morbid Angel, то все рассуждения на эту тему отпадут сами собой. Дивизион голландских злобарей вполне можно назвать Motorhead от death metal (наряду с неизменными как само время Unleashed), ибо за почти 20 лет, прошедшие с момента выхода альбома, в музыке Sinister мало что изменилось, лишь улучшилось качество записи, исчезли почти все оригинальные участники (за исключением уже упомянутого Клоостерваарда, переключившегося на вокал) да еще больше возросла скорость. Если вы принадлежите к сонму ныне редко встречающихся ортодокосов-приверженцев звукового оппортунизма и истекаете слюной при упоминании таких альбомов как "Malleus Maleficarum", "The Ten Commandments", "...Of Darkness" или "Enjoy the Violence", то этот альбом вас непременно заинтересует. Хотя, думаю, и вы к концу какой-нибудь "Desecrated Flesh" постараетесь сделать все, чтобы не уснуть от скуки... Альбом чертовски хорош в качестве снотворного, если вы, конечно, можете спать под death metal. |
Что такое голландский дэт? Это прежде всего такие группы как Sinister, хотя назвать чем-то заоблочным второе творение нидераландских жестянщиков можно, разве что, с натяжкой.
Итак, "Diabolical Summoning" - это злейший Death с просто умопомрачительными барабанными партиями. Гитарные импровизации стали разнообразнее, появились небольшие похожие на соло темки, значительно ужесточился вокал. Альбом просто обязан понравится поклонникам ранней Sepultura, а также Napalm Death и Carcass (в особенности).
От себя скажу, что если вы являетесь достойным почитателем такого великого стиля как Death Metal, то вы должны непременно прослушать это творение. |
Fire among the blackened shapes,
beholding sodomizing gouls
screams and pleasantness
All disappears as I scream at the wind
Glaring light blinded the eyes,
an angel calls unto me
Embracing her naked body,
bestial vitality awakes
Bodily contortion
Impalment of the flesh
Cut throat, ejaculation
Innards receiving cum
Blood flows over me
Feelings of excitement
A pleasant ache
Scenery of flesh
Bodies bounded by rotting
Paradise of pain
Screams they numb me
Crucified immortals,
mutilated and impaled
Suffering is everlasting,
lamentation of the damned
Appearance from the guides of death
Fire among the blackened shapes,
beholding sodomizing gouls
screams and pleasantness
All disappears as I scream at the wind
Imprisoned by the blackened sin
2. Magnified Wrath
Arise from beyond an obscure gate
Awaken from the ancient slumber
Graceful phantasm of the netherworlds
Mortals have summoned in Enochian tongue
Diminish until the stars benumbed
The opened mysteries of creation
Arise, appear before before the covenant
Parttakers of the unified wisdom
Unknown ancient knowledge locked behind the stars
Hypocrisy is shackled in the elder dark
Dark is the evil among the wicked
Blackened eyes stir up the wrath of sin
Lord of the abyss maybe magnified
Whose name among ya is wrath!
Arise from beyond an obscure gate
Awaken from the ancient slumber
Graceful phantasm of the netherworlds
Mortals have summoned in Enochian tongue
Unknown ancient knowledge locked behind the stars
Hypocrisy is shackled in the elder dark
Mighty sands enter into the third angle
Garnished with myriad ever burning lamps
Spirits of older mighty in the trapezoid
Conclude us receivers of the mysteries
Queen of Hades beholder of fateful sin
Sacred lust the never ending ecstasy
Mighty sands enter into the third angle
Garnished with myriad ever burning lamps
Spirits of older mighty in the trapezoid
Conclude us receivers of the mysteries
Demon appears
Beholds the face of death
Smiling with contempt
Fulfiller of lust
Magnified wrath
Partaker of hell
Seals of false honour
Unified wisdom
Absu left his mark
Diminish until the stars benumbed
The opened mysteries of creation
Arise, appear before before the covenant
Parttakers of the unified wisdom
The visions are so mighty yet been unseen
Never ending shadows full of eternal pain
Dark is the evil among the wicked
Blackened eyes stir up the wrath of sin
Lord of the abyss may be magnified
Whose name among ya is wrath!
