 Любой, кто хоть немного в теме, тот в курсе, что Импеллиттери – старательный последователь неоклассического гитарного шреда от шведской IKEA, в смысле Ингви Мальмстина: он один из самых быстрых гитаристов в мире, способен выдавать свои тысячи нот в минуту на порядок чище и прозрачнее, чем большинство скоростных коллег-гитаристов.
Стартом карьеры этого достойного итало-американца стал одноименный EP, вышедший в 1987: слушатели и критики обратили внимание на очень техничного и энергичного гитариста, а дополнительные очки в копилку новичка положил яркий и зычный вокал Роба Рока, с которым Крис будет сотрудничать большую часть своего творческого пути. Тем не менее, дебютный альбом, хоть и записывался на крупном лейбле в окружении опытных музыкантов, увы, не собрал нужное число авансов: всего лишь 91 место в первой сотне Биллборд и многочисленные претензии на тему явного заимствования не только у Мальмстина, но и Блэкмора. Наверное, из-за Грэма Боннета, да кавера на “Since You Been Gone”.
Ко второму альбому Крис вновь объединился с товарищем Робом Роком, собрал под крылом приличный состав музыкантов (Кен Мэри, Чак Райт) и записал гораздо более дружелюбный к радиоэфиру мелодичный хард-н-хэви. Продюсирование и звук заметно лучше в сравнении с дебютником, а агрессивные запилы слегка укрощены в угоду полифонии и хитовости. Роб Рок, как вокалист, сработал выше всяких похвал и голос американца более чем подошел к стилю альбома. Очень цепляющая "Ball and Chain", забористая «открывашка» "When the Well Runs Dry", глэмовые "Wake Up Sally", "Dance", вполне качающие "Endless Night", "City’s on Fire". При всех заданных параметрах, альбом тянул если не на хит, то на вполне себе успешный релиз.
Беда вся в том, что альбом банально опоздал года на 2-3. Запись вышла в 1992 году, когда балом начали править гранж, альтернативный и колледж-рок. В те годы альбом, который представлял собой замес в стиле «Firehouse и Winger затусили в баре с Ингви Мальмстином», был мало кому интересен: Импеллиттери не имел того авторитета и «жизненного опыта», как Мальмстин, Сатриани или Макалпайн, чтобы удержаться за счет фан-базы, а молодежи, как уже говорилось выше, такая музыка была пофигу.
По итогу, у нас на руках очень неплохой альбом мелодичного хэви и гитарной музыки, откровенно потерявшийся во времени. К тому же, этот релиз один из самых мелодичных и легкоусваиваемых в дискографии Импеллиттери и вполне подходит для знакомства с музыкантом. |
Второй альбом Impellitteri уже с Робом Роком в качестве вокалиста оказался обычной, средней работой. Среднестатистический образец американского хард-рока, не обремененный хитовостью (хотя, пожалуй, можно выделить заглавную вещь), но и не напрягающий. Стоит отметить, что альбом записан лучше и с более актуальным саундом, чем "Stand In Line". |
Searchin' for a savior before I die
See the dirty water as it turns to wine
Love's quicker throw the liquor away
No rhyme and reason so get out of my way
Lost and found don't be messin' around
Can't hear the river run without a sound
You don't know me, like I think you do
Honey, you can't show me
Down to the river, when the well runs dry
Drownin' in my sorrows, 'cause I'm living a lie
Searchin' for a savior before I die
See the dirty water as it turns to wine
I used to think that I could jump and touch the sky,
But now I know my time has come, it's do or die.
