 Это первая написанная мною рецензия на альбом в жанре метал-хард-кор. Так как я человек, совершенно не осведомленный в истории, поджанрах, и основных коллективах стиля (кроме, может быть, Madball и Pro-Pain), то буду мерить как умею, посредством знакомого мне инструментария.
На этом, первом полноформатном альбоме (записанном, как гласит буклет, всего за три дня!!), Иерихонцы ведомые хрипастой и миловидной особой по имени Кандас Куксулайн, стилистически недалеко ушли от переигрывания тем “Reign in Blood” Slayer (как видите, ничего общего со вторым альбомом Хэллоуин здесь нет, только название команды!!). Много очень шустрых моментов, «кача» тоже хватает. Короткие, по две-три минуты, песни. Гитарных соло нет вообще. Жаль, разнообразие не помешало бы.
Да, теперь о разнообразии. То есть о вокале. Как гласит пословица, повествующая о нелегкой металлической судьбе, «не умеешь петь – рычи» ((с) Некто). Мадам Куксулайн (предводитель защитников Иерихона) пытается рычать, но то что выходит в результате, по меньшей мере, отвратно. Первая мысль, которая приходит в голову – у девушки явно проблемы в личной жизни, вишь, как изнывает. Если серьезно, то лучше бы на пластинке вообще не было вокала. Записали бы инструментальный трэш-альбом, пусть даже и без гитарных соло. Плотный звук, никакой расхлябанности и пауз. Динамично и лаконично. Чего еще для счастья нужно? Молодежь будет угорать по полной.
На самом деле, у Кандас голос есть. И очень даже мелодичный. Есть момент в трэке “Misanthropy”, например, где она пропевает кусок текста в качестве отступления. Плюс целый трэк “Angel” спет красивым чистым голосом. Правда это и в музыкальном плане – баллада, вообщем-то. А так... сделать что-ли скидку на «пробу пера»?
Лучшие трэки? Да вы что, весь альбом – один бо-ольшой трэк. Что не успели обрисовать в прошлом элементе, докрашивают в последующих!
Рекомендуется упертым лоботрясам (читай, хэдбенгерам)!
П.С. Блин, а кто же все-таки из них так фанател от Хэллоуин?!
the shortcoming of the disaster
eliminate the source but do not destroy the fighters
end the sinister accusations
acknowledge the foresight in which we hold [X2]
to end oppression - doing it in an uneducated
way is not going to end it
it's going to enforce ones reputation
in a disgraceful manner
to segregate us by color would be antithetical to
what we are trying to accomplish
progress cant be made by weeding out the majority
2. Home Is Where the Heart Is
do you ever want to leave yourself
and let misfortune take your soul?
worthless heavy heart
as I turn the switch and throw it away
misery seeps on my skin and I sit and stare
numb and mute
can anything else I touch break?
carry me away pain
look through the framework and impale my disgust
I have nothing
none of it
please join in, but do you deserve it?
I beat fulfillment into white walls
fuck it we all cry and hate life as we choose it
bit by bit by broken piece we kill it
we grasp heavily as blood and
tears drip through our hands
the light in my eyes
unsettled in my actions
kill them
3. Changing Times
times have tried
now you and I must complete the cycle
when equality cant be built in a day
where do we go from there?
to divide us is to separate
let's turn and start again
where do we go from here?
every opportunity is there
when standards can be met
because the difference is what you and I make of it
break it down - I'll try if you try
but equality can't be built in a day
so I'll follow with time on my side
I'll keep trying while you push through this wall that you let divide
you and I
4. Unwanted Resistance
unspoken contributions
a fragment of contemporary fundamentals
completion factor
ripping two cells abundantly
torment that's causing inner perspective
so untouched by the possessed clutches that resist
plentiful pains bruise my uncanny veins
supplement reoccurring is approaching
the laceration is contradicting
completion of the two is so important
to be able to proceed, for me it's ended
5. Misanthropy
and what am I to you?
hopefully not a piece of misconception
that life's rule has pounded into your head
why is there a difference?
why is it appealing?
pain - oppression
you're feeding off our insecurities
they're living off your fucking tyrannical lies
how can you degrade the ones
you've claimed to love?
how can you degrade the ones
you've claimed to call equal?
and you think our pleasure justifies our
self destruction that you've
bought into here, let me strip down to my bare skin let
me show you what you call equal
a rotting corpse is what you will have
left in your hand
it used to be equable but you won't conceive of it
you defy it
6. Beneath the Exterior
now I feel my tears shredding through my skin
my convictions seep into my open wounds
as the idea you've pressed on me
are the fears that I bury within my
distorted thoughts as this tear runs down
my structured face
images of your impulsive greed shreds my existence
as your hands give life to the razors that
slice my violated throat
how to comprehend that nightmare you so willingly
helped me fall in debt
to what appeased you?
answer me that
piece by piece it slowly deteriorates
my sanity if any is left
7. Full Disclosure
why is it that we open our flesh based statue to
minds that easily forget?
I remain torn from the hand that I would
have placed on my inviting face
we sacrifice what brought us down
to indulge in the unknown
when you meant that much to me
so did the words that were released from your lips
but you weren't there
so i'll pride myself in knowing your false
proclamation as I build this wall once again
what is left?
the fragments coated in sorrow
an acknowledged entrapment
I am here to strike you down upon your disgust
I will marvel in the glorified defeat
8. Family Values
intertwined thoughts with yours
stitched up wounds are open once again
appreciation of my silence
will be held no more
so close to your desires
but I will not encourage my blood
to be spilled for indignity
and I would cry but it would kill all that I know
still utter deceit enters my flesh
and I contemplate the end as I grasp for breath
bearing bloody memories while kneeling
down letting my insides pour out
and my enraged memories won't let me open
these wounds anymore
9. Why Father
you were there when I cried - I screamed
It would not be forgotten
A slave to the poison that dragged us down
We must suffer for your fucking incapabilities
And she could not see you destroy her
I can't even grasp the pictures that
you implanted in my mind
Must overcome and impale you with
the epitomes of your actions
We loved so much
Now I won't let myself hate you less
Now you're dead
You haven't suffered enough
I wish I could have been the one
who crushed your heart
With my despaired hand letting
your unruly blood flow
And your burned flesh lie collapsed
Are you proud?
10. Angel
I stare as my weak knees wilt
longing trying to touch the embrace that has left me
and I had you
and your kindness was there
now pieces of you hate me
I am not a portrait on your heart no more
but I still kiss the feelings that emerge from my pulse
and memories seep from my eyes
knowing that love has gone further
than my soft hand can reach
the utmost apology is what I can lay on your face but
will you still swallow me whole?
nothing can compare
and you continue to dance in me
and I continue to bleed
but nothing can compare
I have killed the one thing that exceeds my existence
11. Inevitable Repercussion
thin lines stand side to side while
the cries of millions pile up
their social structure declined
ripped down from forceful hands
as their tongues replenish silence
you tore their virtue out with bare empty hands
portraying what was dominated in your past
you laid it down with the intent of compromise
a life filled with the remaining memories
how can you give us the pain?
what thrives in you to proceed?
chrome cut eyes will not hold obliterating energy
blood soaked cavity collapses from annihilation