 Нет у Enchant аналогов на современной прог-сцене. Может быть, некоторые параллели можно провести c Fates Warning (немного схожи манеры инструментальной игры, особенно если анализировать поздние альбомы FW, но если в творчестве Fates Warning доминируют минорные мотивы, то у Enchant часто встречаются светлые мажорные нотки; кроме того, голос Теда Леонарда несколько напоминает вокал Альдера, однако намного сильнее, выразительнее и разнообразнее).
Рискуя остаться единственными представителями стиля, который они же сами и создали, Enchant'овцы, скорее всего, никогда не будут иметь последователей и подражателей. Да и возможно ли повторить такое? – в лучшем случае это походило бы на вашу попытку на пальцах изобразить северное сияние или радугу.
После ухода из группы барабанщика Пола Крэддика, композиторское лидерство окончательно закрепилось за гитаристом Дугласом Оттом, и он не подкачал. Сочинив для альбома все композиции (лишь в некоторых вещах воспользовавшись помощью вокалиста для написания текстов), он сумел создать совершенное звуковое полотно без малейшего изъяна. Строго следуя основной мелодической линии, безупречная гитара не забывает там, где нужно, выписывать замысловатые узоры и чётко ложится на уверенную ритм-секцию, а чувственный и пронзительный вокал Леонарда идеально подходит к музыке, исполняемой этим непревзойдённым коллективом.
В лучшем своём альбоме на сегодняшний день группа сотворила практически невозможное. В девяти композициях, окутывающих слушателя каким-то особенным, искренним уютом, соединилось всё: радость и боль, надежда и отчаяние, трагедия общества бездуховности и величие человеческого духа, журчание горных ручьёв и безмолвие полярных просторов. Все эмоции и чувства, известные человеку, оказались уложенными в эти 54 минуты.
Начинается альбом с исполненной боли и отчаяния антивоенной “Under Fire”, которая задаёт своим тревожным ритмом атмосферу щемящей тоски.
Композиция “Monday” – о жизни человека в современном обществе, об утрате его индивидуальности и личности, о потере возможности мечтать. Однако оптимистичный финал песни всё же оставляет слушателю некоторую надежду на светлый горизонт.
“Seeds Of Hate” – прекрасно аранжированная пьеса с лёгким налётом фьюжна, содержит в себе столько мелодических ходов, что иной группе хватило бы на целый альбом. Изумительные гитарные соло Отта отлично сочетаются со звенящим вокалом Леонарда, то взмывающим вверх и порхающим, словно невесомая бабочка, то пикирующим вниз, будто раненая птица. В тексте “Flat Line” речь ведётся от лица человека, находящегося в коме. Основная идея этой оригинальной вещицы – в том, что несмотря на все трудности, встающие на жизненном пути человека (даже если он находится у последней черты), в конце окружающей его темноты всё равно ждёт свет.
Вкрадчивая и неторопливая баллада “Follow The Sun”, а также следующая за ней размеренная “Ultimate Gift”, предоставляют хорошую возможность расслабиться и перевести дыхание перед исполненным великолепия финалом.
“My Everafter” – классический прогрессив без изъянов в чистом виде. Воздушная гитара, заплетающая причудливые кружева с хорошо запоминающейся основной темой и удивительный ГОЛОС – голос, выжигающий испепеляющим пламенем каждую строчку текста прямо в сердце. Далее следует ещё один фьюжн-прогрессивный номер “Invisible”, с интересным «пляшущим» ритмом. И в завершение альбома – “Despicable” - освежающе бодрая вещичка, с неожиданно хулиганской припанкованной гитарой – настраивает слушателя на оптимистичный лад.
Музыку, подобную звучащей на “Blink Of An Eye”, нельзя «просто слушать». Под неё можно мечтать и можно грустить. В ней можно раствориться. Ей нужно наслаждаться, ей нужно жить. Единственное, что нельзя сделать с этой музыкой – так это разделить удовольствие от её прослушивания с кем-либо ещё. Предназначенный, скорее, для индивидуального постижения, Enchant подтверждает тонко подмеченную мысль о том, что прогрессив – это музыка, предназначенная для тех, кто считает себя умнее других.
