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9 ноя 2024

Новый релиз CRIPPLED BLACK PHOENIX доступен для прослушивания
 'The Wolf Changes Its Fur But Not Its Nature', новый релиз CRIPPLED BLACK PHOENIX, доступен для прослушивания ниже.
Album Credits:
All songs on The Wolf Changes Its Fur But Not Its Nature are rerecorded songs from previous Crippled Black Phoenix releases.
We Forgotten Who We Are:
(Music - Greaves, Words - Volk)
Justin Greaves - Drums, Guitars, Samples
Belinda Kordic - Vocals
Justin Storms - Vocals
Matt Crawford - Bass
Helen Stanley - Piano, Synth
Andy Taylor - Guitar
You Put The Devil In Me:
(Music - Greaves, Words - Volk)
Justin Greaves - Drums, Guitar, Saw
Belinda Kordic - Vocals
Kostas Panagiotou - Accordian, Piano, Hammond
Matt Crawford - Bass
Andy Taylor - Guitar
(Music - Greaves, Words - Storms/Volk)
Justin Greaves - Drums, Guitars, Samples
Justin Storms - Vocals
Belinda Kordic - Backing Vocals
Kostas Panagiotou - Piano
Matt Crawford - Bass
Robin Tow - Additional Drums
Martin Hyde - Additional Drums
Goodnight, Europe (Pt2):
(Music - Greaves, Words - Kordic)
Justin Greaves - Drums, Guitar
Belinda Kordic - Vocals
Kostas Panagiotou - Piano, Accordian
Matt Crawford - Bass
Song For The Unloved:
(Music - Greaves, Words - Patterson)
Justin Greaves - Synth, Drums, Guitars, Samples, Bass
Ryan Patterson - Vocals
Belinda Kordic - Vocals
Georg Paco Nitschke - Saxophone, Synth; vocoder
Robin Tow - Additional Drums
Helen Stanley - Piano, Synth
Andy Taylor - Guitar
(Music - Greaves, Words - Volk)
Justin Greaves - Drums, Guitar, Ebow, Acoustic Guitar
Belinda Kordic - Vocals
Helen Stanley - Trumpet
Kostas Panagiotou - Piano
Wesley J. Wasley - Bass
Blizzard Of Horned Cats:
(Music - Greaves)
Justin Greaves - Drums, Guitars, Sample, Synth
Kostas Panagiotou - Piano, Hammond
Wesley J. Wasley - Bass
Recorded in 2023 at:
Chapel Studios, Lincolnshire.
Engineered by Pieter Rietkerk
Additional Vocal Sessions at:
Kapsylen Studio, Stockholm
Engineered by Jörgen Jugglo Wall.
House Of Foto, Louisville, KY
Engineered by Ryan Patterson
Additional Production Credits:
Mixed by Pieter Rietkerk
Mastered by Magnus Lindberg
Produced by Justin Greaves
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