 I'm still too tired to care/And I gotta go...Именно этими словами и последним проигрышем пианино мы все завершали прослушивание альбома Come What(ever) May, несомненно, лучшего альтернативного альбома 2006 года. А теперь давайте вернемся в май 2006. Да, утечка песен и информации, появление нелепейших слухов, некоторые из которых стали правдой. Одним из таких "слухов" стало изменение трекл-иста альбома. Вместо 14 (первоначальный) песен было объявлено 12 (финальный).Гневу фэнов не было предела: что же это, из-за какой-то Hell & Consequences убрали аж 4 песни? И ЧТО это были за песни? Впрочем, одну из них раскрыли покупателям японской версии альбома. Это был шок...Вторую нашли покупатели великобританской версии сингла Through Glass и...все. Больше таким путем песни не выпускали.
К чему такая прелюдия? Просто, чтобы понять ПРИЧИНУ выпуска диджипака, надо было углубиться в историю создания альбома, а также в события 18 октября прошлого года (что вы все, естественно, помните) ,которые довольно сильно повлияли на создание контента диска. Первая дата релиза была объявлена как "сентябрь 2007".Потом она стала сдвигаться к лету. И только в марте было объявлено, что он выйдет. И выйдет весной. Фэны стали зачеркивать дни на календариках. Точная дата релиза была объявлена в мае.26 июня состоится мировой релиз (только потом подправили немного, но результат вы все знаете). Впрочем, вступление затянулось...
Итак, новая версия альбома (или как его гордо называют Special Edition), состоит из двух дисков, упакованных в двойную digipak-коробку. Для Roadrunner это уже стандарт, так что удивляться и восхищаться не стоит. Первый диск, собственно, сам альбом. Второй –
бонусный DVD (не наводит ли это на мысли о том, что Roadrunner в ближайшее время не стремиться выпускать полноценный DVD Stone Sour?).Справедливости ради рекорд-лейбл даже сделал пометку на обложке, что это Special Edition и изменил ее. Теперь вместо тех странных людей в старых костюмах и с биноклями, на вас с передней обложки смотрит сама группа (владельцы русской лицензии альбома – откройте в буклете альбома страницу с текстами песен Socio и 1st Person, справа вы и увидите обложку подсудимого). Правда не в обложке-то дело (хотя, как говорят, "встречают по одежке"). Кстати буклет, который прилагается к диску, взят из обычного Come What(ever), только добавили еще 4 страницы.
Получив материал чисто русским путем (вы все понимаете о чем я), я начал сразу знакомиться с аудио-частью. Итак, казалось бы, с аудио-частью все в порядке. 12 альбомных + 6 бонусных треков. Слухи о том, что на диджипаке будут сингловые версии песен Sillyworld, Made of Scars и Through Glass не подтвердились. Однако сюрпризы начались на песне Zzyzx Rd. Фэны и просто все те, кому пришелся альбом по вкусу помнят, что последняя песня была самой долгой(5:02).Так в диджипаке привычный Зизикс Роуд идет на минуту короче и отличается самой постановкой песни (двойной вокал, больший уклон в его сторону и сокращение пианинных партий).И тут поехало...Песня Suffer является "приветом от Hell & Consequences" – ибо и тематика песни, и ее стиль очень похожи (тем кто не верит, просмотрите лирику этих песен).Fruitcake – поначалу кажется, что это второй Your God, но после первого припева понимаешь, что это нечто другое (хотя с Your God их роднит пост-гранджевый стиль исполнения). The Day I Let Go – на мой взгляд это песня, которую без прочтения лирики и вдумчивого и упорного прослушивания не поймешь. Если на нее "посмотреть" поверхностно, то это тот же Cardiff. А если поглубже, то это песня, которая еще больше подчеркивает арт-хаусную стилистику альбома. Freeze Dry Seal – "привет от Socio".Ситуация, как и с Suffer.С "Социо" – эту песню роднит смысл и стиль исполнения. Особняком от всех стоит Wicked Game. Дело в том, что она не была написана НИ ОДНИМ участником группы. Это просто акустический кавер на самую известную песню Криса Айзека. Причем Кори так проникся её смыслом, что кавер получился ЛУЧШЕ(!!!) оригинала. Завершающий трек, The Frozen – подобие Omega с первого альбома. Бонус-треки отлично вписываются в стилистику альбома и не разрушают той атмосферы, которую создавал альбом.
