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Only Europa Knows




КЗ Москва

Сет-лист Barditus :

  1. Herrentod 1919
  2. Ave Roma
  3. Ragnarok

Сет-лист Fire + Ice :

  1. Dragons in the Sunset
  2. Long Lankin
  3. Lord of Secrets
  4. Nimm
  5. Greyhead
  6. (Unknown)
  7. The Wind that Shakes the Barley
  8. Fractured Again
  9. Corpus Christi
  10. Call Up the Four Winds
  11. Rising of the Moon

Сет-лист :Of the Wand & the Moon: :

  1. Lucifer
  2. Lost in Emptiness
  3. A Pyre of Black Sunflowers
  4. Hold my hand
  5. Here's an Ode
  6. Shine Black Algiz
  7. Wonderful Wonderful Sun
  8. A Tomb Of Seasoned Dye
  9. I Crave for You
  10. Immer Vorwärts
  11. Watch The Skyline Catch Fire

Сет-лист Sonne Hagal :

  1. Ragnarök
  2. Vengeance
  3. The Three Ravens
  4. Midsummernight
  5. Silence (New song from upcoming release)
  6. Midwinternight
  7. (Unknown)
  8. Das letzte Lied
  9. Futhark

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Фото: Эдалиана

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Barditus Barditus Barditus Barditus Barditus Barditus Barditus Barditus Barditus Barditus Barditus Barditus Barditus Barditus Barditus Barditus Barditus Barditus Barditus Barditus


Fire + Ice

Fire + Ice Fire + Ice Fire + Ice Fire + Ice Fire + Ice Fire + Ice Fire + Ice Fire + Ice Fire + Ice Fire + Ice Fire + Ice Fire + Ice Fire + Ice Fire + Ice Fire + Ice Fire + Ice Fire + Ice Fire + Ice Fire + Ice Fire + Ice


Of the Wand and the Moon

Of the Wand and the Moon Of the Wand and the Moon Of the Wand and the Moon Of the Wand and the Moon Of the Wand and the Moon Of the Wand and the Moon Of the Wand and the Moon Of the Wand and the Moon Of the Wand and the Moon Of the Wand and the Moon Of the Wand and the Moon Of the Wand and the Moon Of the Wand and the Moon Of the Wand and the Moon


Sonne Hagal

Sonne Hagal Sonne Hagal Sonne Hagal Sonne Hagal Sonne Hagal Sonne Hagal Sonne Hagal Sonne Hagal Sonne Hagal Sonne Hagal Sonne Hagal Sonne Hagal Sonne Hagal Sonne Hagal Sonne Hagal Sonne Hagal Sonne Hagal Sonne Hagal Sonne Hagal Sonne Hagal


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опубликовано: 7 May 2013      просмотров:3709


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