 Эта пластинка представляет собой работу на стыке stoner,death\doom metal.Нужно заметить что в работе чувствуется огромное влияние таких монстров стиля как My Dying Bride, Cathedral и Anathema. Особое внимание обращу на присутствие скрипки практически во всех композициях (что сближает с MDB) и акустических вставок(Anathema). Немного не понравилось как вывели вокал: в тех случаях, когда вокалист по-анафемовски шепчет, практически не слышно слов. Вокал представляет собой сухой гроул. Гитары жужжат по стоунеровски. Атмосфера то печальная, то по-стоунеровски задорная. Порадовало, что ребята не просто заимствовали музыкальные идеи у некоторых групп, но и перерабатывали их (например, те моменты, когда две гитары играли в интервал). Хочется выделить инструменталы - они действительно красивые.
Разумеется в сравнении с теми же MDB или Anathema Celestial Season проигрывают, не хватает опыта и эмоциональности. Попытка угодить любителям и stoner metal, и doom metal кидает группу на протяжении альбома из стороны в сторону. Но при этом чувствуется, что потенциал композиторский есть. А потому... |
show me the notes to the music
show me the words I can't find
write me a poem that touches me
playing this song as you write...
2. Solar Child
solar child is burning my eyes
she's still burning my eyes
would you give it to me
all the love you have
child...would you give it to me
all I had inside I gave to you
I want you to give me the same
3. Body As Canvas
4. Soft Embalmer Of The Still Midnight
shutting with careful fingers
our gloom-pleased eyes
to walk through gardens of delight
we'll live in our dreams
this night, we'll live our dreams
our secrets will be sung
they slip away from your lips
into the sweating midnight air
you make our dreamscape
feel like falling
falling from the highest mountain
into a valley of green, soft leaves
gliding through this passing day
enshaded in forgetfulness
we create our ideal world
banished is the rage of yesterday
dawn falls for the morning to shine
awake, new-born, you fade away...
...for another day...
5. Will You Wait For The Sun?
the cold water in which I stand
portrays the tears I once cried
I face a sunset of sweet sins
in a dusk of perishing hopes
I bear the shroud
that once warmed me
I bear a torn shroud
that now grieves with me
I wash my hands
with glory that once was
with might once shared
through my fingers it slips...
...alas...it slips...
blissful winds that covet me
offering wings of shining silk
they whisper to me
will you wait for the sun?
6. The Holy Snake
7. Dancing To A Thousand Symphonies
remembering the melodies
in a room with glowing stars
with a thousand symphonies, right
I still recall a smile on the wall
not forgetting the beating on the drums
under a blood raining sky
with the roaring of thunder, okay
dancing to a thousand symphonies
my feet are off the ground
dancing to a thousand symphonies
I love transcending sounds
my feet are off the ground
I love these transcending sounds
8. Vienna
оригинал: Ultravox
we walked in the cold air
freezing breath on a window pane,
lying and waiting
the man in the dark in a picture frame,
so mystic and soulful
a voice reaching out in a piercing cry,
it stays with you until
the feeling has gone only you and I
it means nothing to me
this means nothing to me
oh, vienna
the music is weaving
haunting notes, pizzicato strings,
the rhythm is calling
alone in the night as the daylight brings,
a cool empty silence
the warmth of your hand and a cold grey sky,
it fades to the distance
the image has gone only you and I
it means nothing to me
this means nothing to me
oh, vienna
this means nothing to me
this means nothing to me
oh, vienna
9. Fandango
10. The Scent Of Eve
...and I find light in the tears
from your eyes
...and I hope in the tears we cry
for now we cannot
let them fall anymore
in the light of day we can only sigh
the twilight embraces our souls uproar
through the woods we'll run
where natures caress is sweet
in solitude we find each other
I trace your warmth
you treasure my strength
in these days we share tomorrow
exiled you once were
and exiled we are now
in the barest part of our shared nature
because I sank so deep
...so deep to find you
I stare at your face
the untouchable one
I wantedt to touch it...to hold it
but life turns away...forever...
11. A Tune From The Majestic Queen's Garden