Куда более многообещающим должен был стать DVD, прилагаемый к альбому. Ведь Roadrunner пошла на беспрецедентный шаг. Поместить на DVD не только клипы, но еще и ПОЛНЫЙ концерт ,записанный в России. Судя по всему, с релизом диджипака можно не ждать DVD Ramp'2006.В мои руки попала НЕМЕЦКАЯ версия диджипака, которая отличается от американской отсутствием одного клипа (Made of Scars). Меню диска состоит из 5 пунктов – Play all; 30/30-150; Through Glass; Sillyworld; Live in Moscow. К клипам нет НИКАКОГО нарекания. Чуть ли не HD качество клипов действительно впечатляет. А вот с московским лайвом все обстоит куда хуже...Roadrunner решили не утруждать себя и взяли...нет, с чего вы взяли, что бутлег? Лейбл взял про-шот, который транслировался по каналу A-one. Вот только, что кстати странно, во время выхода группы на сцену НЕ играет интро. Казалось бы мелочь, мелочь, но неприятно. А вот к звуковой части лайва претензий нет никаких. Толпа, голос Кори, гитары, ударные, все вместе...при наличии хороших колонок можно получить настоящий эффект присутствия. Качество картинки тоже радует (видно сам диск рассчитывался под телевизоры с высоким разрешением, иначе как объяснить, что на мониторе и HD-телевизорах все смотрится божественно, а на кинескопных чуть ли не отвратно. Не смею утверждать, что так будет и американской версии, т.к. она международная).Общее мнение о DVD двоякое: с одной стороны мы имеем огромный довесок к и без того отличному альбому. А с другой лейбл мог подобрать материала побольше (на диджипаках Chimaira всегда бонусов столько, что потянет на полноценный DVD), а также показать ДРУГУЮ запись концерта в Москве и добавить документалку о пребывании группы в столице.
Итог такой. За аудио часть со спокойной душой ставлю 10 баллов из 10. Все на месте, а наличие НАСТОЛЬКО мощных бонус-треков рассеет все сомнения об авторских способностях группы. А вот поставить однозначно оценку DVD нельзя. На одной части весов отличное качество подобранных материалов и наличие полного концерта. А с другой реализация всего этого. В общем DVD получает 7 из 10.Будем ждать третий альбом группы...
Is this what you want?!
This is where it begins
This is where it ends
This is where it begins
And this is where it ends
They called us a dead generation, they told us that we wouldn't survive
They left us alone in the maelstrom
As you can see we're all barely alive
We know where you are and were coming
Lets see you say that shit to our face
30/30-150 Remembers 30/30-150 HATES
In my own peculiar way I feel mercurial
Before I get ahead of myself again
I know the where but I still don't know the when
You wanna live in a one sided world
Be prepared for a whole other herd
Now with the grand facade
I dont want to be an angel
I just want to be GOD
They called us a dead generation, they told us that we wouldn't survive
They left us alone in the maelstrom
As you can see we're all barely alive
We know where you are and were coming
Lets see you say that shit to our face
30/30-150 Remembers 30/30-150 HATES (HATES)
I am a fucking machine fueled by the past
Memory's a memory until it's a fact
I can bury the hatchet and let some shit go
But I got too many grudges to hold!
Saw a lot of people die in the end
I never want to walk that road again
Now I will never give up
I don't want to have it all, I JUST WANT TO HAVE ENOUGH
This is where it begins
This is where it ends
This is where it begins
And this is where it ends
They called us a dead generation, they told us that we wouldn't survive
They left us alone in the maelstrom
As you can see we're all barely alive
We know where you are and were coming
Lets see you say that shit to our face
30/30-150 Remembers 30/30-150 HATES
Come What(ever) May
Can you take away every single day?
That we have given to another false prophet
Can you give us all a reason not to fall?
