 Так, похоже лавры RHAPSODY (OF FIRE) кое-кому не дают спать спокойно, и этот кое-кто собирается отспорить у итальянцев звание главных эпических сказителей европейского симфо-пауэра. Во всяком случае, начатая французами на предыдущем альбом сага о волшебном мире Озирия на нем отнюдь не закончилась. Несмотря на потерю своей "сказочной принцессы" Элизы Мартин ребята не стали останавливаться на достигнутом и продолжили развивать свою историю и свою музыку. Вот, что интересно, Элизе уже не впервой покидать свои коллег, и всякий раз ей на смену приходит вокалист-мужчина. В DARK MOOR у Ромеро заменить ее получилось более, чем удачно, так что было интересно посмотреть, что выйдет у французов. Посмотрел. Получилось. Макс Леклер из группы MAGIC KINGDOM хоть и не продемонстрировал вокальных чудес, подобно все тому же Ромеро, но смотрелся уверенно и вполне адекватно исполняемой FAIRYLAND музыке. А с этой стороны никаких сюрпризов слушателя поначалу не ждет. Fantasy-power, знаете ли жанр довольно консервативный. В общем, после вполне ожидаемого псевдохорового торжественного вступления на нас обрушивается лавина скоростных гитарных проходов с клавишно-оркестровой подкладкой в сопровождении того самого высокого голоса месьё Леклера (впрочем, на фальцет он, по-моему, нигде не срывается) и периодически вторящих ему синтезированных хоралов. С мелодиями у главного сонграйтера французов Филиппа Жордана и на первом альбоме все было в порядке, так что я приготовился невинно и не напрягаясь провести часок в наушниках под довольно приятную и ни к чему не обязывающую музыку. Но… Месьё Жордана приготовил мне несколько приятных сюрпризов, первым из которых стала просто выдающаяся песня "The Awakening". Тут уж пришлось пробуждаться в самом прямом смысле этого слова. Едва ли не впервые, FAIRYLAND свернули в сторону от своего героическо-симфоническо-эпическо-фантастического пауэра в сторону чего-то, в чем даже можно разглядеть элементы прогрессивного метала и едва ли не арт-рока, чем-то даже напомнив здесь QUEEN, а клавишное соло самого Филиппа в этой вещи просто великолепно. Ну и мелодия, неожиданно сбившаяся с бравурного "ля-ля-ля", в сторону чего-то волнующе-тревожного… В-общем, одной этой песни достаточно, чтобы приобрести этот альбом. Дальнейшее только подтвердило, что пробудился я не зря. В следующей композиции французы попытались продолжить взятый курс на "интеллектуализацию" музыки (без особого, впрочем, успеха - несколько типов вокала, смена темпа и т.п. только перегружают неплохую поначалу мелодию), но "Clanner Of The Light" и, особенно "Anmorkenta" подтверждают, что репутация клона RHAPSODY французам не нужна, и слава богам! Завершается альбом, правда, вполне предсказуемым длиннющим эпиком, довольно нудным, но с некоторыми небезынтересными якобы фольклорными элементами, и на закуску - сюрприз для фэнов BLACKMORE'S NIGHT (финальная композиция словно вышла из рук Риччи и Кэндис). Кстати, "In Duna" - еще одна вещица с ведущим женским вокалом и фольклорно-балладными интонациями - выглядит тоже весьма интересно. В-общем, начавшись вполне обыденно и, можно сказать, рутинно, альбом
в дальнейшем показал, что у молодых французов достаточно сил, чтобы стать заметным явлением на сцене.
(диск предоставлен компанией Irond)
The visions dance into the darkness of my mind
Thus will end our battle
and the freedom of Osyrhia
The dark lord undefeated
at least will get his time
What for all the fights and promises we've had
Have Gods deserted us, or was it the light?
By my words I'm asking for Gods to guide me through the dark
I'll stand for all
The darkened dreams have called a freedom cry
as I've tried, and i tried
The shining tears of sorrow fallen in these dreams
Were never mine
The fall of an empire raise a thousand screams
that never die
The shining tears of sorrow fallen in these dreams
Were never mine
The fall of an empire raise a thousand screams
Screams that never die
Since then we've marched through a desert of hope
and yet our passion remains
The longing will for the kingdoms we've lost here
The voice of heroes thunders again
through the land of our freedom, our land
Courage of all, and the shining of Light
But still the empire falls
3. Lost In The Dark Lands
The power balance has failed
and death is stronger than us
The dark lord finally returns to Eldegrave
The nightmare came with that evil lord
The shadow falls on Osyrhia
We fighted with out might
No anger for the light
The shadow falls on Osyrhia
The endless walk through the night
where we belong at last
We're doomed to slavery
no one can save us now
Enter the kingdom of terror
Till the end we will stand brave
Lost in the dark lands where no one resists
The free men are enslaved, no light
Betrayed by chaos when hope turns to dust
The armies of freedom are lost
What will be our fate at the end of our path?
Will we be reduced to mere memories?
