 Так уж повелось в последнее время, что я начал интересоваться оппозицией в экстремальной музыке, то есть христианской сценой. Поначалу казалось, что это лишь попытки играть тяжелую музыку, зачастую лишенные самобытности (хотя во многом так и есть), но по мере того, как ко мне попадает новая музыка, я все больше убеждаюсь в неправильности столь радикального суждения. Mortification - первая христианская группа, о которой я узнал, но тем не менее их альбом попал ко мне только сейчас. Честно говоря, ожидал разочарования, но обрушившийся на меня из наушников драйвовый трэш с претензиями на дес развеял все сомнения и ожидания. Название альбома довольно близко к музыкальной составляющей - незамысловатая музыка, растопившая кровь в моих венах. Никаких замашек на прогрессивность, индустриальность, которыми был богат трэш 90-х. Все выдержано в лучших традициях музыки стыка 80-х и 90-х. Местами напоминает Sepultura, особенно в ударных партиях первых трэков, иногда появляются ассоциации с Метлой. Радует продолжительность альбома - 35 минут, люблю, когда количество драйва на диске больше, чем его продолжительность, тогда это и есть настоящий бескомпромиссный трэш! |
Throw your conceptions out, look to people, not
High and mighty, that's not right. God created all
That's all men.
That's all music.
That's everything
[Verse 2]
Glacial dwellers, South Americans, tribal people.
All men must know about
Salvation, the time has come to change your ways
All this music will all pass, it's just part of this
God's music of all nations. All parts of God's
[Verse 3]
Hard music, soft sounds, street beats,
Music crowds will know about.
Salvation, the time has come, to change your ways.
Look beyond a culture style, yourself on what's right.
You must turn around, to know your Creator.
Heavy, music, rhythm, God's way.
2. Mephibosheth
[Verse 1]
David made a covenant with Jonathan
A promise of trust, the spilling of blood
Slaughter the heifer, walk between two parts
Off with my head if I break the oath.
Blood covenant
[Verse 2]
Jonathan died in battle
David, ascend to the throne
Mephibosheth a cripple
Son of Jonathan lost
Left behind as they fled
Oath of death upon David's head
The search went out for Mephibosheth
Caught, imprisoned, cursing rebel
Brought before King David's throne
Thought that death was imminent
David remembers the covenant oath
He'll show kindness to Jonathan's house
Seen as now the son of the king
All that was Saul's would now be his
[Verse 3]
You are Mephibosheth
David, symbolic of God
Your resisting His throne
The blessing of the blood covenant
Christ died for you, you don't even know
3. Seen It All
[Verse 1]
Bosnian land mines, Russian end times
baby kill pills, induced suicide bills
Stare the world down in its eyes
see the emptiness, deception and lies
Have we not seen from our easy chair,
The convicted psycho's evil glare;
Numbed to life's blood and death
T.V.'s reality we're being fed;
For mans success will be the blackest of gain!
A certain season for terror to reign!
[Verse 2]
Nazi war crimes, the poor's poverty lines
earthquakes in Japan, move destiny's hand
The petty division, in our wealthy lands
starve children, taking food from their hands
Have we not seen troubled eyes;
More pain and tearstained cries;
Our will to bring change;
Will help us turn;
O, God haven't you seen it all
Since man's rise and fall
Have mercy on our kind
For it's you we must seek and find
O God haven't you seen it all, Devastation and deaths
It's cause and effect has come
This worlds terror has begun
My God haven't you seen it all
The reassurance op pain, by our choice it remains! My
[Verse 3]
Nations banking, U.N. backing
revelation unfolds, talons take hold
a stared empty glare, raised not to care
life sucked back within, black ugly sin
4. The True Essence Of Power
[Verse 1]
Riding free I see the way I feel
Don't touch my soul the day I bow
to your low ways, will be the day I never see.
Leave me, in the Name of my Lord
[Verse 2]
Hoping peace will keep me all the days of my life, I
will bow
only to Christ the real life of my being now.
The True Essence Of Power
The True Essence Of Power
[Verse 3]
Surely goodness and mercy will follow
me all the days of my life
I serve the King, the founder of my soul.
With me, always
Jesus, save us
[Verse 4]
Blackness hates my God, I see
eternal death will come to those who leave the path of
life to
follow with evil ways.