Before you take away another broken promise
Show your pretty face
Hide the bitter taste
You’re still the rapist of an entire nation
You wanna be the man you gotta beat the man
But you were nothing but a sad insinuation
How can we ever live this down?
How can we ever live this down?
Keep your fingers crossed
The truth is at a lost
Big decision for an ordinary coward
The only problem is your fucking rhetoric
We’re more in danger then before you took power
Now it’s just a game
God you'll never change
You’d sell us out if you could only find a buyer
You don’t give a shit
As long as idiots
Are in your corner you could set us all on fire
How can we ever live this down?
How can we ever live this down?
You never wanted to be
They only wanted a parody
You want the world to be free
But what the hell is free about it?!
Now we reached the end
Just get it over with
But this is building to an adament conclusion
Come what ever may
There’s gonna be a day
When we have figured out a possible solution
Every thing you've done
Is killing everyone
A little smile on a homicidal bastard
You wanna be a man
You gotta have a plan
Another failure is a guarenteed disaster
How can we ever live this down?
How can we ever live this down?
You never wanted to be
They only wanted a parody
You want the world to be free
She only wanted the world
You never wanted me
They only wanted a parody
You want the world to be free
But what the fuck is free about it?!
What the fuck is free about it?!
What the fuck is free about it?!
Hell & Consequences
I’m not a victim,
till I let you take me down.
I'm not a target at the sites of your mercy,
I never asked for anything,
I'm not asking now.
I will not be afraid,
I will not be afraid.
I've done this on my own
and I don’t care what you do to me,
I won't hand over what is mine
I've done this for too long,
to let you take it away from me,
it's to late to stop me
cause I refuse to die.
I havent weakened just because i've shown my self
i've taken everything, except everything that’s forgranted
I'll leave hypocrisy for everybody else
I will not be afraid
I will not be afraid,
I've done this on my own
and I don’t care what you do to me,
I won't hand over what is mine
I've done this for too long,
to let you take it away from me,
it's to late to stop me
cause I refuse to die.
I’m not a problem
untill you make one out of spite
I'll give you hell and consequences for trying,
don’t want an enemy,
I will not be afraid,
I will not be afraid,
I've done this on my own
and I don’t care what you do to me,
I won't hand over what is mine
I've done this for too long,
to let you take it away from me,
it's to late to stop me
cause I refuse to die.
I've done this on my own
and I don’t care what you do to me,
I won't hand over ,
I won't hand over what is mine
I've done this for too long,
to let you take it away from me,
it's to late to stop me
cause I refuse
I refuse... to die.
I refuse to die!
Freedom's just a word today
Freedom's just a word
When someone takes your word away it's seldom ever heard
So take a sentence full of things you're not supposed to say
Carry on, but don't write it down or you'll be gone
Love is just a song today
Love is just a song
When someone takes the song away
you seldom sing along
So take those lyrics serious and sing your life away
Carry on, but don't write 'em down or they'll be gone
All we ever do is talk
We like to ride but we never walk
We make it so damn easy
We get bored
Why can't anybody see what's good for you is good for me
I can't take your sillyworld
I can't take your sillyworld no more
Peace is just two fingers now
Peace was just a phase
When someone put it on a shirt
*you knew to count the days
So take those fingers tape 'em up and shove 'em up your ass and carry on but don't try it now cause peace is gone
All we ever do is talk
We like to ride but we never walk
We make it so damn easy
We get bored
Why can't anybody see what's good for you is bad for me
I can't take your sillyworld
I can't take your sillyworld no more
We fight our instincts
We go to extremes
We fight our instincts
We go to extremes
We fought a lot (x13)
Made of Scars
This one came from looking
This one opened twice
These two seem as smooth as silk, flush againt my eyes
This one needed stiches and
This one came from rings
This one isn't even there, but I feel it more because you don't care
Yeah, Cut right into me
Yeah, Cause I am Made Of Scars
Yes I am made of scars
This one had it comming
This one found a vein
This one was an accident, but never gave me pain
This one was my fathers and
This one you can't see
This one had me scared to death, But I guess I should be glad I'm not dead!!
