9 дек 2013 : Новый альбом SELIM LEMOUCHI & HIS ENEMIES доступен для прослушивания
"Earth Air Spirit Water Fire", новый альбом SELIM LEMOUCHI & HIS ENEMIES, новой группы, основанной лидером THE DEVIL’S BLOOD, доступен для прослушивания ниже:
01. Chiaroscuro
02. Next Stop, Universe B.
03. The Deep, Dark Waters
04. The Ghost Of Valentine
05. Molasses
* Ries Doms: Drums
* Micha Haring: Drums
* Hans van de Perre: Drums
* Hansz Deijnen: Drums
* Job van de Zande: Bass
* Milko Bogaard: Vocals, Mini Moog and Mellotron
* Robby Geerings: FX, Drum-Synth, Guitar
* Oeds Beydals: Guitar
* Farida Lemouchi: Vocals
From rock based music to completely over the top noise, black metal, psychedelic rock to acoustic, more singer/songwriter oriented material.
From the intensely loud and abrasive to the thoughtful and fragile.
It is up to the moment and the fickle nature of inspiration to decide in what direction Selim will be pushed.
The Enemies:
With such an unorthodox approach to content and form it was clear from the start that The Enemies could not be a band in the traditional sense. It shall always be the goal to create a different reality with each performance and therefore Selim will strive to bring different artists to the stage constantly. Not only in order to get the right man/woman for the job whenever possible but also to add to the uncertainty-factor. Improvisation and creative re-arrangement will be the only constant.