What is the path you see
Satans plans you death
to be young, before your time
Hope is what you need
Christ planed your life
to be forever, eternally
[Verse 2]
5. Toxic Shock
[Verse 1]
Over indulgence in substance you require
To settle down, to feel sane, the his is in your mind
Veins pumping, eyes lost, hideous life of pain
It hates you now, the joy is gone, death crime insane.
Drug free body, you must deceide
Drug free body, beware! The toxic shock.
[Verse 2]
A life of compulsion, excessive in every way
No moderation, more sensation, feelings inside your
Young bodies may take it, but age will tell the toll
Satans plan to kill you young, possession growing
Pain, fear, despair
Hope, it is the other way of life, you can be saved
from the toxic shock, from the pain inside
From a mind of loss, see the cross
[Verse 3]
Back street hangout, in drains you do await
Body shacking, heart is racing, frantic for you man
More suffering, excessive, ways have killed your mind
You will crawl the gutters of filth to fix your pain
[Verse 4]
Many will testify, that through the power of God
All is broken, all is clean, God can heal your mind.
Drug free, it can be your way
Simply see that it is done, Christ is there to save.
6. 40:31
[Verse 1]
I live on a wing and a prayer
In majesty I ride.
Inheritance of royalty
Flows within my blood
Soaring to the heights
The eagle shall be bold.
Isaiah 40:31
Isaiah 40:31
[Verse 2]
I ride the wings of change
Agile in the wake of hate
Ruling with an iron sword
Death to my taunting prey.
Faithful to my final quest
The eagle shall be bold.
[Verse 3]
Those who wait on the Lord
They shall renew their strength
Mount up with wings like eagles
They'll walk and shall not faint
They'll run and not be weary
The eagle shall be bold
7. Gut Wrench
[Verse 1]
I am gonna feel, when I'm gonna fall, in my heart now
I have gotta see, what I've gotta do in my life how
I have seen a change, I have seen a way, to be pure so
I am gonna clean, I am gonna purge, out my soul now.
Rising, falling
Conviction, calling
Gut wrench
Gut wrench
Gut wrench
I feel forlorn
Gut wrench
Gut wrench
Gut wrench
Saving my soul
[Verse 2]
I am gonna kneel, I am gonna pray, to my God now
I have gotta see, I have gotta wait, on His ways how
Can I see a change, can I see a hope in this life
that always has the bad, always has the flesh, in the
The mighty ray of hope, into the heart of faith
No man can purge himself, no man can save his face
Almighty God on high, save our putrid souls
You are the way, rejected by fools.
[Verse 3]
I have felt a joy, I have felt a peace, in my heart
I have need of faith, I have need of grace, in my life
Can I be the same, can I be the way, that I was then
When I have the Lord, when I have the cross, in my
mind now.
8. Confused Belief
[Verse 1]
Within the chambers of our minds; exists deceit
Framework of formed man holds; the choice of life
Who we are; where we come from;
Where must we go?
Tiring questions we all persist to know;
Do we really know?
Depths to life; grasping to obtain;
Confused mind, trying to arrange;
Confused belief, searching for peace;
A confusion, in what you believe;
[Verse 2]
We exist with a longing, for truth
Something that's tangible in sight,
Extracted proof
Ever present need to understand.
Meaning's brought, Christ has wrought.
Wiped away by a nail scarred hand.
Known in our created hearts.
Our freewill is where change starts.
Hung from a tree of regret.
Seek the one that gives dust breath.
Ever-present need to be fullfilled
Gaining acces to life
For, our pain Yeshua's blood spilled.
9. Providence
Providence, forgiveness for us all
Deliverance. Amazing power
[Part 1]
Rising to see the light, providence in the night
Menacing inner thought, turbulence of the mind
[Part 2]
Insistence on the right, exposure of the hate
Zealous life spirit, the order of Christ
This is the power of God, sensation!!
This is the way of the cross, salvation!!
[Part 3]
Rising to the task, or falling for the dark
Lifting up the cross, or falling for the hate
[Part 4]
Majesty, the power rises, glory, the Lord reigns
Forever, surrender, never decline
Lasting Savior, falling hate
[Part 5]
Providence, forgiveness for us all
Deliverance, amazing power
Majesty rises, glory, reigns forever
[Part 3]
[Part 6]
Majesty, the power rises, glory, the Lord reigns
Jesus He rose, glory, reigns forever
10. Killing Evil
Killing evil
Killing evil
Killing evil
Killing evil