« Adrenaline »
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1 | Bored
 | 2 | Minus blinfold
 | 3 | One weak
 | 4 | Nosebleed
 | 5 | Lifter
 | 6 | Root
 | 7 | 7 Words
 | 8 | Birthmark
 | 9 | Engine no. 9
 | 10 | Fireal
 | 11 | Fist |
   Chino Moreno - vocals
Stephen Carpenter - guitar
Chi Cheng - bass
Abe Cunningham - drums |
 | 1. Bored
Hear me spit on you, wither I
Remold into gold and bury I from - Sun
Reborn left to sigh, recure maybe I\'ll
Be born and simplify - The way I lie - Before
I get bored
I\'m bored
Repent by you and trust to figure out
I burn that gift to doll and let it shine before
I get b |
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 Первый полноценный альбом известной и влиятельной американской команды, которая наряду с Korn считается одной из основоположницей стиля ню-метал. О влиянии Deftones на свою музыку не раз заявлял Fred Durst, а Limp Bizkit и Linkin' Park исполняли песни группы на своих концертах.
Группа образовалась в 1988-м, но до 1994-го к серьезной работе не приступала, штампуя демо-ленты. Но осенью 1994 началась работа над дебютным альбомом "Andrenaline". Причем, в группу верили, так как приставили к ней не просто продюсера, а самого Терри Дэйта, который до Deftones успел поработать и с Soundgarden, и с Pantera, и с White Zombie. Дэйт привнес в музыку группы новые идеи, особенно касающиеся структуры песен. Не без его влияния сформировался фирменный стиль, в котором сделаны первые три диска группы, и который принес успех музыкантам.
"Andrenaline" является типичным дебютным альбомом: со своими достоинствами, недостатками, новыми веяниями и цитированием групп, которые оказали влияние на молодых музыкантов. Первые четыре композиции "Bored", "Minus Blindfold", "One Weak" и "Nosebleed" выглядят сыроватыми и похоже сделаны на раннем этапе творчества - слишком они незамысловаты и просты. Например, "Bored" (которая стала первым синглом группы), по признанию музыкантов, была сочинена за 30 минут, причем самым сложным оказалось записать припев "I get bored!" - Чино Морено никак не мог проорать эту строчку с нужным звучанием. Но начиная с "Lifter" начинается именно тот Deftones, который узнаваем и любим многими. Депрессивный альтернативный метал с сильным привкусом психоделии. Чувствуется влияние темных "альтернативщиков" из Tool, которые к тому времени уже выпустили два альбома и тоже cтановились "широко известными в узких кругах". Особенно творчество Tool чувствуется на "Birthmark". Не так конечно задуренно, но зато потяжелей, и вокал Морено гораздо агрессивней упаднического tool'ского голоса. Также на второй половине альбома следует отметить "Engine No.9", которая не затерялась бы и на атомном втором альбоме "Around The Fur" (1997). А также "Fireal", которая уже предсказывает творения диска "White Pony"(2000) - тягучий альтернативный медляк.
Что в итоге? В итоге имеем типичный дебютник - качественный, но сыроватый. Начиная с пятого трека это уже приличная музыка, которая, если сравнивать с последующими творениями группы, выглядит недоразвитой. Но в 1995 году народу было не с чем сравнивать этот альбом, поэтому он принял его "на ура". Только в САСШ было продано почти 966 тыс. копий этого опуса, что немного не дотягивает до платинового статуса.
PS. Следом за "Fireal" затесался hidden track "Fist" (спродюсированный, кстати, Ross Robinson), который сильно напоминает ранний, образца 1993-го года, Radiohead. |
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Нахлынувшая в Сакраменто волна хип-хопа, наряду с диско и скейт-панком, вдохновила четырых молодых парней на создание музыкального коллектива под названием Deftones. Однако, просидев в гараже около 8 лет и создавая демо-записи с плохим качеством, только лишь в 1995 году, под предводительством Терри Дейта, они выпускают дебютную работу в свет.
Говоря откровенно, альбом навеян духом альтернативщиков и гранжеров - будь то грязный, невылизанный звук, либо явный закос со стороны Чино Морено под Билли Коргана, вокалиста The Smashing Pumpkins. Но уже с первой работы Дефтоунс зарекомендовали себя как группа, для которой нет жанровых граней, и которая узнается с первого прослушивания, благодаря особенной, трагической, а в какой то степени даже романтической атмосфере.
На пластинке нет проходных вещей, каждый трек представляет собой разнообразную историю, в которую нужно погрузиться с головой. Самые сильные вещи на мой взгляд - "Bored" (которая стала культовой песней, наравне с "Blind" группы KoЯn), "Nosebleed", "7 Words", "Engine No.9" и великолепная, словно вишенка на верхушке торта, суицидальная "Fireal", повествующая о неразделенной любви (в будущем тема любви будет преобладать в лирике Чино). На бонус-треке, кстати говоря, засветился Росс Робинсон, который занимался его продюсированием.
