12 дек 2013 : Новая песня ETHERSENS
"To Live Is To Forget", новая песня французской авангард-металл-группы ETHERSENS, доступна для прослушивания ниже. Она взята из выходящего на Scarlet Records альбома "Your Wandering Ghost", в который войдут восемь новых композиций.
«Этот альбом намного мрачнее "Ordinary Days", он действительно основан на напряжённости и всём том, через что мы прошли при его создании. Это было долгое путешествие туда, где группа осталась жить, так что мы можем с полным правом сказать, что для нас началась новая эра, — говорит гитарист-основатель Mickael André. — Это концептуальная запись об отношении двух людей, принявших трагический поворот. И она очень личная для нашей вокалистки Laurent Mora».
So, while composing, EtHERSENS decide to record all by themselves during 2005/2006.
The result is called "Ordinary Days", released in 2008 through Italian label Scarlet Records, and set the begining of the band's way to introduce their music where lyrics, artwork, words, colours and every single note is a part of a whole thing.
Critical acclaim for “Ordinary Days”:
-Voted album of the month by Rock Hard Italy
- ”A very mature first album by a very promising band” (Vs-webzine)
The album is a musical journey into the deepest murky and tumbling waters of everyone's life and everything that involves such as questionings, certitudes, love, pain. The Human nature to tell roughly. Emotions are at the heart of this album, they tend toward the light or toward the bottom of the deep.
With this first effort, EtHERSENS is seen like an innovative band able to mix heavy progressive metal and dark music, also, the first desire of the five fellows is to move people with an highly emotional music. That's why their album " Ordinary Days " is regarded as a " true must have " for every fans of Pain of Salvation, Opeth, Katatonia, Dark Tranquillity, Neurosis and Nevermore.
However, after several concerts EtHERSENS change their line-up which sets back all their projects.
Indeed, Stephane and Fred leave the band in 2009. Laurent take the place of Stephane on vocals and the bass player Remy join the rest of the band few months later.
Then, they are ready to compose some new material, while playing some gigs here and there so they can let people know they're still alive !
Greatly influenced by metal on their first album, EtHERSENS now turn towards a lighter and more intense atmosphere inspired by alternative rock bands such as Porcupine Tree, Karnivool but also Pearl Jam, Alice In Chains...
Finally, in January 2013, EtHERSENS record their new album “Your Wandering Ghost” with Julien Soula at Antistatic Studios.
The second full length album is a concept album with a whole story that runs through eight tracks. It talks about a relationship between two people which takes a tragic turn, a story about a lost love which tends to re-born into death, regrets and sorrow. So, a dark topic for a music that waves between something smooth, ethereal, in a sensitive climate and also something full of tension and angry.
EtHERSENS had been through hard times to give birth to that new album, some moments that - for sure - give this album its raw and abrasive feeling ...