[double chorus]
2. Ball And Chain
She's a lonely girl, holding secrets deep inside
It's a crazy world, when your heart
and mind collide
A prisoners' action, she's trying to run away
Doesn't know what she'll find,
but she's got to get away
I hear you cry out in the heat of the night
I didn't know I was your ball and chain
Cry out just see the light
I didn't know I was the one to blame
There was a time we shared,
we had all the words to say
But somewhere along this road,
we went our separate ways
I hear you cry out in the heat of the night
I didn't know I was your ball and chain
Cry out just to see the light
I didn't know I was the one to blame
Cry out in the heat of the night
I didn't know I was your ball and chain
You turn and you walk away
Leaving me standing here
With nothing, no words to say
Your silence is clear
[chorus out]
3. Wake Up Sally
Wake up Sally have you heard the news,
I've got a brand new band,
I'm gonna kick the blues, now baby,
just hold on to my hand
Get up now, I've got some work to do,
I see my guiding light,
It's gonna see me through, now baby,
I'm sticking to my guns
Now don't you tell me what to say,
don't you tell me what to do,
'Till you're looking through my eyes
and you walk inside my shoes
What it is, what it ain't, tell me who are you to say,
I just look beyond your world
and I see a brighter day
You say I'm living inside a dream
I'm just a stranger to the scene
You think I'm just a punk on the streets
But I'm the future's way
Now I've been up and baby I've been down,
I've been looking all around,
But momma, I ain't now painted clown
I've got my way, and I know you've got yours,
don't try to keep pushing me
Through your doors, 'cause momma,
I've got a mind of my own
Now I'm living this life, changing the world
and making it mine
This rebellious child is walking the edge
'cause life ain't no crime
4. Power Of Love
Well I believe in the power of love,
It give me strength to carry on
It's the only hope that keeps me alive,
When I feel I can't go on
Out in the streets I've seen a thousand empty eyes
Never surrender, no, take the power of love
When you're down so low, the only way is up,
Just try reaching for the sky
When you've got nothing else, nothing left to lose,
That's when you open your eyes
Out in the streets I've seen a thousand broken dreams,
Nothing is ever like it seems
Never surrender, never give up on your love
Never surrender, 'cause the only way is up
Never surrender, take the power of love
and never surrender
5. Under The Gun
Every night I have the same ol' dream,
An angel standing in the sun over me
I see you walking on a sea of glass,
Holding up your love at last
In falling rain, you're so far away
In the silent night
you can hear me screaming out your name
When you're under the gun, it's a cold sensation
When you're under the gun, it's a blue damnation
Everyday I feel the same way,
Save your pictures then throw 'em away
Just a taste of your bittersweet,
Keeps me full of your love for weeks
In the falling rain, you're so far away
In the silent night
you can hear me screaming out your name
When you're under the gun, it's a cold sensation
When you're under the gun, it's a blue damnation
[chorus out]
6. Endless Nights
I've got the fever, just a crazy child,
I've got my cashbox baby,
Gonna meet my friends down at the strip,
gonna get me some lip
Jump in my limo, gonna make the scene,
gonna cruise the boulevard
With the latest beauty queen, one lean machine
We're up all night to cruise the streets
For every mile there's a party to see
This crazy life never sleeps
And the wheels go round and round
It's an endless night in this tinsel town
All the streets alive with the party sound
See the pretty girls all cruisin' around
Under the neon lights
We've got the action, no standing still,
let's take this madness
To the mansion on the hill, can't get my fill
One hot Jacuzzi, big swimming pool,
under the moonlight
No way to keep the rules, it's just to cool
[chorus out]
7. City's On Fire
Long John Silver's got his head in the clouds
Sleeping on the concrete and he's thinking out loud
When's the man gonna bring the candy cane
Selling dreams in the city lights
A stranger's kiss is the dead man's bite
It's a shame when their falling threw the cracks
When the sun goes down,
that's when the night rages on
When the thrill is gone,
that's when you've got to hang on
The city's on fire,
Taking life upon demand,
passing through the dirty hands
The city's on fire,
And it's time to take it back from the man
across the tracks
A street smart talker with a gun in his hand,
A big John Wayne out to fight for the land
Life's a dare when you're running with the pack
Another day and another crime,
One more deal and now you're doing time,
Never learn when you fight the American way
When the sun goes down,
that's when the night rages on
When the thrill is gone,
that's when you've got to hang on
The city's on fire,
Taking life upon demand,
passing through the dirty hands
The city's on fire,
And it's time to take it back from the man
across the tracks
The city's on fire,
You know you've lost control
when you're selling off your soul
The city's on fire,
Stepping closer to the grave,
you can't afford to look away
[chorus 2]
8. Grin And Bear It
Forty days and forty nights
In the hot desert sand
I've paid my dues all my life
And now it's out of my hands
Take a look inside, nothing ever comes easy
When it's cold outside, keep your passion alive
You've got to grin and bear it
Don't let it get you down
You've got to grin and bear it
You know you've got to stand you're ground
In the storms of fire and ice
Keep your eye on the prize
You've got to fight the good fight
And it always takes time
Take a look inside, nothing ever comes easy
Keep the dream alive,
you don't know what you'll find
You've got to grin and bear it
Let nothing move your soul
You've got to grin and bear it
Don't wanna lose control
Don't let it get you down
You've got to grin and bear it
You know you've got to stand your ground
You've got to believe in what you do
and who you are,
Nothing comes easy
when you're chasing down the star
you've got to fight for who you are,
Grin and bear it
9. Dance
When the sun comes up and the moon goes down,
That's when I feel the beat
When the music's loud and I hear the crowd,
It knocks me off my feet
Now that summertime's here
and the school day's gone
Everybody's getting crazy
Got myself on the run, gonna have me some fun
Everybody grab their baby
I'm running hot, I just can't stop
and I feel insane
I'm burning up, gonna strut my stuff,
everybody hit the stage, c'mon!
Dance, in the streets of L.A.,
we're on permanent vacation
Dance, in the streets all day,
c'mon, join the celebration
Dance, in the heat of the rays,
take a permanent vacation
Dance, in the streets all day,
c'mon, join the celebration
Got no summertime blues and you just can't lose,
The sun is screamin' hot
So get out of the house we're gonna kick and shout,
Let's take it to the top
'Cause when you're feeling free
and you know what I mean,
Don't wanna take it easy
'Cause the day's so bright and I feel alive,
just let me hear you screamin'
[chorus out]