Абсолютный MustHave и, наверное, лучший альбом в прогрессиве после 2000 года.
Caught in the crosshairs condition dire
Trying a case of do or die
In the blink of an eye
I took someone's life
It's no wonder why
I'm hunted by it still
Bright Flickering light snubbed by my numbing hands
Don't understand
One finger slip and it's over for him
All's fair in war so they say
But later as I try to sleep
I just can't help but replay
When I sat in as deity
Was this man a loving father?
Was this man a loving son?
Though it was one of us or the other
I don't feel like a lucky one
In the blink of an eye
I took someone's life
It's no wonder why
I'm hunted every night
I still hear his cries
And think about his wife and his kids
And all that he could have been
If only we'd have been friends
In a blink of an eye:
2. Monday
I'm not alone
There are millions who are just like me
Is our life our own
Or are we breed to think everything's fine?
Just another ant in the line
I don't want to be
One more calf who's suckling the cash cow
Dressed like a corporate freak
Begging the clock to give me the chance to be me
A few moments just to be free
Swallow the lie just to get by but I'm sick of this bag of feed
Try to hide but it feels like you're caught in a landslide
When dreams die you can chalk it all up to the Monday
Blame it all on Monday
Friday feels all right: you think you got all night
Saturday is great but then it gets to late
When Sunday comes around
It brings you right back down dreading Monday
And all of what used to define you
Serves only just to remind you
Of the man you'd hoped to be
I can't believe I'm on the clock and wearing a monkey suit
Where is my dream? You know the one where I'm up on a stage
I guess I'm missing that page
Take a quick look, glance through the book before I'm put back in my cage
Shed your skin the transformation begins
Chalk outline and the finger points to a Monday
The only suspect is Monday
And all of what used to defined you
Serves only just to remind you
Of the man you'll never be
I'm not alone mindless masses trapped just like me
Busy little drones day in day out we're all pawns for the queen
I guess it's how it will be
Chained to my desk just like the rest who have surrendered their dreams
3. Seeds Of Hate
I was set loose as a child
To find my way out in the wild
Feel asleep inside a cage
And woke up in the middle age
I felt like I was living a lie
And had to escape it all
With mortal fears I shaved off the years
And went from a walk to a crawl
I know I'm reaping what I sown
But I never thought I'd die alone
I guess I signed up for this fate
By sowing the seeds of hate
And when I finally shook the phase
I was lost and miles away
Got to hard to turn around
I'd left no bread crumbs on the ground
I felt like I should have apologized
But that was so overdue
And by your eyes, knew I was despised
I guess I was afraid of you
I know I'm reaping what I've sown
But I never thought I'd die alone
I guess I signed up for this fate
By sowing the seeds of hate
So please believe this will that you read
That I thought of you everyday
I grant to you my hollow legacy
Please don't live your life this way
I know I'm reaping what I've sown
But I never thought I'd die alone
I guess I signed up for this fate
By sowing the seeds of hate
4. Flat Line
My hands are shaking; head is spinning
No mistake, the end's beginning
Body's aching, I feel like breaking down
Looking left and searching right
The pressure mounting, my skin's too tight
Though I've made this bed, I'm not laying down
Next stop is heartbreak city
Get off this train of pity
And hang on - the worst is coming
Be strong - the walls are tumbling down
So long - your head's been numb but your heat's still beating loud
Tired of running, sick of fighting
Plug my ears for the truth is frightening
My will is bending, I'm on shaky ground
The more I plush, the further you go
As I'm pulled down by the undertow
I'm reaching out - please don't let me drown
Don't let me down
Next stop is heartbreak city
Get off this train of pity
And hang on - the worst is coming
Be strong - the walls are tumbling down
So long - your head's been numb but your heat's still beating loud
And I worry, can I make it on my own
End of story, let's write this book again
Next stop is heartbreak city
Get off this train of pity
And hang on - the worst is coming
Be strong - the walls are tumbling down
So long - your head's been numb but your heat's still beating loud
5. Follow The Sun
I'll lead the way, let's follow the sun
Be on our way envied by everyone
Our bags are all packed a breeze starts to blow
The winds at our back, are you ready to go?