Arise from beyond an obscure gate
Awaken from the ancient slumber
Graceful phantasm of the netherworlds
Mortals have summoned in Enochian tongue
Queen of Hades beholder of fateful sin
Sacred lust the never ending ecstasy
Mighty sands enter into the third angle
Garnished with myriad ever burning lamps
Spirits of older mighty in the trapezoid
Conclude us receivers of the mysteries
3. Diabolical Summoning
Black pentagrams resurrect
as a dark treacherous death
reflects the eyes of everlasting disgrace,
a burning sky with dreadful shapes
Nocturnal sign of blasphemy,
sacrilegious prophecies
Reflections of forgotten fright,
they disturb the silent night
Come forth demon gods
Diabolical summoning
Sunken valleys of the dead
Desert of nocturnal tombs,
beholding occult prophecies
The aeons from the underworld
Diabolical summoning
See through the eyes of existence
Ritual of the ancient spheres
Chaldeans above the lost temple of Ur,
governed by the celestial gouls
Burning demons of the deep an unnatural existence
Threatens chaos from the abyss
Unzoned hostile waste beyond
Altar of madness has turned blood red
Diabolical summoning in ancient tongue
Diabolical summoning
I call on the serpent of the spheres
God of evil spells lord of thou hostile hordes
They are mighty children, ancient ones are thee
They are seven, they are seven times seven
seven cities fallen in ruin
They are the flood which rushes through the land
I pray to the eternal INFERNAL MAJESTY
Open the gate, open unto me
Black pentagrams resurrect
as a dark treacherous death
reflects the eyes of everlasting disgrace,
a burning sky with dreadful shapes
Nocturnal sign of blasphemy,
sacrilegious prophecies
Reflections of forgotten fright,
they disturb the silent night
Come forth demon gods
Diabolical summoning
Chaldeans above the lost temple of Ur,
governed by the celestial spirits
Altars of madness have turned blood red
Diabolical summoning in ancient tongue
Diabolical summoning
See through the eyes of existence
Ritual of the ancient spheres
Open the gates and rule thy earth once more
4. Sense Of Demise
Burning cross appears, symbolizing death
Black waters stir, a painful sight
Secret faces overarc the spheres
The wind groans, seance repeats
Gorge of night, unseen woods
Shadows cast out, purgatory winds
Desert moans a silent scream
Burning cosmos, sign of the beast
Through the spheres before time
Immeasurable dimensions
Full of anger, desire and lust
The secret faces overshadow it all
Gorge of the night, unseen woods
Shadows cast out, purgatory winds
Desert moans a silent scream
Nightmares hunting the innerself
Visions reflections of an afterlife
As I fall down on my knees
Raise my left hand in the signs of the horns
Seance starts, I scream in ancient tongue
Invocation, appearance in black
Faceless one, guide of the night
Prince of the evol spirits in the air
Lord Pazuzu let my share thy wings
Show thou world, make my visions live!
Nightmares hunting the innerself
Visions reflections of an afterlife
Hunger for dimensions of the dragon lust
Huge bright flames roar within the horned dog
Dragon bull creator of lacivious lust
Pure pleseantness laughter in disguise
It roams in thee, my demon seed
Vigorous power abominated strength
Locust legions from a chaotic realm
Hostile horde a possessive dream
Hunger for dimensions of the dragon lust
Secret knowledge, a burning dream
Unspoken words, ancient quest rejected
Dragon bull creator of lacivious lust
Pure pleseantness laughter in disguise
It roams in thee, my demon seed
Vigorous power abominated strength
Locust legions from a chaotic realm
Hostile horde a possessive dream
Secret knowledge, a burning dream
Unspoken words, tortured minds
Ancient quest, still unknown
What is true? Sense of demise
5. Leviathan
Expelled into the ancient pit
Roaming dead
Hellspawn, the breeding pain
Suffering in the shadows of the damned
Beneath the sea the darklord dwells,
breeding hellspawn endlessly
Great serpent the enormous worm,
snake with the sharpened claw
Leviathan, so called lord
Behemoth of the deep
Dead with pain, awake to slay
Merciless vengeance crawls
Blasphemous dark angel
Lord of the faithless depths
Covered with the signs of the dead
Necromancer of forbidden art
Wrapped in mysteries of darkness
The dead who rides the whirlwind
Master, author of pain
Screaming ancient incantations
Evil seals, hatred signs
Sacred numbers,
