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26 янв 2013

THE DEVIL'S BLOOD развалились?
Гитарист Selim "SL" Lemouchi и вокалистка Farida "F. The Mouth из THE DEVIL'S BLOOD опубликовали следующее сообщение на официальном Facebook-профайле группы:
"По состоянию на 22 января THE DEVIL'S BLOOD вернулись в небытие. Все запланированные ритуалы отменены. Никаких интервью. Consummatum est.
-SL & F
"The Devil's Blood - 2007 / 2013"
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очень жаль.
After careful consideration The Devil's Blood has decided to cancel all their engagements between now and the summer of 2013.
Relentless touring and preparations for a new album have put a lot of pressure on the band, the band members as well as their families.
The Devil's Blood will take some time off from performing their rituals to further write new material in order to be fully prepared for recording a new album, scheduled for release in autumn.
The Devil's Blood regret if they have caused you any inconvenience, and the they are confident to return to the stage to perform their rituals again sometime later in the year.