Yeah, Cut right into me
Yeah, I am made of scars
Yes, I am made of scars
God, Don't you believe it
And I will find a way
Everything you are I will betray
Oooh, I swear that I will find a way
Everything you are's inside me
This one was the first one
This one had a vice
This one here I like to rub on dark and stormy nights
This one was the last one,
I don't remember how
But I remember blood and rain
Yeah, Cut right into me
Yeah, Cause I am made of scars
Yes, I am made of scars
That's what I'm made of!!
I'm walking through your streets
I'm looking in your windows
I am elemental now
You'll never even know I'm there
I'm watching over you
I'm living in the shadows
I'm just a word to you
But I am very real
And cold...
Cold to all of this
Cold to how you feel
Cold to all your lose of reason
I'm all there is to know
I'm all that you've forgotten
I'am enigmatic now
You never even knew my name
I'm dressed tragedy
I'm by design immortal
I'm just the last one left
I'm always here and old...
Old and very strong
Old as all you feel
Old as all the world around you
REBORN (This is the start of something)
REBORN (This is the start of something)
REBORN (This is the start of something)
I'm just a secret now
I'm just a vague illusion
I' a lie you tell yourself
That you never truly did believe
I'm a whisper in the dark
I'm a victim and the killer
I'm almost ready now
But you insist that I dont exist...
That I don't exist...
That I don't exist...
That I don't... EXIST
REBORN (This is the start of something)
REBORN (This is the start of something)
REBORN (This is the start of something)
Your God
What am I supposed to do now?
Reveal to me this ugly thing
I must've meddled by your head
It's getting out of hand again
Nobody sees it, but I can
You thought of everything, I bet
But did you think that I might die?
I haven't really smiled, and I don't know how long you know
Something's going to give again, somethings going to give again
I try to fight, but did you listen?
Even though you're gone, I'm never finished
I can never be your God
And I don't even think I want the job, anymore.
Say something, anything to me.
I did believe, but I have doubts
So many reasons to hold on
Conflicting interest is not it
I guess I'm better off in the end
Coz you were always there to blame
I havent' felt so bad, and I don't know how long you know
I can't get away again, I can't get away again..
I try to fight, but did you listen?
Even though you're gone, I'm never finished
I can never be your God
And I don't even think I want the job, anymore. (x2)
What am I supposed to now?
How am I supposed to live now?
All I ever did was try, but the story ends
So I guess I'ma have to die
Where am I supposed to go now?
Go ahead, and go away (x4)
Go away.
What am I supposed to now?
How am I supposed to live now?
All I ever did was try, but the story ends
So I guess I'ma have to die
What am I supposed to now?
How am I supposed to live now?
What am I supposed to Now?
How am I supposed to live Now?
How am I supposed to live?
Through Glass
I'm looking at you through the glass
Don't know how much time has passed
Oh God it feels like forever
But no one ever tells you that forever feels like home
Sitting all alone inside your head
How do you feel, that is the question
But I forget, you don't expect an easy answer
When something like a soul becomes initialized
And folded up like paper dolls and little notes
You can't expect a bit of hope
so while you're outside looking in
Describing what you see
Remember what you're staring at is me
'Cause I'm looking at you through the glass
Don't know how much time has passed
All I know is that it feels like forever
But no one ever tells you that forever feels like home, sitting all alone inside your head
How much is real, so much to question
An epidemic of the mannequins
Contaminating everything
When thought came from the heart
but never did right from the start
Just listen to the noises
- null and void instead of voices
Before you tell yourself
It's just a different scene
Remember its just different from what you've seen
I'm looking at you through the glass
Don't know how much time has passed
And all I know is that it feels like forever
But no one ever tells you that forever
Feels like home, sitting all alone inside your head
cause' I'm looking at you through the glass
Don't know how much time has passed
And all I know is that it feels like forever
But no one ever tells you that forever
Feels like home, sitting all alone inside your head
And it's the stars
The stars that shine for you
And it's the stars
The stars that lie to you
And it's the stars
The stars that shine for you
And it's the stars
The stars that lie to you
I'm looking at you through the glass
Don't know how much time has passed
Oh God it feels like forever
But no one ever tells you that forever feels like home
Sitting all alone inside your head
'Cause I'm looking at you through the glass
Don't know how much time has passed
All I know is that it feels like forever
But no one ever tells you that forever feels like home
Sitting all alone inside your head
(REFRAIN) [2x]
*and it's the stars
the stars that shine for you
and it's the stars
the stars that lie to you
and it's the stars
the stars that shine for you
and its the stars
the stars that lie to you
who are the stars, who are the stars that lie!