kept behind the forbidden
Hells omen, hidden time
Datk prophecies
Monster of annihilation,
ride upon the blasting winds
Great black slimy shape,
rise from the brackish pits
Evil decayed substance from the dismal void
Vomit forth pestilence as a surging sea
Silent is that voiceless bird,
who dwelled in the lake of fire
Festering fragments roaming forth,
spreading unbearable pain
Leviathan, behemoth of the deep
Dark angel
Faceless unseen monsters,
spawned at the dawn of age
Breed of his omniscient mind
6. Desecrated Flesh
Stir in darkness through the chamber of disgrace
Malicious celler, abhorrence place
Evaporating stench of rotting bodyparts
Nailed to the wall, mutilated and deformed
Fridge with chopped heads,
vermin flies and crawls all over
Carnage temple, necropolis
Bodies fused as heaps of putrid waste
tubful with innards
Skulls stacked as an altar, candles burning
Carnage temple, necropolis
Resurrection of the savage within
Eruption from the beast of sin
Dead fills a monstrous call
The beast crawls as the mask falls
Skull crushed by my axe
Bones splinter, decapitation
Sockets empty, eyes sucked out
Brain consumed, pure ecstasy
All victims I made, all bodies I rape
I sodomize their flesh and leave them to ash
Bodies pinned to the ground
faces of fear a heavenly sight
Suffocation by their own blood
See the suffering I masturbate
All victims I made, all bodies I rape
I sodomize their flesh and leave them to ash
Psychedelic reflections, strive after perfection
Outragious necrolust, developing my consciousness
In the shadows I await for thee
My hunger crawls for thy flesh
Psychedelic reflections, strive after perfection
Outragious necrolust, developing my consciousness
Mesmerized by innocence
Corrosion of virgin flesh
Versatile ways to slay
Transfixed, deflowered death
Bodies pinned to the ground
faces of fear a heavenly sight
Suffocation by their own blood
See the suffering I masturbate
All victims I made, all bodies I rape
I sodomize their flesh and leave them to ash
The hunger I can't deny
Schizofrenic life
7. Tribes Of The Moon
Enter the refuge of the nightbreed
Behind the immortal gates
Below the forbidden tombs
The ancient catacombs
Baphomet infernal god
Baptize me with thy blood
Ceremony to transform
Occult sepruchral rite
Judge me with thy blood
For cabal is my name
Time has come
for my ancient transfiction
Secret city
The cemetary Mydlan
Tribes of the moon
Natural world left behind
like a nocturnal dream
Tribes of the moon
Monstosity with immortality
Embraced by the tribes
Baphomet infernal god
Baptize me with thy blood
Black prophecies
written on the tomb walls
Forbidden signs appear
from the hands of time
Roaming mortals
are meat for the beasts
Secret city
The cemetary Mydlan
Tribes of the moon
Natural world left behind
like a nocturnal dream
Tribes of the moon
Monstosity with immortality
Embraced by the tribes
Baphomet infernal god
Baptize me with thy blood
8. Mystical Illusions
Shadows of sadness dazzle me deep inside
Tears are falling, as the winter captures my mind
Darkness surrounds me as reach out in emptyness
Running through a maze, a desert which holds the pain
The sands that blinds my eyes,
has hurt me deep inside Entonglement, trust fades away
Nothing to hold besides enduring pain
Merriment has forsaken me
Obscure dreams of degrading times
Countless thoughts possessed by remembrance
Forgiveness, will it cross my path?
Midway in my life journey, I went astray
My heart is filled with fear
as fate shriveled and shrank
Captured by madness, rigor mortis of the mind
Faith has been ripped apart
like a heart that_s bleeding fast
Innerself keeps burning from visions of the past
A future seen so desperate is there a way to escape
Isolation is consuming me
Struggling a way of life
Mystical illusions
Days of darkness are haunting me
Mystical illusions
Despising the destiny
Mystical illusions
Days of darkness are haunting me
Mystical illusions
Despising the destiny
The endless grief is growing
like clouds combining
Been shackeled in the everlasting past
Shadows of sadness dazzle me deep inside
Tears are falling, as the winter captures my mind
Darkness surrounds me as reach out in emptyness
Running through a maze, a desert which holds the pain
Mystical illusions
Days of darkness are haunting me
Mystical illusions
Despising the destiny
Essence of life it all falls apart
been shackeled in the everlasting past