There's nothing now but despair
our lives were gambled and lost
The tower of destiny will decide our fate
The nightmare came with the evil lord
The shadow falls on Osyrhia, We fight with our might
No anger for the light
The shadow falls on Osyrhia
Blessed are the ones who died
for them all this is over
This pain is our price
for serving all we've loved
And shadow falls on Osyrhia
The kingdom is lost in the sands of time
Never turn you back on me again
Never turn you back on me again
Forlorn and lost
Suffering all day
The slaves forever bound to Eldergrave
Darkened shadows, fears unspoken
Thousand men lost in the dark lands
On the path to hell so many died
Never turn your back to see the lost friends on the field
They're lost...
4. Slaves Forlorn
5. The Awakening
Mourning time has worn away
hope fulfills our dreams
Buried in time, deep in our minds
Heroes of our past will never fade away
oppressed we are, slaves in the dark
but yet we'll fight just to see another day
Silently we cried in pain
fear was all we would know
Then hope came and changed us all
Dead I was before your praise
lost and drowned into my pain
Now I am here back to life
To see the sun shine again
Ho I've waited long for another chance
With the God's light shining in my heart
Now that life flows in me again
I will fight till the end of my days
Gods have been right, hearing our cries
Fulfilling what's in our dreams and our faith
We are not bound to be the slaves of darkness
And darkness will be failed
Time has come to break the chains of pain
And our freedom will rejoice the heart of our cherished Gods
Darkness was noxious
in silence I went down the walls of the grave
Free from the power of Cenos
I prepare the time when surely comes the light divine
Never get lost in the dark for the light we shall sing
and be strong against the odds
Leave me now, leave me now leave me now Leave me alone
Shadows, terror, we were lost in the dark
[chorus x2]
6. Eldanie Uelle
Once was a time, in the white desert cold
And a place she could call her own
Then came the darkness, fear, grievance and hate
From the hands of Gods, it's gone forever now
The dream of a man, and whisper of tears
all gone with the wind
Black endless night, in the shadows of hell
The fearful disk stood before the sun
so the lights of her father God shined not upon her land
In her castle of frost she swore for revenge
Far to the north, the call of retaliation
Open up, wide the gates of Havenrod
Solan has called the help of the one
over the frost where the white mountains lie
What will future be, in the shadows of a word?
To be a queen: an oath upon the sword
and a tale..
And the tale carries on
The ghost of a word, a promise unsaid a whisper away
For the helpless we left our homes behind
And to our destiny, we carry one
The dark clouds are far and yet I'm so cold
it seems that we've reached the end of the world
For the twilight we'll take our swords
and to Eldergrave we'll fight our way
Our fathers and brothers are dying in vain
but this is our oath: we'll get our revenge
Solan has called the help of the one
over the frost where the white mountains lie
What will future be, in the shadows of a word?
To be a queen: an oath upon the sword
and a tale..
7. Clanner Of The Light
Light will come and shine on me again
Wake up!
Broken my chains, along the walls of Eldergrave
I run to my freedom, alive and strong once more
Time has passed
Deliverance for all
My call will strike the end
The curse is gone forever more
The call of revolution roars beyond the gates
Cry out of the dying men, the desolation, persecutions
ache inside my heart, but I shall swear for revenge
Light will come and shine on me again
Yet it shines through the clouds
On the day we'll all be free again
Clanner of the Light
The shine and your force deliver hope for all
Clanner of the Light
The sword in your hand strikes for all
Beyond these walls of pain a better world awaits
So hold onto your freedom call
I'll bring the kingdom come to find a greater light
So hold onto your freedom call
Gods I've seen the ending, the final stage for all and shadows drift upon my skin
as the night will fear from us all
Light will come and shine on me again
Wake up!
Broken my chains, along the walls of Eldergrave
I run into my freedom, alive and strong once more
Time has passed
Deliverance for all
My call will strike the end
the curse is gone forever more
The call of revolution roars beyond the gates
8. To The Havenrod
9. The Walls of Laemnil
Suffering no more today
Not today!
Believe in us, we are now on our way to your jails
Leave your past suffering behind
Freedom awaits so you must raise your head to the stars
And believe in yourself once again
And tonight...
The walls of Laemnil fall
Raise our fate to the hands of Gods
The walls are falling to the trampling of our men
And the walls of Laemnil fall at last
The dark lord in his castle fears for death tonight...
One for all, on our march to Eldergrave
And the walls of Laemnil fall
To the stomping of a thousand men
One for all, on our march to Eldergrave
And the walls of Laemnil fall
To the stomping of a thousand men
Down to the hall we recovered the all-mighty stones
and the power of Gods will beours
We left the shadows far behind
leave the shadows far behind and stand
To win the freedom of all man
Freedom awaits so you must raise your heads to the stars
And believe in yourself again
And tonight...
Solan can witness our fight
And tomorrow leave the world in harmony
And tonight...