I remember now, but I still have my doubts
I think it's gonna be today
Everybody came, but it's just not the same
Why did it have to be today?
Now my chest is tight - no, I am not all right
It doesn't have to be this way
Why does it have to be this way?
Freedom in a cage - no sun and too much rage
I don't know how much i can take
Push it down inside,but it knows just where to hide
I know that "normal" is hard to fake
BLeeding into life - it's like a thousand knives
Are slowly turning me into this
Why does it have to be like this?
I lost again, today...
1st Person
Why - is everything so grey - is everything so strange
is everything so thrown together by mistake?
Why - is everything so contrite - is everything a plight
is everything so insincere and out of sight?
I wanna make it a way - I wanna make it a waste
I wanna make it a gross misadventure
I WANNA MAKE YOU...lie to me...lie to me...
When - did everything go bad - did everything fall flat
Did everything decay and lose itself so fast?
When - did everything succumb - did everything go numb
Did everything lobotomize what it's become?
I wanna show you the way - I wanna show you the waste
I wanna show you the worst misadventure
I WANNA SHOW YOU HOW TO...die for me...die for me...
I wanna give it a way - I wanna give it the waste
I wanna give it the worst misadventure
lie to me...die for me...
Now - everything's a lie - everything's your lie
Everything's a face inside another lie
Now - everything's a side - everything's one side
Everything depends on just which side you're on...
This fluid feels like pain.
This stoic mood is all in vain.
I reach into the dark.
I tear this suddenly apart.
How many years ago.
How many deaths I can’t let go.
My flesh is temporary.
My god, extraordinary.
You can't kill my mind. A man delivered,
Can never make his way in darkness. I
Know tonight will end, but I won’t give
This life away again.
Shifting through the seam to breathe.
Oh my father called to me.
This smoke is in my blood.
This song is just no good.
Save me from my bitterness.
Give me if I did my best.
Shock this system full of shit.
Lock this fucker lost in it.
You can't kill my mind. A man delivered,
Can never make his way in darkness. I
Know tonight will end, but I won’t give
This life away. I won’t give this life away again.
A man surrendered, can never find his own forgiveness.
I know my life will end, but I won’t give tonight away.
I won’t give tonight away again.
Whoa, yeah, yeah…
This fluid feels like pain.
This ruin feels like rain.
I’ll reach into the past.
My futures fading fast.
How many years ago.
How many I’ll go.
My flesh is all I have.
My face is up in stares.
This smoke is in my blood.
This life is not enough. (2x)
Zzyzx Rd.
I don't know how else to put this.
It's taking me so long to do this.
I'm falling asleep and I can't see straight.
My muscles feel like a melee,
My body's curled in a U-shape.
I put on my best, but I'm still afraid.
Propped up by lies and promises.
Saving my place as life forgets.
Maybe it's time I saw the world.
I'm only here for a while.
And patience is not my style,
And I'm so tired that I got to go.
Where am I supposed to hide now?
What am I supposed to do?
Did you really think I wouldn't see this through?
Tell me I should stick around for you.
Tell me I can have it all.
I'm still too tired to care and I got to go.
I get to go home in one week.
But I'm leaving home in three weeks.
They throw me a bone just to pick me dry.
I follow the suted directions.
I crawl up inside for protection.
I'm told what to do and I dont know why.
I'm over existing in limbo
I'm over the myths and placebos
I dont really mind if I just fade away
I'm ready to live with my family.
I'm ready to die in obscurity
Cause im so tired that I got to go.
Where am I supposed to hide now?
What am I supposed to do?
