« Supremacy »
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1 | Defeatist
 | 2 | Horrors Of Self
 | 3 | Mind Over All
 | 4 | To The Threshold
 | 5 | Give Wings To My Triumph
 | 6 | Destroy Everything
 | 7 | Divine Judgement
 | 8 | Immortal Enemies
 | 9 | Most Truth
 | 10 | Never Let It Die
 | 11 | Spitting Venom
 | 12 | As Diehard As They Come
 | 13 | Supremacy Of Self |
   Jamey Jasta - Vocals
Sean Martin - Guitar
Frank Novinec - Guitar
Chris Beattie - Bass guitar
Matt Byrne - Drums
Brendan Feeney - Vocals (bckgr)
Josh Grden - Vocals (bckgr)
Patrick Sullivan - Vocals (bckgr) |
Zeuss - Producer, Engineer, Mixing
Mike Gitter - A&R
Ted Jensen - Mastering
Meran Karanitant - Artwork, Layout Design
Daragh McDonagh - Photography
 | 1. Defeatist
Trapped within your own apathy
Spiraling into a cycle of loss
Beaten mind with a bruised reflection
It's addiction to failure of substances
That ties you to your selfish punishment
In your eyes it's cursed
No fix, no cure, tortured with imperfection
Your hatred is aimless
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 Мягко сказать, удивлен столь несправедливо низкой оценкой. Прекрасный во всех отношениях альбом, представляющий из себя угарную смесь из брутального трэша и металкора. Прогресс после предыдущего альбома чувствуется практически с первых аккордов; композиции стали намного разнообразнее, в каждом трэке чувствуется серьезная проделанная работа. От былой однотипности не осталось и следа, и это не может не радовать. При этом группа сохранила свой характерный стиль, из-за чего альбом, как и раньше, воспринимается как единое целое.
Тексты стали на порядок серьезнее и мрачнее, наконец отойдя от типичного панковского социального протеста, чем грешили многие трэки из прошлых альбомов. С музыкой стихи связаны очень органично - до такой степени, что трудно даже представить другие варианты их музыкального сопровождения. Оригинальность лирики также выделяет HateBreed из общей массы core'ных групп, придавая ей еще больше индивидуальности.
В плане тяжести группа сохранила прежнюю планку, даже несколько утяжелившись. Некоторые трэки страдают от отсутствия мелодичности, но большинство слушаются без усилий и поднимают эмоциональный накал до крайнего предела. Особенно хотелось бы выделить разрывные боевики «Give Wings to My Triumph», «Never Let It Die», «Spitting Venom».
Одним словом, столь драйвовой и качественной музыки в этом стиле сегодня выходит очень немного, поэтому любителям стиля ни в коем случае нельзя пропустить этот шедевр. Надеюсь, в будущем Джаста и компания порадуют нас не менее динамичной и зажигательной музыкой, хотя дальше, кажется, развиваться им уже просто некуда. |
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В наше время достичь каких-то успехов в музыке и войти в элиту можно в основном благодаря раскрутке. Но некоторые моменты задевают настолько , что мало кому известная группа может поразить своей гениальностью или просто вызвать кучу положительных эмоций. Hatebreed это в какой-то степени удалось в альбомах "Perseverance" (2002) и особенно "The Rise Of Bruitality". За всей простотой однообразных риффов и отсутствием каких-либо вокальных данных у фронтмена группы Джэйми Джасты присутствовала какая-то фишка, что отличало группу от других хардкоровских коллективов. Яркое впечатление произвела песня "I Will Be Heard'', не только по кассовому боевичку xXx. И вот прошло 4 года. Ожидавшийся дисочек "Supremacy" должен был стать качественным продуктом в честь десятилетия группы, чего он, к сожалению, не оправдал. Первое, что замечаешь - голос Джейми Джасты резко изменился. Если раньше он был суровым, хриплым, холодным, то в новом альбоме он ничем не отличается от голоса обычного человека. Группа зачем-то решила уделить больше внимания ударным инструментам, что сводит всю атмосферу на нет. Первая песня альбома, "Defeatist", вообще производит впечатление какой-то кричалки. Да и вообще, особо выделить нечего. Одним словом, деградация налицо. Какого-то улучшения врядли стоит ожидать. |
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просмотров: 19960 |
Never to be broken
Cause you HATE yourself
And you HATE this world
And you HATE the fact
That you HATE every moment
(4 times)
Defeatist, you and I will never be the same!
I've taken this vow of hatred
I promised to myself to never be my own defeatist
This is my hatred, this is my vow
Never to be broken
Cause you HATE yourself
And you HATE this world
And you HATE the fact
That you HATE every moment
(4 times)
Defeatist, you and I will never be the same!