Коллектив никогда не называл себя ню-металлистами и пытался сделать всё, чтобы освободиться от этого клейма, однако все их попытки были тщетными. 8 из 10 - мой итог, это отличный дебютный альбом и, как мы знаем, дальше будет только лучше. |
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просмотров: 28628 |
I wish for a real one
Fit and confide, before me or I
I will come clean, it gets worse - it\'s more
I get bored
I wish for a real one
2. Minus Blindfold
Done feeding, I leaned back head rested on the couch\'s top
Must leave the house soon mean gone cause my pops he\'s hot
Grab my blue backpack, My walkman, grip my bicycle
Because I know my friends are waiting at the door
I\'m feeling loose like you - Just fucking around and shit
Til that comes fifty-five I\'m twenty-six
Let me go I give more
And you know I fold I
Come at me! Come! Come!
My activites don\'t cross but they create
You know I want to pick you up
But they don\'t want you to
Asking for it, like we got
Yes we cross but we create
You know I want to pick you up
But they don\'t want you - shit fuck\'em
You let this screw I thought they knew you
But when you turned your back I know they\'re going do
You had to prove me right and then we did
And that son of a bitch he swerved almost hit two kids
I\'m feeling heartless, I\'m feeling hate
So when there\'s nothin but the real swing in her fuckin
Rape! No! One! Me! no choice
Let me go I get bored
And you know I\'m fuckin flown!
Come on! Come! Come!
My activities don\'t cross but they create
You know I want to pick you up
But they don\'t want you to
Threaten me court, like we got
Yeah we cross but we create
You know I want to pick you up
But they don\'t want you - Burn
Let me go I give more
And you know - ohh
So good we could and
We learned to cry and
Lift me up
Come on! Come!
My activities don\'t cross but they create
You know I want to pick you up
But they don\'t want you
Dis me court, like we got
Yeah we cross but we cried
You know I want to pick you up
But they don\'t want you - up!
3. One Weak
Nerve, Here I born feeding on his lung
Verve, is his curse because he wanted to meet christ alone
Yeah - you\'re no good, we could be so flown
Misunderstood - we could be your god
There in my bones we could be so flown
Misunderstood - because he wanted to meet Christ alone
But you will...
No you will never find me - breach unborn
Never come here watch me burn
Never bitch cause your scars show
Never will I burn
Under and beneath the floor
Before his face \'cause your no good
We could have been like one
Fuck it
Bitch you feel sore, we could be so flown
Misunderstood, Because he wanted to meet Christ alone
But you will...
No you will never find me - breach unborn
Never sit and watch me burn
Never bitch cause your scars show
Never will I burn, will I burn, will I burn, will I burn
Beg don\'t even try and you will never [x3]
Beg don\'t even waste your time
4. Nosebleed
No means no lie now find out what you get - you\'re no good
You\'ll sit around and throw a fuckin fit
We are here onto you
You\'re so far - you\'re fuckin gone
You won\'t get to me till you cover me
I don\'t need this shit till you cover me
No means no lie now find out what you get - It\'s all good
You\'ll sit around and throw a fuckin fit
We are here onto you
You\'re so far - you\'re fuckin gone
You won\'t get to me till you cover me
I don\'t need this shit till you cover me
We are here - Mother - in your fear with you
We could be perfect in your world I know
But I will come, I will come, and I will come Go!
I will come, I will come, and I will come
I will come, I will come, I will come, I will come
You won\'t get to me till you cover me
I don\'t need this shit you fuckin liar
5. Lifter
Watch me With your eyes
Been giving God
A paedophile
I want to Be just like you
Then I\'d be cool
Maybe not
We left our eyes
Big surprise
Kiss me goodbye
Without you being here
I\'ve be giving fear
A bit more
I wish I could feel like you
When I fuck like you
Being sore
We left our eyes
Big surprise
Kiss me goodbye
It makes it more
That you work for
Every knuckle wiped into her
I know if I get more style
I will never get what I want
Inside of her
And this gift of mine
Resing, restring, unwind
My eyes are closed
A part of me gets pissed, a part of me gets sore
And it makes it more
That you worked for
Every knuckle wiped into her
I know if I get more style
I will never get what I want
Inside of her
A part of me gets sick, a part of me gets sore
A part of me gets sick
A part of me gets sick, a part of me gets sore
A part of me gets...
...Inside of her
A part of me gets sore, a part of me gets sick
A part of me gets so fucking sick
6. Root
To be forced under I look unto your home because
We gave our eyes but no one will yes I know because
To heed the cause I will be barred but you won\'t
He gets real high he\'s up inside We start to cry
Just because I\'m really poor, living in me is so poor
Deliver me... there
To be judged by one or licked by three
And your holes enclose
We gave our eyes but no one will yes I know because
To heed the cause I will be barred but you won\'t
He get\'s real high he\'s up inside We start to cry
Just because I\'m really poor, Living in me is so poor
Deliver me... up!