I'll lead the way, let's follow the sun
Oh the last time we traveled we labored so hard
But drifted so far from home
Yeah the search is our battle, can we ever find what we want
Let's take a chance and follow the sun
Dare to dance the music has just begun
Step after step, cleansing our souls
Cathartic release, making us whole
Let's take a chance and follow the sun
Oh the last time we traveled we labored so hard
But drifted so far from home
Yeah the search is our battle though we stumble and fall
It's only a bump in the road
Oh the more time unravels, the older we are but
The less we seem to know our resolve is rattled
You would think we'd know better by now
6. Ultimate Gift
And there you were beside me in the middle of a crowd
It took so long to find me, while I cried to you out loud
It seemed like forever I was so alone
I thought I've never find home
I was stumbling in the darkness, I was living underground
Now I'm standing in the sunlight, basking in this love I've found
It's the first breath of a baby; it's the warmth of a touch
I'm giving you my vow, I'll say it here and now
Nothing I could do could mean as much
I savor every moment I hang on every word
It's rapture just to touch you, the world becomes a blur
I'm a better man with you than I was by myself
And when I kiss you, you can tell
It's finding what you after, it's what is meant to be
When I hear your laughter and when you look at me
It's like living in a daydream, it's like heaven here on earth
I don't have much to give, but as long as I shall live
I give you my heart for what it's worth
I was drowning in an ocean, a lost soul set a drift
I was wandering the desert I was stepping off a cliff
I was hanging by a heartstring I was just about to slip
When you came to my rescue and gave to me the ultimate gift
It's a feeling of completeness, it's a half that now is whole
Now I see forever when you look into my soul
It's a drug I've never taken, it's like walking through the clouds
Words cannot describe just how I feel inside
Because of who you are I'm free somehow
7. My Everafter
Running out of time
But I still don't try
I can hardly breathe when you don't come around
Thought I'd write it down
Did then threw it out
Reality is the pill and you help me choke it down
Stay my cure for vanity
Stay my source of laughter
My broken record remedy
Stay my everafter
I don't say enough
And I never lose my bluff
But you, you can shell an oyster with nothing but a stare
Stay my cure for vanity
Stay my source of laughter
My broken record remedy
Stay my everafter
8. Invisible
Did everybody spit upon you
God dealt a card you didn't ask for
Are you the one they throw the change to
While the other hand locks the door
What are you in for
What if I could rise and take this mat with me
And what if I had eyes that couldn't help but see
And what if I could fly, why not it's never going to be
So tell what are you accused of
That you should be incarcerated
Can you endure a life with no love
Or is this a life at all
What are you in for
What if I could rise and take this mat with me
And what if I had eyes that couldn't help but see
And what if I could fly, why not it's never going to be
He put berries on a vine, stirred waves into the sea
He put planets in a line, but he didn't finish me
He made day time and the night, so you'd appreciate the sun
Am I the darkness to your light, so that you'll be glad you're one
Of the lucky ones with all your sanity to spare
So keep pretending not to see me, I'll keep pretending not to care
What if I could rise and take this mat with me
And what if I had eyes that couldn't help but see
And what if I could fly, why not it's never going to be
9. Despicable
I drank in my youth and had more than my share
I'd ask for forgiveness but I really don't care
Don't ask you to see me but for what I am
Was a dad for a while now jus t a lonely old man
I've wandered, I've tasted
I've squandered all that should be mine
What bounty I've wasted
I swapped my story for a line
I never let you lie
Except when you called me daddy
And if I seem insincere
Well good then you finally get me
I've wandered, I've tasted
I've squandered all that should be mine
What bounty I've wasted
I swapped my story for a line
It's hard to stay, it's hard to fight
But it was easy to go
And I could care but what the hell
I had my own seeds to sow
And they were young they'll let it go
They'll learn to swallow the pain
I shouldn't have to be involved
I shouldn't have to explain
Well you were wrong, I can't forget
I never could understand
And now with children of my own
It's as clear as my hand
You're a despicable man a despicable man
You've wandered, you've tasted
You've squandered all that should be mine
What bounty you've wasted
you swapped my story for a line
I hope you enjoyed the line