You still don't think I'm gonna see this through.
Tell me I'm a part of history.
Tell me I can have it all.
I'm still too tired to care and I got to go.
(6x) I'm still too tired to care and I got to go.
Ah Come on!
You won't admit it but it's true
I'm happy without you
I turn away and let your drama pull you in
You always said I was a fool
But something carried through
I never wanna see your face again
So many problems left behind
I'm sorting out my mind
This idiot has turned into a better man
I found my soul in someone else
It doesn't feel like hell
Doesn't make me wanna kill myself
(No! No!)
I have every right to hate you
(No! No!)
I have every right to hate you
I was leaving, Stop believing
That I end up right back in your arms
Now i'm bleeding, fucking seething
I was through with you a long time ago
Some people suffer for no reason
But they're the ones to blame
So walk away and let it go and save yourself
Before you tell yourself a lie
Just tell that one goodbye
How much more can you take before you fucking die?
(No! No!)
I have every right to hate you
(No! No!)
I have every right to hate you
I was leaving, Stop believing
That I end up right back in your arms
Now i'm bleeding, fucking seething
I was through with you a long time ago
(No no no no)
(No! No!)
I have every right to hate you
(No! No!)
I have every right to hate you
I was leaving, Stop believing
That I end up right back in your arms
Now i'm bleeding, fucking seething
I was through with you a long time ago
Suffer! Suffer! Suffer! Suffer!
I got a pit in my stomach so tight
I wish I never had a blast that night
I can hear 'em through the walls, for me
I try to run but they always find me
All in all, this is all i can take
What I felt was my first mistake, but
Broken out, I must've wilted, cuz
Everything's all tilted
I keep a little place in the back of my mind
I take a little trip, and they use em along
But as soon as I can, I find another reason again
Hang around like a head on a leash
Keep it all just a little out of arms reach
I can hear em through the walls, for me
I try to run but they always find me
Now I know why I can't go in on the blues (????)
Have a different set of keys again, but
Broken out, I must've wilted, cuz
Everythings all tilted
I keep a little place in the back of my mind
I take a little trip, and they use em along
But as soon as I can, I find another reason again
I keep a little place in the back of my mind
I take a little trip, and they use em along
But as soon as I can, I find another reason again
Oh, you don't wanna hurt me...
You don't wanna hurt me...
You don't wanna hurt me, Anymore
Bring it on, one time...
I'm the one with a skeleton face
I'm the one with deform and disgrace
And I can hear through the walls, for me
Try to run but they always find me
I never wanted it to end this way
I wish I had a little more to say, but
Broken out, I must've wilted, cuz
Everythings all tilted
I keep a little place in the back of my mind
I take a little trip, and they use em along
But as soon as I can, I find another reason again
I keep a little place in the back of my mind
I take a little trip, and they use em along
But as soon as I can, I find another reason again
Oh, you don't wanna hurt me...
You don't wanna hurt me...
You don't wanna hurt me, Anymore
Bring it on, one time...
Then take it away...
Oh, take it away
The Day I Let Go
What a waste of my life this is
Every altercation I permit
Is like a quiet sun
From the memories
He tried to replace that was never his
All the hours alone
Even in a world where I belong
Every second stays
Every minute counts against my sentance
I Faught - I had to let you go
What I tried to accomplished died
Every offer of faith i had to fight
And the dream unfolds
The moon is cold because the sun left early
And the days go by
Even when my conscious just won't try
Every week decays
Every mouth is rotten
I am forgotten
I Faught - I had to let you go
I Faught - The mind is all i know
I Faught - The table turns to dust
I Faught - Today I let go of my trust
What a waste of a time i am
Every Ounce of life is just dead flesh
I can't forget then again I can't let me remember
When i tried to speak
Every word i said comes out so bleak
I don't want this
I don't want you but i don't want anyone
I don't want anyone
I Faught - I had to let you go
I Faught - The mind is all i know
I Faught - The table turns to dust
I Faught - Today I let go of my trust
I let go of my trust
I let go of my trust
I let go of my trust
I let go of my trust....
