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21 авг 2011

Детали нового ремикс-альбома DE/VISION
 30 сентября на PopgefahrRecords/Soulfood в Европе и Metropolis Records в Северной Америке, состоится выход нового ремикс-альбома DE/VISION "Popgefahr - The Mix". Он будет доступен в трех версиях с разными трек-листами, превью доступны на официальной Facebook-странице группы. Кроме того, 30 сентября в Европе состоится выход нового ЕР "Twisted story".
Трек-листы различных вариантов выглядят так:
CD 1 - German Edition
mAndroids (T.O.Y. Remix)
Remixed by: Volker Lutz, Germany
Rage (Mesh - Tantrum Mix)
Remixed by: Richard Silverthorn, United Kingdom
What's love all about (Unpleasantsurprise Mix)
Time to be alive (Decay Inc. Remix)
Plastic heart (Renegade of Noise Floor RMX by Daniel Myer)
Be a light to yourself (Iris Mix)
Ready to die (Strong Force Remix)
Flash of life (Intuition's Perfect Life Remix)
Twisted Story (Rob Dust Remix)
Until the end of time (Remix by ROTOSKOP)
CD 2 - German Edition
mAndroids (David Nemec Remix)
Rage (elEktrOartEfakt Mix by Telekommander)
What's love all about (Tenek Remix)
Time to be alive (e-gens Remix)
Plastic heart (Slave Republic Remix)
Be a light to yourself (360° Precious Mix)
Ready to die (Hearhere Mix)
Flash of life (Melanchoholic Mix)
Twisted Story (Tkach Rogue Mix)
Until the end of time (Until the end of mAndroids Com.pulsion Remix)
CD 1 - US Edition
. mAndroids (Intuition's Automatischer Mix)
Rage (Mesh - Tantrum Mix)
What's love all about (Raytracer Mix)
Time to be alive (Iris Mix)
Plastic heart (SideChain Moog Mix)
Be a light to yourself (Abysmal Mix)
Ready to die (Hearhere Remix)
Flash of life (Backscatter Remix by Solitary Experiments)
Twisted Story (Rob Dust Remix)
Until the end of time (Renegade Of Noise Stomp RMX by Daniel Myer)
CD 2 - US Edition
mAndroids (Nydhog Remix)
Rage (Naweed Mix)
What's love all about (Kant Kino Remix)
Time to be alive (BLITZMASCHINE pre-build mix)
Plastic heart (Neuroplastic Mix by Cold In May)
Be a light to yourself (Subsonique – Flashlight Remix)
Ready to die (Remix by ROTOSKOP)
Flash of life (Intuition's Perfect Life Remix)
Twisted Story (Tkach Rogue Mix)
Until the end of time (Timeless Rmx by Technomancer)
iTunes - exclusive bonus tracks (Эти три трека доступны эксклюзивно на сервисе iTunes и доступны для покупки по отдельности):
Time to be alive (Parralox Remix)
Until the end of time (Broken Transmission R.M.X)
Plastic heart (MNSXY Remix)
Трек-лист "Twisted Story" MCD:
Twisted Story (Tkach Radio Cut)
Twisted Story (Rob Dust Remix)
Until the end of time (Hearhere's Parship Edit)
Plastic Heart (Tritoxin Mix)
What's love all about (Panda's Dream Remix)
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