I take this vow
I take this vow of hatred
I take this vow
Never to be broken
2. Horrors Of Self
Look again into the mirror you despise
Keep looking over you shoulder
That shadow may not always be your own
It's living in you, on you eating you alive
It bears a striking resemblance, it bears your scars
Confront the horrors of self
What no ones knows is what you fear
Those thoughts you reject
Only horror hidden in time conceals what has been lost
Spitting into your own reflection, spewing hatred towards reality
Your just a speck of sand in an endless desert of agony
Horror of self
I must confront this
Confront the horror
Horrors of self
Must be confronted, to be forgiven
Horrors of self
Concealed by time, annihilate the past, let it be forgotten
Horrors of self
Must be confronted, to be forgiven
Horrors of self
Must be revealed to achieve contrition
Horrors of self
3. Mind Over All
When I was at my weakest
And I had given in
Some had counted me out
Some rejoiced in my failures
The few that believed
Gave me power and life
Gave me strength with their trust
Surrounding me with light
No limit to what can be achieved
Power that has yet to be seen
End the instability
Stare now into glory
It's within and it's growing
Their mark is not worn
It's purest devotion
It's the war of knowing
They are there for me
They are part of who I am
It's within me in spirit
And beside me in battle
No limit to what can be achieved
Power that has yet to be seen
End the instability
Stare now into glory
4. To The Threshold
This is the sound of the lost, the beaten and broken
Rising up and claiming what has been taken from us
From the shadows of the past
From the depths of our own failures
Stepping forward into the light
Denying our demise
Decimating all uncertainty
Bowing to only you can place judgment upon me
Give me your broken
Give me your beaten
I will build them up
I will lead them
To the threshold
Make you stronger
Make you believe
I am one in the same
But now stronger then uncertainty
Within this army
This is more than a battle cry
It's the blood of our lifeline
Flowing faster
This is the sound of the lost, beaten and broken
Decimating all fears
Stronger then ever
Beyond every dream
Ascension into supremacy
Now we're stronger then ever
Harder then ever
Give me your broken
Give me your beaten
I will build them up
I will lead them
To the threshold
To the threshold
This is more than a battle cry
We were the broken
We were the beaten
I was once like you
Now I push myself to the threshold
Because I am stronger
Because I believe
Now I spit in the face of defeat
Now I'm stronger then all uncertainty
5. Give Wings To My Triumph
Here I am
Exposed in my brokenness
Here I am
Screaming these words
It's all I ever known of serenity
Here I am
Telling my pain, bearing my soul to the world
Here I am
Venting on this page, flawed and insecure no more
Here I am coming clean with myself, knowing that this time would come
Here I am
Like a thousand voices, I know I'm not the only one
Now my fist must never become unclenched
Eternally prevailing against
I must endure this misfortune and bring starvation for those
Hunger for my defeat
Give wings to my triumph
Let this life ascend
Give wings to my triumph
Give rebirth for ever death
Here I am
Exposed in my brokenness
For the world to see
Here I am screaming these words
It's all I've known for serenity
See my will before you know
Life ascend in every breath
A rise for every fall
A life for every death
Give me wing
So I ascend
Let me soar, take me farther then ever before
Give wings to my triumph
Life ascend in every breath
Give wings to my triumph
Rebirth for every death
Give wings to my triumph
And let me soar
Give wings to my triumph
Take me farther then every before
6. Destroy Everything
A new life begins
Destroy everything
Obliterate what makes us weak
Destroy everything
Decimate what threatens me
Cleanse this world with flame
End this, cleanse this
Rebuild and start again
Obliterate what makes us weak
End this and embrace the destruction
And this and embrace new life
Even an empty threat deserves a response you won't soon forget
I must destroy everything that tries to infect
Even an empty threat deserves a response you won't soon forget
I must destroy everything that tries to infect
Destroy everything
Obliterate what makes us weak
Destroy everything
Decimate what threatens me
Cleanse this world with flame
End this, cleanse this
Rebuild and start again
Obliterate what makes us weak
End this and embrace the destruction
And this and embrace new life
Even an empty threat deserves a response you won't soon forget
I must destroy everything that tries to infect
Even an empty threat deserves a response you won't soon forget
I must destroy everything that tries to infect
A new life begins
Destroy everything
Obliterate what makes us weak
Destroy everything
Decimate what threatens me
Destroy everything
So a new life can begin
Destroy everything
Rebuild and start again....again
7. Divine Judgment
It's a wish for reprisal
The vengeance the divine has chosen
In the reflection of this anger
In this embodiment of all that is despised
They'll claim it's justified
They'll say it's divine judgment
With prayers and wishes to be granted
With destruction and murder behind their eyes
Pray tonight, pray
Beg the sky, beg
The angles they claim
May be sent to take our life
A wish for something more than death
A wish for paradise to open
Born now are new saviors
Sent to steal our breath
Pray tonight, pray
Beg the sky, beg
The angels they claim
May be sent to take your life.
Some claim its justified
Some say it's the judgment of the divine
How could it be the work the work of the divinity?