Cannont fuck to be me and you won\'t find me
And you won\'t find me and you will don\'t know me--psycho
I don\'t believe you will find me
And you won\'t find me and you will so come from--a psycho
I don\'t believe you will find me
And you won\'t find me and you will don\'t quit--psycho
I don\'t believe you will find me
I\'m in trouble playing god
I and me we go with Jesus in a bowl of dirt
Yeah, Yeah, so poor, I will fly
7. 7 Words
I\'ll never be the same, breaking decency
Don\'t be tree trunk, don\'t fall on my living roots
I\'ve been humming too many words, got a weak self esteem
That\'s been stomped away from every single dream
But there\'s something else that brought us peace
Keep it all inside until we feel we can unleash
I think that you made it up, I think that your mind is gone
I think it should be glorified, now your wrong
Suck [12x] they fuck with my head
Suck [10x] suck it you pig
You and me are here alone face flat along the edge of the glass
Well I\'m not here to preach, I\'m just sick of thugs
My parents made me strong to lift up that glass
So why should I try, act like I\'m a little pissed off
With all that shit that needs to stay back in the shelf
Because your fuck ass made it up, your fucking mind is gone
Shoud\'ve never glorified, now your right
Suck [12x] they fuck with my head
Suck [10x] suck it you pig
Shut up you don\'t know me, shut up you don\'t know me
Squeal like a pig when you big fuckin, big fuckin, ape!!
Well I\'ll tell you about my false dad,
What\'s coming back jack, Well dirtbag
Curse for in their words
Whether not your fucking hurt
I\'m making no sense, what\'s coming as I jump in ya
I think I\'m something naughty or most anybody
So thinking of me by now but you go grab it
And I can\'t think for who I am this shit
I belong where they be, \'cause we can not give back those lives
We exist to cease - understand
That god hates blacks shades and all the players
Mr. P.I.G could I fuckin see
Sure already done crushed all of my brothers dignity
And to the jury can\'t be no turnerson my skin this color
Does that mean I\'m burned
Cause your fuck ass made it up, your fuckin mind was gone
Should\'ve never glorified, wrong!
Suck! [12x] they fuck with my head
Suck! [10x] suck it you pig
8. Birthmark
I\'d meet you in wrong
Bury all then I would be right with her
In whole, cherished by two
It makes you fly, yes I\'ll lie
God I\'ll even lick her fucking picture
In whole, drinks won\'t stain this birth
It\'s just me, I\'m bored
Carried lung now I could be right with her
In whole, cherished by two
It makes you fly, yes I\'ll lie
Drink one more so I could go right in her
In whole, drinks won\'t stain this birth
It makes you fly
In spite I want to lie
In spite I will lie
In spite I\'ll still lie
In spite!
9. Engine No.9
This ain\'t no motherfuckin stick up
Just pick the stick up and watch it roll real close
Rolling out my hand till it cracks to that fucking dome
Living of the curb that peels you from the curb
I lick the rest off do you dig, many in 93
Been making fools \'bout round, bumping around me
You\'ll want to run straight from underground
At the best walk the live from the verb
On the beats I won\'t see your fuckin whore
Peers I flow, and mother she
Won\'t drain herself and won\'t be caught to live
All live in a big world inside just because
My life is unrise wipe
The lyrical did did
Get straight quickley
Been making fools \'bout round, bumping round me
You\'ll want to see from underground
When no one else walks the live from the verb
Now come in and see you fuckin whore
Peers I flow and mother she
Won\'t drain herself and won\'t be caught to live
She did what, she did what, she did what
Just because my life is unrise wipe
The Lyrical did did
Last one wipe
Lyrical did
Begin in me because
My psycho wipe
What lyrical did
Stop the fucken wipe
The lyrical did
Big into the wipe
10. Fireal
We are beggers, we\'re blown
And I will meet you fourth floor
Then we\'ll make up -- no
No fist to fuckin save you from
You knock me out
I\'ll take the burden full blown
And then we\'ll, I\'ll be there -- no
Do you think I care?
No fist to fucking save you from
You knock me out
No fist to fuckin save you from
I\'m going home
Everything felt good
Everythings right at first
When I was cursed -- maddog
Life before I would shine down unshy
It comes from the first one I
While I watched you
Makes me sick, makes me go
I would shine
I want to be much then more
While I watch you
Life before I would shine down unshy
I want to be much then more
While I watch you
Life before I would shine down unshy
I want to be much than more, while I watch you
I wanna be much then more, while I watch you
I want to be much then more while I watch you
I, much more while I watch you
I want to be much then more while I watch you
11. Fist
Hello memory lover
You are mine
I gave everything I need you
And someday I\'ll be with her
I\'ll be with you
I will I\'m so dead
You\'re the first star
You\'re the one who sees it all
I know I\'m so tired and sick