Freeze Dry Seal
My face is horried
And i'm constantly sloutching
My place is lowered
So i'm constantly crouching
I don't believe it
I saw the man again
And he won't hear another word I say
I had illusions so I'm constantly shouting
I have complosions so i'm constantly counting
I don't believe it
There goes my world again
And i don't understand a word i say
Oh, just because i'm paranoid
It doesn't mean i'm not annoyed
And just because i'm not prepared
It doesn't mean i'm not aware
The smoke is infanant
I'm constantly panting
The truth is eminent
I'm constantly ranting
I don't believe it
I took a chance again
and people I don't know won't let it go
I got some problems
So i'm constantly bitching
I got some rashes
So i'm constantly itching
I don't believe it
Forgot the pills again
And i just woke up million miles from home
Oh, Just because I seem sadated
Doesn't mean I'm not irradiated
Just because i'm not immunic
Doesn't mean i'm scared of you
Oh just...Because
Oh just because i'm incomplete
doesn't mean i'm not obsolete
And just because i'm not of you
Doesn't mean i'm not like you
I'm not like you
I'm not like you
I'm not like you
I'm not like..
Wicked Game
The world was on fire
No one could save me but you.
Strange what desire will make foolish people do
I never dreamed that I'd meet somebody like you
And I never dreamed that I'd lose somebody like you
No, I don't want to fall in love
[This love is only gonna break your heart]
No, I don't want to fall in love
[This love is only gonna break your heart]
With you
With you
What a wicked game you play
To make me feel this way
What a wicked thing to do
To let me dream of you
What a wicked thing to say
You never felt this way
What a wicked thing to do
To make me dream of you
v And I don't wanna fall in love
[This love is only gonna break your heart]
And I don't want to fall in love
[This love is only gonna break your heart]
{World was on fire
No one could save me but you
Strange what desire will make foolish people do
I never dreamed that I'd love somebody like you
I never dreamed that I'd lose somebody like you
No I don't wanna fall in love
[This love is only gonna break your heart
No I don't wanna fall in love
[This love is only gonna break your heart]
With you
With you
Nobody loves no one
The Frozen
The girls on the streets all look sad in this golden crested little town.
Why is that?
Isn’t this the town of dreams?
Yeah, but it comes with a price.
It’s a town that never does anything and yet it takes all the credit.
A place that promises so much, but never has a thing to say, or a care in the world.
There’s no memory here.
No dream for itself but the dreams of others.
And all over the world you talk about a place you’ve only seen in re-runs. Immortalized for its’ vice and deified for its’ carnage.
There’s money in the air there, all you have to do is reach up and grab it.
In basements, garages, parking lots, empty lots, school yards, town cars, back rooms and more; Diamonds are fashion from expectations and fortified on a steady diet of simple lives and red carpets.
The ejaculating zeitgeist and night vision.
Culture is a punch line, an emotionist blood in the water.
The sharks here play games you can’t fathom.
But you flock here anyway.
On college money and credit cards.
Spend a week bullshitting yourself that it was all true, all of it, just to watch in horror as it all falls to pieces under the gravity of reality.
The starry eyes fade as it dawns on you; nothing is guaranteed.
You were part of the great divide; the chosen, or the frozen.
Now you’re miles away without a net. Your college money is a collage of debt and your credit cards are all snapped in fucking half.
Time to wander a landscape bereft of mercy.
This is now the back lot of your failed movie, a waking dream re-written without your permission.
The real luster, the soft focus, the soap-opera vision is just the hindsight of a world who’s been lied to, of sad surfs, and untouchable lords.
You took a chance didn’t you?
But chance didn’t have a part for you this time around, maybe next life.
And you can’t even walk home.
The girls on the streets all look sad in this cardboard, cut out little town.
No wonder.
That’s the only thing here that’s real.
The gold is for fools, and paradise is lost but the hungry have never bothered with the cost.
Day by day they fall away like rose petals, like ink that won’t dry or fade. It just runs wild down cracks and crevasses, grooves and folds.
So I hope someone saves you before you get cold.
I really do.
Because the girls are all sad in this little black book.
If you don’t believe me, take a closer look.
If you can.