The walls of Laemnil fall
Raise our fate to the hands of Gods
And the walls of Laemnil falls at last
10. Anmorkenta
Take him down, take him down, take him down, take him down
Fight for your life, hear the call
No shadows there to be seen
Visions fade and your heart is released from pain
Time to be freed of your chains
The shine will never be killed
Then from heaven's gate the nightmare ends at last
The shadows are gone
Mysted in betrayal and lies
Under the sign of the dark
Darkness and oblivion fall when your children rise
Rise from the ashes and stand
forever free, forever proud
proud time has come and our victory is at hand
The foolish and the weaked
Cannot stand
The visions of their fall
It's gone forever now...
No more betray, the end of war comes at last
We will brighten your souls
Through shades of gray
the light's age will come at last
We will never get lost in the dark
To our freedom we joyfully ride
Hold my hand, don't wander in the dark
just keep the fear inside
the light fantastic guiding your way
Now the time to rise has come
a reason to go home
and give an end to darkest of days
no more betray, tonight
Never had a chance to turn away
The sea is calling now, over the bay
where all brothers lie
[chorus x2]
No more betray, the end of war comes at last
we will never be alone
through shades of gray, the light's age will come at last
11. In Duna
Silently black winter comes
tears of pain deep in our hearts
and the sun forever gone
while the shadows fly high
Night has come in shades of gray
light is gone forever now
and the Gods blind to our prays
leave their sons in the dark
Will the angels from heaven carry hope to our kind?
Shall we then keep our faith in the light?
Many tears and many cries for the friends forever gone
by the sword so many died
many never went home
Far from our kingdom where shadows can never dim
over the valleys and mountains we cry
Far on the water island of pain
last stand of Cenos where fathers and brothers are dying
Many tears and many cries
for the friends forever gone
by the sword so many died many never went home
Night has come in shades of gray
light is gone forever now
and the Gods blind to our prays
leave their sons in the dark
12. The Story Remains / Look Into Lost Years
Deep in our hearts
By this time, we've crossed so many lands
So many friends we've lost
So many bitter ends
By these days of anger, traitors and disguise
Gods have always been here by our side
Once again, we'll see the morning sun
Once again
Yet the memories remain
Never again the shadows in my heart
They're gone forever now
Before the light celebrate the return of many better days
Our world has the blessing of the Gods
These glorious times will be ours
And the story remains
So the time of peace will be back
And our love for the Gods is strong
For the light, we'll cross the endless sea
We'll face the evil one
and carry out the fear
So the day we've waited for so many years
finally comes
and our kingdoms will be free
And the story remains
13. Across The Endless Sea
[Bonus Track]
The night was young for deliverance
The path clear for all
In the darkes of thunder we follow the one
The time when Cenos fooled all alike
The dreams were bestowed
For the love of our pears we will sing and rejoice
The night was young for deliverance
The path clear for all
In the darkest of thunder we follow the one
The time when Cenos fooled all alike
The dreas were bestowed
The nightmare is over now
Angels will sing through endless times
Welcome the times when angels are coming tonight
Before my eyes, within my dreams
Welcome the time
When shadows are falling tonight
To reach the coast, freedom for all
We'll sail across the endless sea
The night was young for deliverance
The path clear for all
In the darkest of thunder we follow the one
The time when Cenos fooled all alike
The dreams were bestowed
For the love of our pears we will sing and rejoice
Across the mountains...
Across the seas...
Across the skies and space...
Across time...
There was a land the gods named Osyrhia. On this land they rose 7 continents. On each
of these continents, they put a king and to each king, they gave a stone...
In its youth, this land was of incredible beauty. Its wealth and the wisdom of its
inhabitants filled the Gods with contentment. So many wonders at reach could only call
for envy. So came an evil being, whose heart was blinded by jealousy and selfishness.
He was the first to brave the gentle Gods. But he was not alone... Eager for power, many
followed him and soon tried by force to take over the wonders of Osyrhia. In time, this
dark being was known from all as Cenos, "he who gathers" in the old language, and the
bards still call him the "Traveller", as he could cross whole continents to bring death and
desolation. As a wave of chaos swept over Osyrhia, the Gods held a council and together
joined their forces to banish evil and bring the peace back to their people. The very souls of
Cenos and his followers were locked for thousand years. In their wisdom, the Gods gave
the seven continental stones their power, so their people could protect their land and keep
the evil souls in their elder grave. And if Cenos could gather the wick, the stones would
unify all of Osyrhia's inhabitants. Nothing could defeat the guardian stones' power of unity.
It was then said that in time, a young human would get the power from the stones
and guide all the people in their fight against darkness. So ended the days of wealth. A
thousand year as now gone by, and evil slowly awakes. In his uneasy sleep, a young man
makes a strange dream...
As the story goes: Following the events accounted in the "Of Wars In Osyrhia" chapter, the
armies of the light fought bravely at the battle of Laemnil, but were soon outnumbered by the
legions of Cenos. The bearers of the Guardian Stones were slain, and the Stones themselves
hidden in the fallen citadel of Laemnil. The armies of Osyrhia were led to their final
destinations in Kalia, Duna and Eldergrave, where they would meet what fate Cenos had planed
for them...