It's divine retribution
8. Immortal Enemies
When the conflict never ceases
And the enemies are immortal
Only their names are faces change
So a stance must always be held
Claw at my pride you facade tears away
Another day dies, I'm looking, I'm tasting
Attempt to break my stride, fall deeper, tread faster
Another cry ignored, the most desolation
If the conflict must last forever
So much our struggle for justice
In a state of faith denied
Is it any wonders where the answers lie?
Enemies never die
Conflict is unending
Chaos never ceases
Where does the solution lie?
Claw at my pride you facade tears away
Another day dies, I'm looking, I'm tasting
Attempt to break my stride, fall deeper, tread faster
Another cry ignored, the most desolation
If the conflict must last forever
So much our struggle for justice
In a state of faith denied
Is it any wonders where the answers lie
Enemies never die
Conflict is unending
Chaos never ceases
Where does the solution lie?
When the conflict never ceases
And the enemies are immortal
Only their names are faces change
So a stance must always be held
Enemies never die
Conflict is unending
Chaos never ceases
Where does the solution lie?
9. The Most Truth
Let's go!
The pain is here to tell me that I'm still alive
The pain is here to tell me that I'm still alive
Alive to fight another day
Alive to reveal and turn the page
The pain is here to tell me that I'm still alive
The pain is here to tell me that I'm still alive
Alive to fight another day
Alive to reveal and turn the page
Alive to reveal itself
Because the pain reveals the most truth
See the scars behind these eyes
The sting of daylight, the changing tide
Horizon haunt me no longer
The truth is born again into me
My pain has revealed to me the most truth
The pain tells me I'm still alive
To fight another day
The pain tells me I'm still alive
Reveal and turn the page
The pain tells me I'm still alive
It reveals... the most truth!
10. Never Let It Die
The flame was almost extinguished
That the will had faded and escaped from me
Two years have passed and they wilted away
All that was left were memories of days I never lived
Now the fight is on until there's nothing left
I'll fight like never before
The fight is on until my final breath
I've never wanted anything more
I must never let it die!
I must never let it die!
Bonds are strengthened when they've been tested
And mended when they've been torn
So give all of yourself that there is to give
Cause in life to have never risked is to have never lived
Now the fight is on until there's nothing left
I'll fight like never before
The fight is on until my final breath
I've never wanted anything more
I must never let it die!
I must never let it die!
I must never let it die!
I must never let it die!
So resolve, reassure and push on without fear
Ignite the flame, because only you govern what tomorrow holds
It's inside us all waiting to be awoken
It's more then words describe
This is the spark - let it burn, make it build
It will never be denied
Cause the fight is on until there's nothing left
I'll fight like never before
The fight is on until my final breath
I've never wanted anything more
I must never let it die!
I must never let it die!
I must never let it die!
I must never let it die!
Will we let it die?
(7 times)
I must never let it die!
I must never let it die!
I must never let it die!
I must never let it die!
11. Spitting Venom
Here lies another grudge another score never settled
For many who lead a life of resentment
Filled with foolish pride, that blinds them
Fighting the world but their own progress gets fought
Feeble minds, spit their venom at me
Reliving their grievances day in, day out
Living with all the same that their life has spit out
Alone and provoked
Your anger is deep and lasting
Shamed and enraged
Filled with righteous indignation
So believe what you may
Say what you will
I'll spit my venom in the eyes or your world
I'll spit my venom in the eyes of your world
Anonymity will not last
So mock and slander
With your empty threats
Identity unknown
Spineless coward, soon to be revealed,
Choose your conflicts
Try again and fail, expression of feat
From the lies you live
You stand to lose now, you always will
I am undeterred
Spitting Venom
12. As Diehard As They Come
Some of us have had that fateful day
When harmony fades and life stands still
Those who were willing to sacrifice
Were blessed with the instinct to survive
This is for those who've escaped the torment
You know real courage
You are as diehard as they come
This is for those who never wavered
You are fearless
You are as diehard as they come
You are as diehard as they come
You are as diehard as they come
You are as diehard as they come
Never waiver, never falter- REMAIN DIEHARD
You are as diehard as they come
You are as diehard as they come
13. Supremacy Of Self
Am I the only one standing in my way?
Am I my own merciless enemy?
Can I stare back looking deep into death's gaze
Can I turn and face myself and the knowledge of what shouldn't be?
To look into my heart was to look into hell
Controlled by the voice of fear I was completely overwhelmed
So concerned with the things I could never change
Now I must assure to never fulfill that prophecy
I must attain
Supremacy of mind
Supremacy of body
Supremacy of spirit
Supremacy of self
The war you want is the war I'm willing to give
Farewell to all the disbelief suspended in the depths
To look into my heart was to look into hell
Controlled by the voice of fear I was completely overwhelmed
So concerned with the things I could never change
Now I must assure to never fulfill that prophecy
I must attain
Supremacy of mind
Supremacy of body
Supremacy of spirit
Supremacy of self
Supremacy of self
Supremacy of self
Supremacy of self